HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-18PLANNING BOARD MEETING
May 18, 1959
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held in the Boards office, Town Office
Building, on'Monday, May 18, 1959 at 7:45 p.m.
Present were Chairman Abbott, Messrs, Grindle and
Mabee and Planning Director Snow. Mr. Soule was
present from 9:00 p.m. to the end of the meeting.
Mr. Carroll, Supt. of Public Works, was present
from 8:45 to 10:30 p.m. and Town Counsel Stevens
from 8:45 to 11:00 p.m.
Approved by the Board were the minutes of
its March 9, 1959 meeting.
The attention of the Board was called to the
May 18, 1959 letter of the Leeland Construction
Co., Inc. requesting a further extension of the
time in which the Board should act upon the appli-
cation for approval of the Battle Green Village
Section Three definitive plan. Thereupon, upon
motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
' VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from
the applicant the time of approval of the
definitive subdivision plan entitled
"Battle Green Village Section Three Lex-
ington, Mass.", dated April 23, 1957s, be
and hereby is further extended to and in-
cluding June 1, 1959
The Boardts attention was also called to
the Board of Healthts May 18, 1959 letter with
reference to the Oak Hill Estates, Sec. 2 sub-
division plan. All other matters appearing to
be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded,
it was unanimously
SEC . 3
SEC. 2
VOTED that the definitive subdivision plan en-
titled "Oak Hill Estates, Section Two
Lexington, Mass.", dated Feb. i}., 1959s
which was submitted to the Board by Wyn-
wood Associates, Inc. on March 23, 1959,
accompanied b7 an application for approval
of definitive plan Form C, dated March 18,
19591 be and hereby is approved subject to
the condition that no building or structure
shall be built or placed upon Lots #7, #11,
#161 #17, #18, and #46 without prior con-
sent of the Lexington Board of Health,
SEC . 3
SEC. 2
The Board approved the draft of a letter to '
MARSHALL Mr. Roger Marshall with reference to his proposal
REZONING that the local business district at Waltham Street
PROPOSAL and Marrett Road be expanded. (See addendum and
Planning Board minutes of May 4s 1959.)
Considered next and approved by the Board
HINDS was the draft of a letter to Messrs. Hinds and
REALTY Carye with reference to their request for informal
TRUST opinions regarding plans for the development of
lands of the Hinds Realty Trust adjacent to Cutler
CARYE Farm and Burns Roads in the Woodhaven development.
(See addendum and Planning Board minutes of March
17s 1959.)
Approved also by the Board was the draft of
a letter addressed to Mr. Albert C. Brun with
reference to request for a written offer for land
which the Planning Board recommended that the Town
acquire for recreational purposes. (See addendum
and Planning Board minutes of May lls 1959.)
After Mr. Stevens came to the meetings read
and discussed was Mr. Paul J. McCormack's May 16
1959 letter to the Board in regard to his proposal
to petition the Board of Appeals for variance to
locate an office building on the property numbered
789 Mass. Ave. in Lexington. From notes which were
dictated after the discussions Mr. Snow was asked
to prepare for the Board's consideration a draft
of a letter to Mr. McCormack in which it was
stated that the Planning Board did not believe that
a variance for the purpose of erecting a profes-
s'onal office building on this particular property
could legally be granted.
At 9:00 p.m. Messrs. N71ander and Trcpeano
met with the Board to discuss .the plans which the
Vine Brook Realty Trust had filed with the Board
of Appeals and upon which the Planning Board had
made a recommendation. (See minutes of Planning
Board meeting of Anril 27s 1959.) After a de-
tailed discussion of the many aspects of said
plans it was decided that a further conference in.
regard to the plans.would be advisable. Before
holding said conference it was agreed that said
Trust would file with the Planning Board a set of
plans which would include complete layout plans of
Worthen Road and the relocation of Waltham Street*
sewer plans# and the final proposed floor grades
of the apartment buildings. Among the items dis-
cussed was the proposed status of Captain Parker
Lane. It was decided that this was to be a drive-
5-18-59 -2-
way to service the apartment buildings and was not
to be considered as a private way. Thereupon
Messrs.. Nylander, Tropeano and Carroll left the
meeting at 10:15 p.m. After further discussion of
the Trust's site plan the Board was of the opinion
that the general layout scheme needed further study,
several buildings appearing not to be well related
to each other and others being too close together.
Considered next by the Board and discussed
with Mr. Stevens were the following Form A appli-
cations for Planning Board jurisdiction*
#59-39s submitted May 14, 1959 by Torsten
H. Reenstierna, Trustee Vine Brook Realty
Trust, by Alfred P. Tropeano, its Attorney,
plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,:
Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated April 28,
1959, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
#59-40, submitted May 14, 1959 by Torsten
H. Reenstierna, Trustee Vine Brook Realty
Trust, plan entitled "A Subdivision Land
Court Case No. 27677 Land in Lexington,
Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated April 28,
1959s Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
It was decided to withhold action on the
plan accompanying Form A #59-39 for the reason that
minor modifications were needed in the plan as sub-
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was
VOTED: that the plan accompanying application #59-40
does not require approval under Subdivision
Control Law and that the plan be so endorsed
with the notation that lot 4 does not con-
form to the minimum requirements of the Lex-
ington Zoning By-law.
With reference to the Board's planning ses-
sion held on May 6, 1959 Mr. Snow reported that he
had discussed with Mr. Stevens the Board's decision
to recommend to the Selectmen that lot 11 fronting
on Holton Road in the Patriot's Forest subdivision
be acquired for recreational purposes. Mr. Stevens
reported that he had discussed the matter with Mr.
' Harvey W. Newgent, owner of said lot, who indi-
cated willingness to dispose of the property. Mr.
Stevens suggested that the lot might be acquired
for the price of the 1958 taxes due the town for
said lot, the Selectmen requiring that the check
for the purchase price be endorsed by Mr. Newgent
and given to the Tax Collector for taxes due. Mr.
Stevens pointed out that when he discussed the ac-
quisition with the Selectmen there was some ques-
tion of the wisdom of acquiring said lot for
recreational purposes. It was decided that Mr.
Snow should prepare for tike Board's consideration a
memorandum in which he set forth his reasons for
recommending the acquisition of said lot.
After Mr. Stevens left the meeting there was
a review of current problems being considered by
the Board. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
Charles T. Abbott
* * * * i. !r *
May 19a 1959
Mr. Roger Marshall
Marshall & Sons, Inc.
315 Marrett Road
Lexington 73, Mass.
Dear Mr. Marshall:
The Planning Board has given further consideration
to your proposal that the local business district
at Waltham Street and Marrett Road be expanded to
include lots 76 and 77 fronting on Grapevine Avenue.
It is understood that the Marshall firm proposed to
use lot 77 for parking purposes and the existing
house thereon for an office, moving said house onto
lot 76.
As you will no doubt recall from the Board's dis-
cussion with you on May 4s 1Q59, it is contrary to
the policy of the Board to extend light industry
located in a local business district. With the ex-
ception of the baked goods,shop and baking in con—
nection with the same, it is the opinion of the Board '
that your firm's business, as it exists and as it is
proposed to expand, is light industrial in nature.
For this reason the Board would not be in favor of a
.3 -
proposal for rezoning lots 76 and 77 for the purposes
you have in mind.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Charles T. Abbott, Chairman
May 19, 1959
Mr. Edward H. Hinds, Trustee,
Hinds Realty Trust
19 Coolidge Hill Road
Watertown, Mass.
Dear Mr. Hinds:
The Lexington Planning Board has studied the two plans
which you left with the Board on March 17, 1959 and con-
cerning rich you desired informal opinions. As you note,
the first plan showing 89 lots consisting of 12,500 sq.
ft. or more and having only 100 feet of frontage does not
' conform with the minimum requirements of Lexington's
Zoning By-law. Lots in the area in which your land is
located are required to have 150 feet of frontage and a
minimum area of 30,000 square feet. One of the reasons
the Town set forth these requirements in zoning this and
other outlying land in Lexington was to provide large
enough lots for individual sewage disposal systems where
in general town sewers would or could not he constructed.
The Board would not be in favor of a proposal to rezone
the area which you wish to have subdivided for 100 foot
lots, particularly where in the Woodhaven area there is
now so much difficulty with individual sewage disposal
In regard to your second plan showing 36 lots having a
minimum of 150 feet of frontage and an area of 30,000
sq. ft., the proposed extension of Cutler Farm Road, as
you noted also, is some 2600 feet in length whereas
under Lexington's present subdivision rules and regula-
tions dead-end streets, permanently designed as such,
shall not be longer tr an 500 feet unless, in the opinion
of the Board, a greater length is necessitated by top-
ography or other local conditions. Cutler Farm Road, a
private way, is already over 800 feet in length. It is
the Planning Board's belief that it would not be in the
public interest and consistent with the Subdivision Con-
trol Law to waive the requirements of said subdivision
rules and regulations with reference to approving any
further extension of Cutler Farm Road.
In commenting further on your second plan, it would
appear that there would be drainage problems in con-
nection with the development of ,your land, both as to
constructing a road through the swampy area shown on
the plan and also in obtaining rights to flow onto
the land of others surface drain water from the end of
.your proposed location of Cutler Farm Road. In addi-
tion a second recognized means of access needs to be
obtained to .your land. Perhaps it may be possible to
obtain this by means of land assembly after the layout
of Route 2 is finally determined or after property to
the east of your land is developed in connection with
a probable relocation of a portion of Waltham Street.,
Sincerely yours,
cc: Mr.Paymond A. Carye /s/ Charles T. Abbott
101 Hicks Ave., Chairman
Medfor4is Mass.
Mr. Albert C. Brun 19 May 1959
23 Richard Road
Lexington 73 Mass.
Dear Mr. Brun:
In reply to your request for a written offer for a
portion of ,your land which the Planning Board has recom-
mended that the Town acquire for recreational purposes,
the Board reaffirms its previous oral offer made to you
and Mr. McCormaeksnamelys that the Board is willing
under authority granted to it by the Town Meeting to
obtain an option from you and Mr. McCormack to purchase
land at the rate of $1200 per acre. Approximately eight
acres of land would be involved, the parcel of land be -
Ing located in the southeasterly corner of the McCormack
Brun property where it abuts the Harrington School
grounds and the rear property lines of lots fronting on
Lowell Street. While the exact boundaries of the parcel
have not been determined pending some indication from
you and your partner that you were willing to grant such
an options it is assumed that to the satisfaction of all
concerned these boundaries could be adjusted to a small
degree from those shown on the plan prepared for the
Planning Board, A copy of this plan entitled "sug-
gested Subdivision of McCormack -Brun and Adjacent Lands
in Lexington# Mass."s dated Aug. 24s 1958, was mailed to
you sometime ago.
5-18-59 -4-
After a purchase price is agreed upon, other matters
such as the option prices the period of the options and
date for delivery of the deed are negotiated. At the
request of the Planning Board the Town Counsel then pre-
pares the option instrument. When this is properly
executed$ it is exchanged for the price of the option.
A map is generally prepared to accompany the instrument.
If a map is not available to accompany said instruments
a description of the parcel involved is set forth in the
option. If necessary# theTown has prepared a final plan
for recording with the deed at the time of its delivery.
With reference to your request for an offer for the
building as a separate items it is understood that only
two thirds of said building is located on McCormack -Brun
property. Since the Board is informed that you gentlemen
only own that portion of the building situated on your
lands it is difficult to see how an offer could be made
for two thirds of a building. Its location would prevent
any effective use of it by the Town. Eben if it could be
used, the Board does not think the building adds anything
to the value of the property.
cc: Mr.Paul J.McCormack
1779 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington 73 Mass.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Gharles T. Abbott, Chairman