HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-27PLANNYNG BOARD MEETING April 271 1959 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the office of the Board, Town Office Building, on Monday, April 27, 1959 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Abbott, Members Burnell, Grindle, Mabee and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was also present from 8:15 to 8:30 p.m. Approved by the Board were the following bills which had been presented for payment: BILLS Samuel P. Snow, car allowance for April --0420.00; reimbursement for Urban Design Conference ex- ense--$5.00; Graphic Reproductions, white prints - 5.28. The Board considered the following Form A application for a determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #59-311 submitted April 27, 1959 by Joseph ' F. Alibrandi; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington and Woburn -Mass.", Scale: 1" = 60', dated April 221 1959s Mller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly mace and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexinr.ton Planning Board deter- mines that the plan accompanying; Form A application #59-31 does not require approval as to the land in Lexington under the Sub- d'vision Control Law, and that the plan be so endorsed. In connection with the endorsement of said plan, read to the Board was Mr. Stevens' April 243 1959 letter to the Planning rirector in regard to the effective date of the requirement that plans filed with public authorities bear the stamp of a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor. It was noted that legislation de- signated Chapter 186 of the Acts of 1959, having an emergency preamble and being approved April 13, 1959, provides that plans, etc. prepared by pro- fessional engineers or land surveyors shall be required to be stamped with a seal when the same are filed with -oublic authorities. FORM A PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION CHAP. 186 ACTS 1959 4-27-59 At 8:30 P.M. the Board held a public hearing MIDDLE relative to the application of Eugene C. Roberts III RIDGE for approval of a definitive subdivision plan entitled SEC. 3 "Middle Ridge Section Three Lexington, Mass.", dated February 11, 1959. Two persons attended the hearing: ROBERTS Mr. Roberts, the subdivider, and Mr. `falter R. J. ' Brown of 3 Demar Road. The chairman read the hearing notice which had been sent to all owners of property The Board's attention was called to a letter BATTLE dated Anril 231 1959, from the Leeland Construction GEEEN ' Co., Inc. requesting an extension to and including VTLLAGE May 18, 1059 of the time within which the Planning SEC. 3 Board should act upon said corporation's application _ for approval of the Battle Green Village, Sec. 3 LEELAND definitive subdivision plan. Mr. Snow reported that CONSTRUCTION representatives of the corporation had informed him CO., INC. that in view of the Route 128 land taking (see minutes of April 21, 1959 Planning Board meeting), said corporation had decided to relot the remaining land between the sidelines of the proposed extension of Oxbow Road and the proposed relocation of Route 128. Thereupon, upon motion being duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from the applicant the time of approval of the defini- tive subdivision plan entitled 'Battle Green Village Section Three Lexington, Mass." and dated April 23, 1959, be and hereby is extended to and including May 18, 1959. :^then Mr. Stevens came to the meeting the Plan - GREAT ning Board discussed with him the current status of MEADOWS negotiations in regard to the Town of Lexington ac- quiring from the Town of Arlington the property in ' East Lexington known as the Great Meadows. Mr. Mabee reported that he had discussed the matter in an informal way with the chairman of Arlington's Finance Committee with the idea of exploring the possibilities of further action taking place in re - Bard to the proposal. Understanding that Arling- ton's Town Counsel was- preparing to make a title search of said town's holdings in the Great Meadows area, Mr. Stevens suggested that he discuss the matter with said counsel and offer use of such in- formation in regard to title as Mr. Stevens had al- ready obtained. He said that after such a discussion he would report his findings to the Board. It was decided that the Planning Board should discuss the Great Meadows situation further with the Selectmen with a view of preparing a comprehensive letter set- ting forth Lexington's proposal for future use of the Great Meadows. At 8:30 P.M. the Board held a public hearing MIDDLE relative to the application of Eugene C. Roberts III RIDGE for approval of a definitive subdivision plan entitled SEC. 3 "Middle Ridge Section Three Lexington, Mass.", dated February 11, 1959. Two persons attended the hearing: ROBERTS Mr. Roberts, the subdivider, and Mr. `falter R. J. ' Brown of 3 Demar Road. The chairman read the hearing notice which had been sent to all owners of property 4-27-59 -2- abutting the proposed subdivision and which had been published in the April 9s 1050 issue of the Lexington minute -man. The procedure in conducting the hearing was explained and the subdivider called :upon to present his plan. Mr. Roberts stated that the subdivision of seven lots fronting on an extension of Turning Mill Road wps the first of three sections of a tract of 55 acres which he proposed to develop, said tract being bounded approximately by Techbuilt's previously approved subdivisions.. the Burlington town line, and State Route 128. He said he proposed to develop the remainder of the tract in two sections, the first of which would connect the ends of Turning Mill Road. Mr. Brown asked that an extra catch basin be installed in such a location that it would drain off surface water collecting in the area adjacent to the rear lot line of his property, said surface water having its source northerly of the end of the pro- posed layout of Turning Mill Road as shown on the Middle Ridge, Sec. 3 plan. It was pointed out that the finished grade of the road would in most cases be lower than existing grades and that surface runoff would be intercepted by several sets of catch basins before reaching the point where said runoff collects at the present t_me. There being no further discussion or questions, ' those attending the hearing were asked for an expres- sion of opinion in regard to the plan. One indicated The Board informed Mr. Roberts of its knowl- edge of the proposed Route 128 widening of fifty feet which would reduce lots 40 and 41 in the pro- posed subdivision to less than the area required by the Lexington Zoning By-law. It was suggested that he communicate immediately with the Chief Location 7ngineer of the State Department of Public Works in regard to proposals for the Route 128 widening. In connection with the revision which would be neces- sary in the definitive subdivision plan, Mr. Roberts' attention was called to the fact that the width of an opening for a future road between Lots 41 and 42 was only forty feet wide whereas fifty feet was required. It is suggested to Mr. Roberts that If he was unable to make the necessary adjustments in the subdivision plan before the Board had to take final action on his application, that he request the Board in writing for an extension of the time within which said final action had to be taken. Mr. Brown asked that an extra catch basin be installed in such a location that it would drain off surface water collecting in the area adjacent to the rear lot line of his property, said surface water having its source northerly of the end of the pro- posed layout of Turning Mill Road as shown on the Middle Ridge, Sec. 3 plan. It was pointed out that the finished grade of the road would in most cases be lower than existing grades and that surface runoff would be intercepted by several sets of catch basins before reaching the point where said runoff collects at the present t_me. There being no further discussion or questions, ' those attending the hearing were asked for an expres- sion of opinion in regard to the plan. One indicated 4-27-59 he was in favor of its approval, no one indicated disapproval. Thereupon, the plan was taken under advisement and the hearing declared closed at 8:45 p.m. HIGGINS Mr. Emilio Spagnuola then met with the Board to file an application for tentative approval of a ESC preliminary plan, Form B, dated April 24, 19591 BUILDERS, INC, signed by Edward W. and Martha S. Higgins of Arling- ton. The preliminary plan was entitled "Preliminary P'?ELIMINARY Subdivision of Land Lexington Mass. Plan by Mac - SUBDIVISION Carthy Eng. Service, Natick Mass.", dated April 6, PLAN 1959. In discussing the plan with Mr. Spagnuola, the Board questioned the advisability of having between the Wather-Dunn and Gaffey residences the proposed subdivision's second means of access onto Maple Street, State Route 2A. It was pointed out that the proposed access would be located at a low point on Maple Street where the sight distance at the intersecting streets and from this location to the high point on Maple Street would be limited, the high point being located about 550 feet towards Massachusetts Avenue. Also discussed were what appeared to the Board to be excessive amounts of ' cut and fill to construct the proposed.roads in the subdivision, the question of drains emntying onto adjacent land, and the need of providing over the northerly corner of proposed Lot 17 a right of way as shown on L.C.Plan No. 19319 A 2. The plan was taken under advisement. There- upon Mr. Spagnuola left the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Considered next was the Board of Appeals VINE BROOK April 21, 1959 letter regarding the Vine Brook REALTY Realty Trust's April 21, 1959 preliminary site and TRUST building plans for the Waltham Street garden apart- ment district. (See Planning Board minutes of April A 1 DISTRICT 21, 1959.) Notes were prepared from which Mr. Snow was asked to draft a letter to be addressed to the Board of Appeals and signed by Mr. Grindle. There- upon, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board, under the provisions of Section 5.(g) 5. of the Zoning By-law, recommends the disapproval of the site, plans, and building design of the proposed apartment buildings specified ' in site plan numbered S-6, and building plans 4-27-59 -3- numbered P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7 and P-8, dated April 15, 1959, drawn by Arthur G. Manaselian, Architect, proposed for the A-1 district described in Section 4.(g) 4• by the Vine Brook Realty Trust for the reasons that said plans are incom- plete and that definitive plans for Worthen Road have not been approved by the Planning Board. (See Addendum.) Mr. Grindle reported that Mr. Frederic K. Johnson had discussed with him the latter's pro- JOHNSON posal for additional parking at the A & P store on R 1 to C 2 Bedford Street. Mr, Snow reported also that Mr. REZONING Johnson had discussed the same matter with him PROPOSAL earlier in the week, and that Mr. Snow said he had reviewed the Board's action by reading to Mr. John- son excerpts from the Planning Board's minutes in regard to the problem. In a further review of the situation the Board decided again that it had not changed its view on the matter as set forth in the Board's report on the amendment to the Zoning By- law proposed by Article 6 of the warrant for the special town meetincl-eld on September 151, 1958. From notes taken of the Planning Board's discussion Mr. Snow was asked to draft for the Board's consid- eration a letter in rep17 to Mr. Johnson's December 5, 1958 letter. Mr. Abbott reported that Mr. Brun had dis- cussed with him the preliminary subdivision plan MC CORMACK- which he and Mr. McCormack had submitted to the BRUN Board previously. Mr. Abbott stated that Mr. Brun PRELIMINARY had requested a written offer for the land which SUBDIVISION the Planning*, Board was recommending that the Town PLAN acquire for recreation purposes, and in addition, a written offer for the existing; building, two PROPOSED thirds of which it was understood was on the land HARRINGTON referred to above. It was decided that before SCHOOL drafting a letter to Mr. Brun, the Board would RECREATION confer with Mr. Stevens in regard to the status AREA of the building. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ' __,R _ hart H. Soule Clerk ADDENDUM Mr. Donald F. Nickerson, Chairman April 28, 1959 Board of Appeals Town Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. Re: Vine Brook Realty Trust A _lDistrict Plans Dear Mr. Nickerson: At its meetings on April 21 and 27, 1959s the Lexing- ton Planning Board reviewed the set of plans which were submitted under Section 5 (q) of the Lexington Zoning By-law for a determination by the Board of Appeals that the apartment buildings and use, includ- ing the site, plans, and building design, constitute a desirable development in, and will not be detrimental to the neinhborhood. In the opinion of the Planning Board the preliminary plans are not complete enough for the preparation of a report of recommendations as set forth in sub -paragraph 5 of said section of the Zoning; By-law. For instance, no basement plans or end elevations are included with the building plans. Because these are lacking it is not known how the buildings are to be heated and ser- viced and whether or not laundry services are to be available. The site plan is only diagrammatic showing no dimensions, no data for the proposed widening of Jaltham Street and a location for Worthen Road., and no systems for water, sewers, or drains. Likewise no out- door sitting areas or recreation facilities are indi- cated on the plan. At this time the Planning Board does not know just what is the status of the Worthen Road proposal, it being necessary to construct said road in order to provide a means of access into the proposed apartment district. On January 19, 1959 the Board held a meeting with repre- sentatives of the Vine Brook Realty Trust in regard to the location of said road. To date the Planning Board has received no further communications in regard to the matter nor has there been submitted any definitive plan of said road for the "lanning Boards consideration. Tn accordance with previous practice the Planning Board has shown the preliminary plans to the Lexington Fire Prevention Bureau in charge of Deputy Chief Beleastro, for an opinion in regard to the plans. It is under- stood that the Bureau was unable to render any opinion because of the incompleteness of the plans. It is sug- gested, therefore, that the architect add sufficient details to said plans to satisfy the needs of the Bureau before submitting them to the Board of Appeals and the Planning Board for further consideration. It has been 4-27-59 -4- the practice of the Planning Board to obtain also an opinion from the Board of Health before acting on such plans. This the Planning Board has not done. The architect may wish to communicate with the Board of Health before further submission of the apartment building -plans. This is to certif7r that after consideration of the above matters at a regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board veld on April 27, 1959, at which a quorum was -_resent and acted throuF7hout, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Lex nr�ton Planning Board, under the provisions of Section 5.(g)5. of the Zoning By-law, recommends the disapproval of the site, plans, and building design of the proposed apartment buildings specified in site plan num- bered 9-6, and building plans numbered P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7, and P-6, dated April 15, 19592 drawn by ?Arthur G. Manaselian, Architect, proposed for the A-1 district described in 5ec- tion 4.(Fr)4. by the Vine Brook Realty Trust for the reasons that said plans are incomplete and that definitive plans for Worthen Road have not been approved by the Planning Board, Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNTNG BOARD Is/ Thomas S. Grindle, Vice Chairman cc: Lexington Board of Health Lexington Fire Prevention Bureau 1