HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-22PLANNING BOARD MINUTES ' January 22, 1959 A special meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board offices Town Office Building on Thursday, January 22, 1959 at 8:00 p.m. Present were Chairman Gri.ndles Members Burnell and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. Considered first were the notices of peti- tions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on Jan- BOARD OF uary 27, 1959. It was decided to take no action in APPEALS regard to said petitions. Considered next was a letter from the East Lexington Men's Club requesting that a member of EAST LEXING- the Planning Board give a short talk on the work of TON MEN'S the Board at the Club's Annual Civic Night, Febru- CLUB ary 23, 1959. It was decided to ask Mr. Soule to give a talk and represent the Board on that evening. Taken under consideration next was the Todd Realty, Inc. application for approval of the Burn- BURNHAM ham Farmss Sec. 3 subdivision plan. All matters FARMS appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made SEC_ 3 and seconded, it was unanimously TODD REALTY VOTED ; that the definitive subdivision plan INC. entitled `Burnham Farms Section Three Lexington -Mass.", dated Nov. 5, 1958s which was submitted to the Board by Todd Realty, Inc. on December 8s 1958, accom- panied by an application for approval of definitive plans Form C, dated Nov. 29, 1958s be and hereby is approved. The Board approved the minutes of its Jan- MINUTES uary 12, 1959 meeting. Taken under consideration also were the following Form A applications for determination FORMS A of planning Board jurisdiction: #59-6, submitted January 19s 1959 by Todd Realty, Inc., Mark Moore Jr.s President; plan entitled "Plan of Lots in Lexington, Mass.'s, Scale: ill = 40's dated Jan. los 1959s Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #59-7, submitted Janla ry 19s 1959 by R. L• Higgins for Town of Lexington; plan en-, titled "Plan of Sewer Easement Off Freemont 1-22-r5Q -2- Street to Trunk Sewer Lexington, Hass.,tt , Scale: l" = 101, dated Dec. 2, 1958, Richard L. Gayer, Town Engineer. #59-8, submitted January 22, 1959 by Frank M. Hodgdon; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass., Scale: 1" = 60', dated Apr. 21, 1958, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines The Board's attention was called to Chapter CHAP. 584 584, Acts of 1958, approved September 26, 1958 and ACTS of 1958 effective ninety days thereafter, s aid act being relative to regulating the practice of professional PROFESSIONAL engineering and of land surveying. Specific REGISTRATION attention was called to Sec.81M of said act re- quiring that plans, specifications', plats and re- ports prepared by registrants shall be stamped with the registrants' seals when filed with public authorities. Consideration was given to a draft of a pro - PROPOSED LOT posal to amend the Town's zoning by-law relative REGULATIONS to the width and shape of house lots. (See Plan- ning Board minutes of January 12, 1959.) After a discussion of the problems involved, it was decided to give the matter further study. Mr. Snow reported that earlier that day he ' had driven to Billerica and Burlington for the pur- pose of negotiating with Mr. Bob Innis for a parcel that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #59-6, #59-7 and #59-8 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. Mr. Jaquith reported that Mr. Stevens had LOWELL discussed with him and had ruled that the Planning ESTATES Board would have to readvertise and hold a new - public hearing on the application of the Lexington LEXINGTON Development Company for approval of the "Lowell DEVELOPMENT Estates" subdivision because of the error in the COMPANY notice of the previous hearing field on January 19. 1959. It was decided, therefore, to hold another hearing on Friday, February 13, 1959 at 8:00 p.m. advertising said hearing in the January 29, 1959 issue of the Lexington Minute -man, The Board's attention was called to Chapter CHAP. 584 584, Acts of 1958, approved September 26, 1958 and ACTS of 1958 effective ninety days thereafter, s aid act being relative to regulating the practice of professional PROFESSIONAL engineering and of land surveying. Specific REGISTRATION attention was called to Sec.81M of said act re- quiring that plans, specifications', plats and re- ports prepared by registrants shall be stamped with the registrants' seals when filed with public authorities. Consideration was given to a draft of a pro - PROPOSED LOT posal to amend the Town's zoning by-law relative REGULATIONS to the width and shape of house lots. (See Plan- ning Board minutes of January 12, 1959.) After a discussion of the problems involved, it was decided to give the matter further study. Mr. Snow reported that earlier that day he ' had driven to Billerica and Burlington for the pur- pose of negotiating with Mr. Bob Innis for a parcel D C 1 1-22-59 of land for recreation and other public purposes, said parcel being located at the end of Roosevelt Road. (See Planning Board minutes of January 12, 1959.) Mr. Snow stated that he had not been able to negotiate with Mr. Innis for said parcel because the latter would not sell the parcel without the Planning Board agreeing to recommend the rezoning of other land owned by Mr. Innis and also because the price he wanted for the parcel was unreasonably high. After discus- sing Mr. Snow's report, the Board decided to take no further action in regard to obtaining an option to acquire said parcel. Discussed next was Board obtaining someone to racily with the backlog of was authorized to employ a $2.50 per hour. the possibility of the help Mr. Snow tempo - drafting work. Mr. Snow draftsman at the rate of The Board then considered the request of the Vine Brook Realty Trust to move the proposed loca- tion of Worthen Road through the Waltham St. garden apartment district. (See minutes of January 19, 1959 Planning Board meeting.) The Board also studied in detail the Trust's plan entitled "Preliminary Site Plan Garden Apartment Development Lexington Massachu- setts," and dated Oct. 9, 1958. Mr.Snow stated that it was his opinion that without moving the Worthen Road location as shown on his recommended plan, dated November 281 1958s satisfactory site plans could be prepared including all the apartment units shown on the Trust's Oct. 9, 1958 proposal. Before making any decision in regard to either the garden apartment site plan or the possible relocation of Worthen Road, the Board requested Mr. Snow to prepare a site plan study for the Board's consideration at its next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. i Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman BOB INNIS LAND FOR RECREATION AND OTHER PURPOSES TEMPORARY HELP WALTHAM ST. A 1 DISTRICT SITE PLAN VINE BROOK REALTY TRUST