HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-17I PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 17,1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the office of the Planning Board, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 171 1958 at 7:15 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Mem- bers Abbott and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. Mr. Snow reported that during the previous week at an informal meeting of the Selectmen held SUBDIVISION to discuss a capital expenditures program, his CONTROL attention was called to the construction of roads LAW and houses in the so-called Colonial Heights area - of town. He said that he investigated the matter ZONING and judged it to be so important that he had made BY-LAW an appointment for the Planning Board to discuss the situation with the Selectmen that evening. After an exploratory discussion of the problems involved, the Board then adjourned to the Select- men's meeting to discuss with them what steps might be taken to prevent the further development ' of paper streets in this and similar areas through- out the Town. It was noted that in a number of areas in town where no streets actually exist on the ground but show on plans recorded prior to the passage of the subdivision control law, the Town's department of public works had been approving plans for the extension of water mains, gravel roads without drains were being constructed, and building permits were being issued in what appeared to be violations of the zoning by-law and the subdivision control law. After a discussion of the situation, it was decided that all further applications for water main extensions were to be referred to the Select- men for acti6n. (See the Selectmen's minutes of its November 108 1958 meeting for additional de- tails of the discussion and action taken.) At 9:05 the Planning Board returned to its own meeting. Approved were the minutes of the Board's MINUTES June 23 and November 10, 1958 meetings. 11-17-58 Considered next by the Board were the BOARD OF notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of APPEALS Appeals on November 18, 1958. It was decided to take no action on the petitions to be heard on said MOORE date. With particular reference to the Moore REALTY Realty Trust petition it was decided that the pro - TRUST posed extension of the Burnham Farms development as shown on the "Study Plan of Proposed Lots Burnham BURNHAM Farms -Section 3 Lexington, Mass.", dated November FARMS 15, 1958s was generally satisfactory to the Board. ' SEC. 3 It was decided to make no comment on the proposed reduction of the areas of lots formerly owned by the The Board approved also the following bills BILLS ' which had been presented for payment: George Smith, drafting supplies -45.41; Terrence J. Boyle, pro- fessional services Nov. 3 - Nov. 7, 1958-437.50; Frederick J. Peterson, labor, constructing book- shelves -435.00; Mrs. G. Buttaro, mimeographing and materials -430.90; Graphic Reproductions, white prints --$2.10. Mr. 'Stevens met with the Board at 9:30 p.m. VINE at which time there was a further review of the BROOK function and procedures of a planning board under REALTY Section 81-U of the amended Subdivision Control Law. TRUST Particular attention was given to the Vine Brook Realty Trust's written request for an extension of the time of approval of the Vine Brook Meadows, VINE Section One definitive subdivision plan. (See BROOK addendum.) After due consideration, it was unani- MEADOWS mously SEC. 1 VOTED: that pursuant to the written request from the applicant the time of approval of the defini- tive subdivision plan entitled "Vine Brook Meadows" and dated May 144 1958, be and here- by is extended to December 8, 1958. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 10:00 p.m. ' Mr. Grindle. reported on the meeting he and STREET Mr. Snow had during the previous week with Mr. OPTION Henning W. Swenson and his niece residing at 162 - Marrett Road in regard to obtaining option for the SWENSON purchase of a parcel of the Swenson land fronting on Marrett Road, said parcel being the proposed loca- tion of Worthen Road. It was reported that before any further action was to be taken in regard to the street option that Mr. Snow was to prepare a plan showing the parcel proposed for acquisition, said plan being one which could accompany an option in- strument. Considered next by the Board were the BOARD OF notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of APPEALS Appeals on November 18, 1958. It was decided to take no action on the petitions to be heard on said MOORE date. With particular reference to the Moore REALTY Realty Trust petition it was decided that the pro - TRUST posed extension of the Burnham Farms development as shown on the "Study Plan of Proposed Lots Burnham BURNHAM Farms -Section 3 Lexington, Mass.", dated November FARMS 15, 1958s was generally satisfactory to the Board. ' SEC. 3 It was decided to make no comment on the proposed reduction of the areas of lots formerly owned by the 11-17-58 Irz ' Reginald W. Ellis estate fronting on Lowell Street since it was believed that this matter should be taken care of by the Board of Appeals. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. r TYiomas S. Grindle, Chairman ADDENTUM November 17,1957 Lexington Planning Board Town Office Building Lexington 73, Massachusetts In re: Vine Brook Meadows owned by Vine Brook Realty Trust ' Gentlemen: The petitioner hereby requests that the Planning; Board grant an extension to and including the eighth day of December, 1958 of the time of approving or rejecting the above entitled subdivision as shown on a plan dated May 141 19581 by Albert A. Miller and Wilbur C. Nylander, copies of which have been filed by the owner. Very truly yours, /s/ Alfred P. Tropeano 1