HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 15, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board Office, Town Office Buildings on Monday, December 15, 1058 at 7:40 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, Jaquith and Soules and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its June 30, July 14 and 21, November 24, and December 8, MINUTES 1958 meetings. Approved also by the Board was the Graphic Reproductions, Inc. bill for X5.58 for white prints. BILL The Board considered next the departmental estimates for general expenses for the 1958 fiscal BUDGET year. The following budget was approved for pre- sentation to the Appropriation Committee: Clerical Assistance $200.00 Postage 100.00 Supplies -Office 100.00 ' Drafting 150.00 Advertising 200.00 Printing 1000.00 Sundry Items 50.00 Maps & Blueprinting 150.00 Master Plan 2000.00 Travel Allowance 250.00 Equipment 100.00 Association Dues 50.00 $4350.00 Considered also were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board FORMS A jurisdiction: #58-771 filed on December 101 1958 by W. H. Barrett, attorney, B & M Railroad; plan en- titled "Land in Lexington Mass. Boston and Maine Railroad -to -Anthony R. Cataldo," J. F.Kerwin Eng'r of Design, Scale: 1" = 20ts September, 1958 (Plan R 13.2-8-5) #58-78s filed on December 10s 1958 by W. H. ' Barrett, attorney, B & M Railroad; plan en- titled "Land in Lexington, Klass. Boston and Maine Railroad -to -Anthony R. Cataldo,'l J.R. 12-15-58 Kerwin, Eng'r of Design, Scale: 1" = 50', September, 1958 (Plan R 13.2-9-17) The applications were not deemed to be sub- mitted either for lack of evidence to show why one plan did not require approval or for noted differ- ences in lot to the description of land recently added to C 2 districts under the zoning by-law. Mr. Snow was asked to refer the filed material to the Town Counsel for advice in making determinations of jurisdiction. The attention of the Board was called to Mr. JOHNSON Frederic K. Johnson's December 5, 1958 letter to R 1 to C 2 the Planning Board in reply to the Board's Novem- REZONING ber 26, 1958 letter to Mr. Johnson. The Board took PROPOSAL no action in regard to Mr. Johnson's letter and placed it on file. The Board discussed the Form B application, POND dated December 8, 1958s filed by the Pond Realty REALTY Trust for tentative approval of the plan entitled TRUST " Preliminary Subdivision Lexington, Mass.", dated Oct. 4, 1958, and prepared by Fred A. Joyce, Sur- veyor, Belmont, said plan showing a proposal for developing the former Manuson land on Reed Street. (See minutes of August 19, 1958 Planning Board Meet- ing.) Discussed also was the Trust's December 11, 1958 letter to the Selectmen in regard to the prelimi- nary plan, obtaining a drain easement in lot 12 and purchasing lot 26 and parts of lots 27 and 28, said lots fronting on Garfield Street and.being owned by the Town. Mr. Snow r eported that, at the request of Chairman of the Selectmen, he had discussed with him the Trust's plan and letter and understood that the matters involved were to be given immediate consid- eration by the Selectmen. Thereupon, the Board took the preliminary plan under advisement. Considered next was the application of Colonial COLONIAL ACRES Development Corp. for tentative approval of the pre - SEC. 3 liminary plan for the subdivision of the remaining - portion of the Colonial Acres development. Upon COLONIAL motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously DFVFLOPMENT CORP. VOTED: That the preliminary subdivision plan en- titled "Subdivision of Land in Lexington - Mass.", dated July 10 1058, which was sub- mitted to the Board on September 15, 19581 be and hereby is disapproved for the reason that said plan does not take into considera- tion the proposed extension of Worthen Road through the land area shown on said plan. 1 n 0 12-15-58 -'' -2- Thereupon 2- Thereupon the Board dictated notes to Mr. Snow asking ' him to draft these into a letter setting forth sug- gestions and matters considered by the Board in taking the above action. (See addendum.) In conjunction with the Colonial Acres prelim- inary plan noted above the Board reviewed Mr. Trop- WORTHEN eano's December 9, 1958 letter to the Selectmen in re- ROAD gard to the proposed location of Worthen Road across the land of the Vine Brook Realty Trust. Mr. Snow sug- VINE BROOK gested that the Board consider relocating the Waltham REALTY Stteet A 1 district, preparing an article for the TRUST Warrant for the next towm meeting, and holding a public hearing on the proposal. He recommended striking out A 1 sub -paragraph 5 under Sec. 5 (1?) Al districts of. the DISTRICT zoning by-law and substituting in place thereof a dis PROPOSAL trict bounded northeasterly by the proposed location of Worthen Road; southeasterly by land of the Colonial Development Corp.; southwesterl-7 by land of Petrinos Carter, and others; and northwesterly by Waltham Street. The Board took no action on Mr. Tropeano's letter which was placed on file. The Board next took under consideration notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on BOARD OF December 16, 1958• 'rlith the exception of the Peacock APPEALS ' Farms Association petitions it was decided to take no action on.the petitions to be heard. The Board dic- tated a letter to the Board of Appeals notifying them of existing studies now being prepared for the possible location of an extension of Emerson Road through the general area in which said association proposed to locate a swimming pool. (See addendum.) Mr. Snow reported on his December 13, 1958 meeting with members of the School Sites Committee with reference to the location of elementary school sites in East LexInPton The Board held a general discussion in regard to the proposed form and content of its 1958 annual ren_ort. Thereupon the meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. l` t J R' hard H. Soule Clerk 1 12-15-58 ADDENDUM Colonial Development Corp. December 18, 1958 ' 206-216 Dexter Avenue Re: Colonial Acres, Sec. 3 Idatertown 72, Massa Colonial Development Corp. Gentlemen: This is to certify that at a regular meeting of the Lex- ington Planning Board held on Mondays December 15, 1858 at which a quorum was present and acted throughout, it was unanimously VOTED: That the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Subdivision of Land in Lexington Mass.", dated July 1, 1958: which was submitted to the Board on September 15, 1958, be and hereby is dis- approved for the reason that said plan does not take into consideration the proposed extension of Worthen Road through the land area shown on said plan. Attached herewith is a set of prints of the submitted pre- liminary plan on rich is recorded the Board's vote. Attached also is a print of a plan adopted by the Planning Board entitled "Proposed Location of Worthen Road across lands of Vine Brook Realty Trust and Colonial Development , Corporation", dated November 28, 1958, and prepared for the Board by Samuel P. Snow. Mr. Snow will be.pleased to discuss this plan with your attorney, Mr. Rego. At the same time Mr. Rego may wish to discuss his proposals for a drainage and utility system. These appear to be reasonable. However, the Planning Board did not discuss them with the Town Engi- neer. yours very truly, LEXINGTON PLANNTTNG BOARD /s/ Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman cc- Mr.Joseph N..Rego Board of Appeals December 16, 1958 Town Office Building Lexington 73 Mass. Re: Peacock Farms Association petition - Gentlemen: construction of Swimming Pool The Planning Board is not opposed to private ' swimming pools in appropriate locations. However, with 12-15-58 -3- reference to the petition set forth above the Board is ' of the opinion that all parties having an interest in this matter should be aware of the fact that there is under consideration the location of a section of Emerson Road from Massachusetts Avenue to the junction of Route 2 and Watertown Street. While the exact location is as yet undetermined, the best plan may be to have the road go through the general area in which it is proposed to locate the Peacock Farms pool. It is expected that the detailed location studies will be ready for the consider- ation of all concerned in the very near future. Yours very truly, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Thomas S. GrIndle, Chairman 1 C