HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-02PLANNING BOARD MEETING
' March 2, 1959
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning
Board was held in the Planning Board Office, Town
Office Building, on Monday, March 2, 1959 at 7:30
p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott,
Burnell, Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director
Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was also present from
8:30 to 8:55 p.m.
Approved by the Board were the following
bills which had been presented for pa7ment: Richard
H. Soule, Labor and materials, 12 easels --$82.89;
Marion M. Bliss, drafting services, Feb. 16, 17,
23, and 24, 1959-456.00; Louise M. Baker, extra
secretarial services, Feb. 25, 195P-45.00; reim-
bursement for Board's petty cash --$8.87; Graphic
Reproductions, Inc., white prints -42.04• Samuel
P. Snow, February ,1959, car allowance --20.00.
Mr. Abbott called the Bonrd's attention to
the proposed Town Meeting Members Association
' visitation tour of areas of the town concerning
which there were articles on the warrant for the
annual town meeting. Distributed to the Board was
an Association memorandum dated Feb. 2$, 1959
setting forth the itinerary of the tour to be held
on March 8, 1",59. Mr. Snow was asked to prepare
for Mr. Abbott to take on the tour a kit of maps
and related data in regard to Articles 382 39, 40,
411 42, 591 and 62.
Considered next by the Board was a pre-
liminary subdivision plan and application for ten- WHITE
tative approval submitted on January 26, 1959 by
Harmon S. White of Newton, said plan showing a PRELIMINARY
proposal for a residential development of the SUBDIVISION
former Ferguson -Potter land on the westerly side PLAN
of Grove Street in the vicinity of Gould Road.
The Board discussed the n_roposed layout of roads
with relationship to the general topography, the
high pressure gas line passing through said land..
and the request of the Lucky Penny and Meryl
Robert Trusts to acquire tax title lots 25 and 26
fronting on Rangeway as a second means of access
to the proposed subdivision. It was decided that while
membe*-s discussed current problems before the Board,
' Messrs. Abbott and Snow would meet with the Selectmen
to discuss the status of Rangeway and the request of
said Trust to acquire lots 25 and 26. Thereupon Messrs.
Abbott and Snow met with the Selectmen from 8:05 until
8:25 to discuss said matters. (See Selectmen's minutes '
of March 2, 1959 for a record of said meeting.)
Considered next by the Board were drafts of letters
to the Board of Appeals in regard to the Gulf Oil Corpora-
tion and Walter E. Swanbon petitions to be heard on March
3* 1959. The Planning Board approved said drafts which
were signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.)
At 8:30 p.m. Mr. Stevens met with the Board at
which time it considered the following Form A applica-
tions for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction:
FORMS A #58-771 submitted December 9, 1958 for the
Boston and Maine R.R. by W. H. Barrett, Atty.;
plan entitled "Land in Lexington, Mass. Boston
and Maine Railroad -to -Anthony R. Cataldo,"
Scale: 1 in. = 2011 dated September 1958, J.
F. Kerwin, Eng'r.
#58-78, submitted December 9, 1958 for the
Boston & Maine R.R. by W. H. Tarrett, Atty.;
plan entitled "Land in Lexington, Mass.
Boston and Maine Railroad -to -Anthony R.
Cataldo,`i Scale: 1 in. = 50 ft., dated Sep-
tember, 19581 J. F. Kerwin, Eng'r.
#59-13, submitted February 20, 1959 by Charles
F. Small; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of
Land in Lexington and Woburn -Mass.", scale:
1" = 601, dated April 11, 19591 Miller &
Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that plans accompanying Form A applications
#58-77 and #58-78 do not require approval
under the Subdivision Control Law and that
said plans be so endorsed.
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines
that plan accompanying Form A application
#59-13 does not require approval under the
Subdivision Control Law as to the land in Lex-
ington, and that said plan be so endorsed.
The Board reviewed with Mr. Stevens the in-
formation which It had obtained in regard to require- '
3-2-59 -2-
ments for the width of lots in various communities
in the Boston metropolitan area. It was decided
that the board would not ask for a special town
meeting at the present time to present its draft
for an amendment to the zoning by-law in regard to
lot widths. It. was decided to give the matter fur-
ther study in view of the fact that the board
wished to draft an amendment which would take into
consideration lot widths with regard to the layout
of as many types of roads as possible.
After Mr. Stevens left the meeting the Board
gave further consideration to the subdivision plan
submitted by Mr. White as noted above. Upon motion
duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: that the preliminary subdivision plan en-
titled "Preliminary Sub -Division Lexington -
Mass,", dated December 4, 1958, prepared by
Joseph W. Moore, which was submitted to the
Board on January 26, 1959s be and hereby is
disapproved for the reason that.the subdivi-
sion has only one means of access.
The attention of the Board was called to the
fact that the time within which the Board must take
final action on the Vine Brook Meadows subdivision
plan expired on March 2# 1959. After a review of
the status of matters in regard to said plana upon
motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously
VOTED:That the definitive subdivision plan entitled
"Vine Brook Meadows Lexington -Mass.", dated
May 14j. 1958 which was submitted to the Board
by the Vine Brook Realty Trust on September
22, 1958 accompanied by an application for
approval of a definitive plan Form C, dated
Sept. 16, 1058, by and hereby is disapproved
for the reason that the applicant has not
submitted a bond in accordance with the sub-
division rules and regulations.
Mr. Snow next discussed with the Board the
necessity of obtaining a street option for the ex-
tension of Emerson Road through the Lidberg property
and in connection with the obtaining of said option
Mr. Snow was asked to prepare a detailed plan of
his recommended location for Eherson Road from Adams
Street to Hawthorne Road. He was also asked to make
preliminary arrangements for an option to acquire
such Lidberg land as would be necessary for street
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ,
chard H. Soule,
Board of Appeals March 21 1959
Town Office Building
Lexington 73, Mass. Re: Gulf Oil Corporation
petition for variance
Gentlemen: of Sign By-law
The Planning Board at its meeting on February 23, 1959
considered the petition of the Gulf Oil Corporation under
the Lexington Sign By-law to erect a 6 -foot rotating
plastic sign at the service station at the southwesterly
corner of the Maxrett Road -Waltham Street intersection.
The Board at the above meeting decided that it would
oppose the granting of the petition and that it would
submit a letter to the Board of Appeals for considera-
tion in connection with the hearing on the petition.
The Planning Board is opposed to granting the petition
for the erection of the proposed revolving sign for the
following reasons:
1. Article III, Section 2 of the Sian By-law specifically
prohibits moving signs. There is no provision in the Sign
By-law under which the Board of Appeals may grant a
special permit for the erection of a moving sign.
2. A moving sign is not needed for advertising purposes
I n a local business district, a district established for
the purpose of serving neighborhood use. The proposed
Gulf service station is on a rather exposed corner of
the Marrett-Road-Waltham Street intersection and readily
seen as cars approach it from all directions.
3. A moving sign would tend to have an adverse effect on
the local district, cluttering the district with one more
element and serving as a distracting influence at a
heavily -travelled intersection.
LF. It is not in keeping with the environmental standards
the town is endeavoring to establish and maintain.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman
March 2, 1959
' Board of Appeals
Town Office Building
Lexington ?3, Mass. Re: Walter E. Swanbon petition
Subdivision of Lot C,
14achusett Drive
The Planning Board at its meeting on February 23s 1959
discussed the petition referred to above and decided to
go on record as being opposed to the granting of the same.
Lot C for which the petitioner requests permission to
subdivide, was originally part of a larger parcel divided
Into three lots as shown on "Plan of Land in Lexington
Mass.", dated Dec.. 20, 1955 and prepared by Miller and
Nylander. The Planning Board on January 30, 1956 made a
determination that the plan was not a subdivision under
the then existing provision of the Subdivision Control
Law for the reason that each lot thereon had at least
125 feet of frontage required by the Lexington Zoning
Lot C (which is the lot now requested to be subdivided)
had frontage on both Wachusett Drive and Waltham Street
but had the minimum required frontage of 125 feet only
on Wachusett Drive. Subsequent to the approval of the
above 1955 plan, a residential building fronting on
Waltham Street was erected on Lot C in violation of See -
tion 8(a)l.b., Lot C having a frontage of only 90 feet
on Waltham Street.
Since the Planning Board made the above determination in
1956 the definition of a subdivision under the subdivision
control law has been amended under Chapter 282, Acts of
1956 so that if the Planning Board were to make the same
determination today, it would have to decide that the
plan referred to above required approval under the Sub-
division Control Law. This would be required because
Lot C fronts on that portion of Wachusett Drive which
"in the opinion of the Planning Board does not have
suitable grades and adequate construction to provide
for the needs of vehicular traffic in relation to the
proposed use of the land abutting thereon or served
thereby and for the .installation of municipal services
to serve such land and the buildings erected or to be
erected thereon."
In view of the foregoing, the Planning Board opposes the
granting of the petition to subdivide Lot C for the fol-
lowing reasons:
' 1. Lot C as laid out under the above 1955 plan was
designed as one house lot since the required frontage
was provided on only one war. To divide Lot C now into '
two lots would be contrary to the intent and purposes
of the zoning by-law.
2. The division of Lot C into two lots (Cl and G2) is a
"subdivision" requiring approval of the Planning Board
under the current Subdivision Control Law.
Yours very truly,
/s/ Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman