HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-24PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' November 244 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board Office, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 24, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, and Soule. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 8:20 to 8:35 p.m. The Board approved the minutes of its Nov- ember 17, 1958 meeting. MINUTES Approved also by the Board were the follow- ing bills which had been submitted for payment: BILLS Collins Typewriter Co., replacement of ratchet -- $5.50; Terrence J. Boyle, professional services, November 10 through 141 1958--$27.50. Considered next by the Board was the fol- lowing Form A application for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction - #58 -73s submitted November 2h, 1958 by ' Robert S. Marsh, attorney for Robert W. and Genevieve J. Saumsiegle; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated Nov. 4, 1958, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, It was unani- MOu $ly VOTED: That the Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #58-73 does not r equire approval under the Sub- division Control Law, and that said plan be so endorsed. Considered also by the Board was Mr. Frederic K. Johnson's proposal for re -zoning the lot numbered 25 Bedford Street from single family residence to general business use. (See minutes of the November 10, 1958 Planning Board meeting.) It was decided to write Mr. Johnson a letter stating that the Board had not changed its views on the matter as set forth in the Board's report on the amendment to the Zoning by-law proposed by ' Article 6 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meet- ing on September 15, 195F. (See addendum.) FORM A JOHNSON R 1 to C 2 REZONING PROPOSAL 11-24-58 At the request of the Board, Mr. Stevens SIDEWALKS came to the meetin4 to discuss Mr. Gayer's letter of November 19i 1958 to the Board in regard to sug- gestions for filing separate performance bonds for sidewalk construction in subdivisions approved by the Board. (See addendum.) After an exploratory discussion of the problems involved, it was decided to give the matter further consideration with the idea of incorporating in the revision of the Sub- division Rules and Regulations procedures for handling bonds for sidewalks. Considered next were the notices of peti- BOARD OF tions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on APPEALS December 3, 1958. It was decided to go on record as being opposed to the granting of the Associates Realty Trust petition. Mr. Snow was asked to pre- pare from the Board's dictated notes a letter setting forth the Planning Board's reasons for said opposition. (See addendum.) There was then held a general discussion of matters currently before the Board. Thereupon, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Richard H. Soule - - - - - - - Clerk ' ADDENDUM November 26, 1958 Mr. Frederic K. Johnson 3 Franklin Road Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mr. Johnson: The Board has given careful consideration to your proposal to rezone the lot numbered 25 Bedford Street from an R 1, single family residence district to a C 2, general business district. At its meeting on November 24, 1958 it was decided that the Board had not changed its views on the matter as set forth in the Board's report on the amendment to the Zoning by-law proposed by Article 6 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on September 15, 1958. For your information a copy of said report is attached. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman 11-24-58 -3- November 191958 ' Planning Board Lexington 73, Mass. Gentlemen: The recent policy of the board which requires that sidewalks be constructed in most subdivisions focuses attention on an important construction problem. find that in many subdivisions the construc- tion of houses is not done simultaneously with the road construction and therefore if we are going to require that a developer complete the sidewalk construction prior to the release of his bond, we will undoubtedly create a situation where these sidewalks will be damaged during house construction and neither the Town nor the developer will be responsible for their maintenance. Therefore I humbly suggest that the board con- sider the possibility of asking the developer to post a separate performance bond as surety for his sidewalk construction which will terminate a minimum of one year from the bond which guarantees the construction of the roads, utilities, etc. This will allow the construc- tion of homes in the development to proceed without ' causing any damage to existing walks. I would appreciate hearing from you as to your feeling in this matter. Very truly yours, Isl Richard J. Gayer Supt. of Public Works RJG/d & Town Engineer December 2, 1958 Board of Appeals Town Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. Re: Associates Realty Trust Petition Ski slope and tow; snack bar and shop. Gentlemen The Lexington Planning Board is concerned with the Asso- ciates Realtv Trust petition noted above. At its meet- ing on November 24, 1958 tr e Board decided to go on record as being opposed to the granting of said petition ' and to write a letter to the Board of Appeals setting forth its reasons for such opposition. 11-2)-1-56 While the Board in general is not opposed to a business ' enterprise of this nature in a residential district, it is believed that the pronosed location is not an appro- priate one for a ski slope because of the parking problem which would be created. In the opinion of the Planning Board skiing activity generates, to use the term of a traffic engineer, large volumes of traffic. The Lexing- ton Inn parking area, Massachusetts Avenue and adjacent streets are not adequate to accommodate the number of vehicles needed to be parked. A parking area on Lot B would necessitate clearing land of trees, grading, and constructing an entrance from Massachusetts Avenue. Such an entrance would be a hazard since it could not be seen from autos proceeding from a westerly direction over the hill on Massachusetts Avenue. The Planning Board recognizes that it cannot prevent the Trust from cutting trees or grading its property. It is believed, however, that the Trust will cooperate by not engaging in these activities when it has the following knowledge. Lot B is included in a proposed national historic park to preserve and maintain for all time and peoples the last remaining segment of the famous Battle Road of April 191 1775. In its interim report to the Congress, , dated June 16, 1958, the Boston National Historic Sites Commission has recommended the creation of said park. The Planning Board has included the project in its long- range plan for the development of Lexington. ',dile the Selectmen and narticularly the Planning Board have knowledge of this project, such information cannot be re- vealed until the issuance of the report now being printed by the Federal Government and the introduction into Con - press of the bills creating said park. Investigations of the Commission's research historian have revealed that it the Fiske Hill area some of the most colorful and furious but least known and publicized action In the course of the British retreat took place. The Board trusts, therefore, that with this knowledge all those concerned will recognize the great importance and urgency of preserving for posterity this significant link with. the Nation Is past, and will take no action ,illieri will In any way impair such preservation. Sincerely .yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Isl Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman '