HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-081 n 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 8, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the office of the Board, Town Office Building, on Monday, December 8, 1958 at 7:45 p.m. Present were Vice Chairman Jaquith, Members Abbott and Burnell, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 8:25 to 9:00 P.M. The Board approved the following bills which had been presented for payment: Terrence J. Boyle, BILLS rofessional services, November 17 through 221 1958-- 5.00, and from November 22 through 291 1958--57.50; Samuel P. Snow, November car allowance -420.00. Considered next by the Board were the fol- lowing Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #58-74, submitted '_November 26, 1958 by Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney for Bessie Baker; rlan entitled "A Subdivision of L.C.C. #12675 in Lexington, Mass."s Scale: 1" = 20', dated Oct. 9, 1058, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #,E58-75, submitted November 26, 1958 by Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney for R. Lockwood Tower; plan entitled "Plan Showing Sewer Easement Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated Nov. 14, 1958, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s ?. Surveyors. #58-76, submitted December 8, 1958 by Joseph W. Moore, agent for Alice McDevitt et al; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. owned by: Alice McDevitt et al," Scale: i" = 60', dated December 11 1958, Joseph W. Moore, Reg. Land Surveyor, Bedford. Upon motion duly* made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applications #58-74, #58-755 and #58-76 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that the plans be so endorsed. FORMS A 12-8-58 Distributed to the members of the Board were ' HISTORIC copies of the Middlesex Superior Court decision DISTRICTS issued December 3, 10.58 in regard to the Hancock Congregational Church vs. Davis, et al, cases in equity #20605 and #20904. The Board discussed various aspects of the decision. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting- a42 entered into the discussion. It was decided to give the matter further consider- ation. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 9:00 p.m. at which time Messrs. Vincent Ippilito, 16 Alexander Avenue, Medford; Philip Longo of Waltham; Charles H. Cole II, architect, of Lexington and Mr. Harry G. Berglund of Lexington met with the Board. Mr. Cole, architect for the project, explained the -preliminary site -plan and accompanying drawings of the proposed apartment buildings, the latter plans being dated October 28, 10.58, and revised November 192 1958. These plans were filed with the Board. He pointed out that the site plan was based on the Board's June 30, 1958 plan entitled "Suggested Sub- division of DeVries and Adjacent Lands in Lexington, Massachusetts." He likewise -pointed out that the buildings would look like the Gardencrest apartments on Lyman Street in Waltham, he being the senior de- signer of that project when it was planned by Thomas Worcester, Inc. in 1948. Mr. Ippilito stated that he, Mr. Longo and A 1 Mr. Paul Tocci of Watertown were interested in DISTRICT making an investment in a group of apartment REZONING buildings, would like to construct said group on PROPOSAL land fronting on Maple Street, and would like to have land rezoned for this purpose. He said that the area of land his group had in mind was about ten acres in area and was bounded by Maple Street, the proposed location of Emerson Road, the former Hull property, and land of the Town of Arlington. ' He stated further that it was the intention of his group to acquire title to the general area described through the organization of a corporation to own and manage the property. Mr. Ippolito said that the land which was being requested to be rezoned was comprised of parcels owned by Mr. Tocci, Mr. Chap- man of 57 Maple St., and Lexwood Poultry Farms,Inc. He further stated that he, Mr. Longo and Mr. Tocci had an option to acquire all the land of Chapman and the Lexwood Poultry* Farms, intending to develop most of the latter land into a single family resi- dential subdivision. Mr. Cole, architect for the project, explained the -preliminary site -plan and accompanying drawings of the proposed apartment buildings, the latter plans being dated October 28, 10.58, and revised November 192 1958. These plans were filed with the Board. He pointed out that the site plan was based on the Board's June 30, 1958 plan entitled "Suggested Sub- division of DeVries and Adjacent Lands in Lexington, Massachusetts." He likewise -pointed out that the buildings would look like the Gardencrest apartments on Lyman Street in Waltham, he being the senior de- signer of that project when it was planned by Thomas Worcester, Inc. in 1948. 12-8-58 ' In discussing the proposal further it was stated that the developers would construct the 15 proposed section of Emerson Road, building single . 42 8or family houses fronting on the northeasterly side Number of 3 bedroom units of the road and the apartment buildings on the 18 southwesterlNr side as well as constructing the private road extending along the southwesterly Number of t bedroom units boundary of the proposed A 1 district. It was 10 noted that the private road would give access to parking areas in the rear of the apartment build- 122.50/mo. ings, and together with said road provide space c. 1 bedroom units . for approximately 150.automobiles. In addition it was pointed out that the whole layout would be such as to create a park -like setting for the Est. cost of development buildings, play areas being conveniently located Est. valuation for assessment to all apartment units. In summarizing the proposal Mr.Cole stated that it was proposed to finance the project on the F.H.A. mortgage basis, the plans being drawn to meet F.H.A. requirements. He then furnished the Board with the following preliminary information under this proposal: Number of buildings� 15 Number of units/bldg . 42 8or 10 Number of 3 bedroom units 18 Number of 2 bedroom units 88 Number of t bedroom units 10 a. 3 bedroom units .$135.00/mo. b. 2 bedroom units . 122.50/mo. c. 1 bedroom units . 100.00/mo. Total number of units 116 Est. cost of development . $1,500,000. Est. valuation for assessment (over) $ 5001000. The Board explained the mechanics in asking for a change in the zoning by-law including adequate description of the proposed district, petition by applicants for a public hearing and a petition for an article or. the warrant for the annual town meeting. Messrs. Berglund, Ippolito, Longo and Cole left the meeting at 10:10 p.m. -2- Mr. Snow discussed with the Board a plan which he had prepared, said plan showing Vine Brook WORTHEN Realty Trust, Colonial Development Corp. and adja- ROAD cent lands, Mr. Snow's recommendations for the re- location of Worthen Road across said lands., and also his recommendations for the residential subdivision 12-8-58 of said corporation's land. The relationship of said Trust's proposal for an apartment house development , in relation to Worthen Road was also discussed. Par- ticular attention was given to said Trust's scheme shown on an undated letter -sized plan entitled " Pre- liminary Site Plan Garden Apartment Development Lex- ington, Massachusetts," said plan being presented in connection with Article 9 at the September 15, 1958 special town meeting. The description of the A 1 district as adopted at said meeting was also compared with the plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Cass No. 27677 Land in Lexington, Mass.", June 13, 1958; Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, the latter plan accompanying Form A application #58-42. After due consideration, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Board adopt the study plan entitled "Proposed Location of Worthen Road Across Lands of Vine Brook Realty Trust and Colonial Development Corporation," dated November 28, 1958, prepared for the Board by Samuel P. Snow, Planning Director. In connection with the above vote the Board , also considered a draft of a letter to the Selectmen, said letter being dated December 9, 1958. The Board approved said draft oiich was signed by the Vice Chairman. (See addendum.) The Board considered next a letter dated VINE BROOK December 4, 1 958 from Alfred P. Tropeano, Attorney MEADOWS for the Vine Brook Realty Trust, requesting that the Planning Board grant a further extension to the VINE BROOK time for approval of the Vine Brook Meadows subdi- REALTY vision plan. (See Minutes of November 17, 1958.) TRUST Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously VOTED: That pursuant to the written request from the applicant the time of approval of the defini- tive subdivision plan entitled "Vine Brook Meadows't and dated May 14, 1958j. be and here- by is extended to January 12, 1958. The Board took under consideration next the BURNHAM application of Todd Realty, Inc. for approval of the FARMS definitive subdivision plan entitled "Burnham Farms SEC. 3 Section Three Lexington, Mass.", dated November 5, 1958. It was noted that the owner's title to the land I being subdivided was derived under deeds mostly from 1? -9-58 -3- Moore Realty Trust, said Trust being the agency under which houses were to be constructed in the future by ' Mr. Moore and Todd Realty, Inc. being the agency under which Mr. Moore proposes to develop land. Before the Board determined the date the application was deemed to be accepted, Mr. Snow was asked to inquire if the plan had been filed with the Board of Health. In the mean- time the Board tentatively set the public hearing rela- tive to said application for January 52 1958 at 8:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. V" jz__1 — t_111 - e Wilbur M. Jaquith, Vice Chairman Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington 731 Mass. Gentlemen: December 9, 1958 Re: Worthen Road Reference is made to the Planning Board's preliminary ' study plan entitled "Proposed Location Worthen Road .4altham St. to Marrett Rd." and dated August 15, 1958. This plan is the one which was discussed at joint meet- ings of the Selectmen and Planning Board on October 20 and November 10, 1958 and in connection with this Boardts recommendations set forth in its November 4 and 5, 1958 letters to you. With further references to these discussions and the nronosed development of the Vine Brook Realty Trust and Colonial Development Corporation lands, a more de- tailed plan of the above nroposal has been completed. At Its meeting on December 8, 1958 the Planning Board adopted the later plan, it being entitled "Proposed Loca- tion of Worthen Road across lands of Vine Brook Realty Trust and Colonial Development Corporation.." dated Novem- ber 281 19581. and prepared by Samuel P. Snow, Planning Director. Attached herewith for your consideration is a cony of said plan. It Is recommended that the plan be used by the Superintendent of Public Works as a guide in approving the final plans to be submitted for this sec- tion of Worthen Road. cc: Supt.of Public Works Vine Brook Realt-T Trust Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Wilbur M. Jaquith, Vice Chairman