HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-101 1 1 PLANNING BOAPD MEETING November 10, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board Office, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 10, 1958 at 7:40 p.m Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Burnell, Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its November 3, 1958 meeting. MINUTES Approved also by the Board was the $20.00 bill of Samuel P. Snow for car allowance for October,1958. BILL Taken under consideration next was the follow- ing Form A application for determination of Planning FORM A Board jurisdiction: #58-721 submitted Nov. 7, 1958 by Benjamin H. Galini; plan entitled "A Subdivision of L.C.C. No.25931 in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 30', dated Aug. 21, 19581 Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Board determines that the lan accompanying Form A application 58-72 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law and that said plan be so endorsed. At 7:55 p.m. Mr. Frederic R. Johnson met with the Board to discuss the problem of expanding the A & P Store and parking lot on Bedford Street and the possible rezoning for business purposes of the residential lot numbered 25 Bedford Street located adjacent to and southeasterly of said store. The Board's November 3., 1958 minutes in regard to the rezoning proposal were read to Mr. Johnson and discussed. Mr. Johnson indicated that the addition of somettwenty feet to the southeasterly side of the A & P lot for the purpose of constructing a road thereon would contribute very little to the solution of the existing problems in regard to inadequate store space and parking. It was pointed out, how- ever, that in the Planning Board's opinion, the rezon- ing of said residential lot would mean a change in JOHNSON R 1 to C 2 REZONING PROPOSAL 11-10-58 the complexion of the street toward the Green and, , beeuase it would, the Town would not vote for the rezoning of said lot for parking or business pur- poses. Mr. Johnson filed with the Board a prelimi- nary plan prepared by New England Division Head- quarters of The Great A & P Tea Co., said plan be- ing dated July 18, 1958 and showing a proposal for adding to the present A & P store and parking facilities. After discussing this plan the Board indicated that it understood the problem and would study it further. Thereupon, Mr. Johnson left the meeting at 8:55 p.m. The Board's attention was called to the fact OAK KNOLL that upon satisfactory completion of the required SEC. 2 work to be done in the Oak Knoll, Section Two sub- divisions the Town had now received from the Oak OUTHET Knoll Realty Trust a grant of utilities installed REALTY by said trust in Peachtree Road. All other matters TRUST appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to release the performance bond, dated March 11, 1958, filed by Ernest E. Outhet and Kenneth F. Blodgett, trustees of Outhet Realty Trust, as Principal, and the American , Fidelity Company, as Surety, in the sum of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars--311s500.00)--to secure the per- formance by the Subdivider of its agreement in the form of an application for approval of a definitive plan, Form C, dated December 301 19571 to complete the work to be per- formed by the subdivider as shown on the sub- division plan entitled "Oak Knoll Section Two Lexington -Mass." and dated December 18, 1956. The Boardts attention was also called to the PHEASANT fact that the work to be performed in the Pheasant GARDENS Gardens subdivision had also been satisfactorily completed and Mr. and Mrs. Black, the subdividers, BLACK had conveyed to the Town the utilities in said sub- division. All matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously VOTED: to release the performance bond, dated June 24, 1958, filed by Walter G. Black, as Principal, and Continental Casualty Co., as ' Surety, in the stun of fourteen thousand and 00/100 dollars--(14,000.00)--to secure the performance by the subdivider of his agree- 11-10-58 ' ment in the form of an application for approval of a definitive plan, Form Co dated April 1, 1958, to complete the work to be performed by the subdivider as shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Pheasant Gardens Lexington, Massachu- setts" and dated February 17, 1958. At the request of the Selectmen, the Board met with them at 9:20 p.m. to discuss the Planning Board's recommendations for acquiring land for street locations at the proposed Worthen Road - Waltham Street intersection. (See minutes of November 3, 1958 Planning Board meeting.) Also discussed was the proposal of the Zee- land Construction Co., Inc. to develop another sec- tion of the Battle Green Village development between Paul Revere Road and Route 128. It was decided that this development would require the installation of a small pumping station by the developer, the granting of said station to the town, and town maintenance of the station. It was also decided that the developer would be required to supply a generator to be used to operate the station in the event of the failure of public power supply. It was decided that the in- stallation of the station should be such that instant connections could be made to the generator and that said generator should be kept in constant working order and stored by the Department of Public Works at its building on Bedford Street. At 10:20 p.m. the Planning Board returned to its own meeting at which time it discussed sketches submitted by Mr. Nylander showing further modifica- tion of the Burnham Farms Section 3 plan. It was decided that these plans needed further study and should be drawn in more detail before the Board could make a final decision in regard to the pro- posed modification. Mr. Snow was asked to prepare recommendations for the Board to consider at its next meeting. The Chairman reported on his meeting with Mr. Oscar B. Kenrick of 114 East Street in regard to the Board's obtaining an option for the purchase by the Town of land for the extension of Emerson Road from the Burnham Farms Section 2 subdivision to East Street. It was decided that instead of obtaining a simple fee in the land that represent..' atives of the Planning Board meet with Mr. Kenrick again to see if there could be obtained an ease- ment across said parcel of land for the rights of WORTHEN ROAD WALTHAM STREET BATTLE GREEN VILLAGE SEC .3 LEE ND CONSTRUC- TION CO. BURNHAM FARMS SEC -3 STREET OPTION KENRICK 11-10-58 travel and installation of utilities, arrangements ' being made to acquire the fee at such time as Mr. Kenrick no longer wished to retain water rights in connection with his land. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. l Ric and H. Soule Clerk n 1