HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-22PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 22, 1958 A regular meeting; of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board office, Town Office Building on December 22, 1958 at 7:45 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Burnell and Soule, and Planning; Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its July MINUTES 28, Sentember 29 and December 15, 1958 meetings. Approved also by the Board were the follow- ing bills which had been presented for pa7ment: BILLS Minute -man Publications, Inc., advertising-- 3.75; Spaulding -Moss Co., drafting supplies --X5.60. Considered next by the Board was the fol- lowing application for determination of Planning FORM A Boardiursdiction: '58-79, submitted December 191 1058 by Milton Carmen; plan entitled "A Subdivi- si_on of Land Court Case No. 22262 in Lex- ington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated Dec. 16, 19 R, Miller 8: Nylnnder, C.7. Is 8- Sur- veyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTIM : That the Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #5"-79 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law and that said plan be so en- dorsed.. Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Frank V. Hyright, Jr., of the firm of '-aright and tierce, had re- T019N MAP quested an a -anointment to meet with him and Mr. O'Donnell in the Planning- Board office on January 6, 1959 at 1:00 n.m. to discuss their work on the T(n.in man. Mr.Snow requested all members of the board who could to attend the meeting;. Considered next b -r the Board was a letter, BOARD OF dated December 22, 1958, from Benjamin U. White, APPEALS President, Board of Trustees, Peacock Farms Asso- ciation, Lexington in regard to said Association's PEACOCK netition for nermi.ssion to build a swimming pool FARMS on common land held b -r the trustees of the Asso- -2- The Chairman did not si_mn the application as deemed to have been submitted for the reason that said application was not accompanied by a letter of written acceptances and apnrovals by the Superintendent of Pub- lic ?forks as required under Para`raph B of Section IIS of Lexington's subdivision rules and regulations, and that said rlan had not been submitted to the Board of Health in accordance with the amendment to the Subdi- vision Control Law under Chapter 377 of the Acts of 1958. After some discussion on these points, it was agreed to accept the anplication as having been sub- mitted when the above two matters were complied with and all other matters appeared to be in order. A tentative date for a hearing on said anplication was set for January 19, 1058. Thereupon, the gentlemen left the meeting at 9:30 p.m. at which time the meet - ins,, was adjourned.. R._Cr and T . Soule Clerk ' ciati_on and with regard to the Dlanning Board's December 774FRS07 16, 1958 letter to the Board in regard to said case. ROAD (See minutes of Planning Board's December 15, 1958 meet- ing). It was decided that the Chairman would inform Mr. !,7hite that a study plan for the possible locations of Emerson Woad in relation to the Peacock Farms develop- ment was now being prepared, and that as soon as the Board made a recommendation to the Selectmen in regard to the location of Emerson Road, the Peacock Farms Asso- ciation would be so informed. The Board held a general discussion on the cur- rent matters before the Board, particularly the prepara- tion and presentation of a preliminary* report on the long range development plan for the Town. At 9:00 n.m. the Board met with Messrs. George LOWELL J. and Jo' -n S. DeVries, and their attorney, Fugene L. ESTATES Tougis, said parties representing: the Lexi_nr-ton Devel- opment Co., a partnership formed by the above named DeVRIFS DeVries brothers. Mr. Tougis filed with tre Board a letter, dated December 22, 1058, and requested that the Chairman sign duplicate copies of a Form C appli- cation for approval of definitive plan as duly sub - witted. Said plan was entitled "Lowell ?'states Lex- i.ngton, Mass..", dated. Dec. 1, 1958, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. The Chairman did not si_mn the application as deemed to have been submitted for the reason that said application was not accompanied by a letter of written acceptances and apnrovals by the Superintendent of Pub- lic ?forks as required under Para`raph B of Section IIS of Lexington's subdivision rules and regulations, and that said rlan had not been submitted to the Board of Health in accordance with the amendment to the Subdi- vision Control Law under Chapter 377 of the Acts of 1958. After some discussion on these points, it was agreed to accept the anplication as having been sub- mitted when the above two matters were complied with and all other matters appeared to be in order. A tentative date for a hearing on said anplication was set for January 19, 1058. Thereupon, the gentlemen left the meeting at 9:30 p.m. at which time the meet - ins,, was adjourned.. R._Cr and T . Soule Clerk '