HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-201 PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 20, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held at 7:45 p.m. on October 20, 1958 in the Planning Board Office, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, Jaquith, and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 8:30 to 8:55 p.m. The Board approved the minutes of its June 2 and 9, and October 14, 1958 meetings. Approved also was the following bill pre- sented for payment: Spaulding -Moss Co.s prints of revised 800 scale town maps -440 -33 - Taken under consideration was the following Form A application for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #58-69s submitted October 16, 1958 by Frank Johnson Jr.; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington Massachusetts", scale: 1" = 40', dated 29 September 1958s J.A.Griecci, Civil Engineer, Belmont. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #58-69 does not require approval and that said plan be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law not required." At 8:00 p.m. the Planning Board held a public hearing on the application for approval as a sub- division property of the Vine Brook Fealty Trust known as Vine Brook Meadows Lexington-Mass."s situated southerly of Winthrop Road and south- easterly of Waltham Street. There were four per- sons present at the hearings including Mr. Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney for the trust, and Mr. Tor - sten Reenstierna, trustee of said trust. The Chairman read the notice of the hearing as it had been sent to all property owners deemed to be affected and as had been published in the September 25s 1958 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. He then MINUTES BILL FORM A VINE BROOK REALTY TRUST 10-20-58 explained the procedure in conducting the hearing and called upon the applicant to present his plan. Mr. Tropeano speaking for the applicant de- scribed the plan which was exhibited to those present. He pointed out that the proposed subdivision was part of an over-all development which would include a second cul-de-sac and a further extension in a south- westerly direction of a subdivision street beginning at Winthrop Road and ending at the proposed extension of Worthen Road. A question was raised in regard to a lot fronting on this proposed street and shown to be owned by Raymond H. Stearns. Mr. Tropeano pointed out that said lot previously recorded in 1946 was a valid lot. Mrs. Marjorie M. Balsor of 40 Winthrop Road in- quired where Vine Brook was located in relation to Lot 6. The brook's location was pointed out to her on the plan. There being no further questions in regard to the application or plan, the hearing was declared closed at 8:15 p.m. After the hearing, Messrs. Reenstierna and Tropeano discussed with the Board the proposed loca- tion of Worthen Road and the widening of Waltham Street across the land of the Vine Brook Realty Trust. The study plans which had been prepared by Mr. Snow were shown to said gentlemen. They were informed that the Planning Board was to discuss these studies with the Selectmen later on that evening. They were informed also that they would be notified as soon as a decision was reached between the Selectmen and the Planning Board in regard to the location of said roads. Messrs. Reenstierna and Tropeano left the meet Ing at 8:30 p:m. at which time Town Counsel Stevens came to the meeting. LONGFELLOW Read to the Board was Mr. Stevens' October 20P ESTATES 1958 letter to Mr. Snow enclosing a conformed copy of grant of Nathan Ribock to the Town of the title to the utilities in Whittier Road together with a copy of Mr. Stevens' letter of said date to Town Clerk Carroll, enclosing the original of these instruments and the originals of the recorded instruments relating to the Longfellow Estates Section One subdivision. All matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Board sign a certificate of perform anee for all required work referred to in the conditional approval contract executed by Nathan Ribock, dated September 10, 19571 and release 10-20-58 -2- all lots shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Longfellow Estates Section One Lexington: Mass.", dated July 10, 19571 from the restric- tions as to sale and building specified in said conditional approval contract. After proper execution of the instr}iment, Mr. Snow was asked to forward it to Mr. Ribock. Mr. Stevens reported that at Mr. Snow's re- quest he had inquired of the Tower Estate Trustees POLLEN HILL if they would grant to the Town for recreation and LAND FOR other public purposes the remaining lands lying RECREATION southwesterly of the Follen Hill Estates develop- PURPOSES ment. Mr. Stevens stated that the trustees had informed him that it was their decision that they 'could not do this in protecting the interests of the heirs, some of whom it was understood were minors. Mr. Snow then asked if it were possible to purchase the remaining lands. It was decided that he should prepare for the Board's consideration, a plan showing the remaining portion of the estate which had not been sold before any further action be taken in regard to the matter. ' Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Messrs. Abbott, Grindle and Soule reported on their conference with Messrs. McCormack and McCORMACK- Brun on Friday, October 17, 1958 at 4:00 p.m. in BRUN the Planning Board office. In addition to the above, SUBDIVISION Planning Director Snow was present as was Wilbur C. - Nylander, civil engineer, and Mark E. Gallagher, Jr. PROPOSED City Solicitor for Medford and understood to be an HARRINGTON attorney for Messrs. McCormack and Brun. The pur- SCHOOL pose of the conference was to review action taken RECREATION by the Board with reference to the McCormack -Brun AREA application for approval of their preliminary sub- division plan, dated Jan. 15, 1957 and prepared by Miller and Nylander. The series of events in connection with said application were discussed, it bedn g the Board's understanding that Messrs. McCormack and Brun be- lieved the Board had taken no action on the applica- tion within the period required by the Board's sub- division rules and regulations. Used as a basis for said discussion were excerpts from the Board's minutes, correspondence in regard to the case, and the following plans: the January, 1957 Nylander plan referred to above; the Board's undated 200 -scale study plan for the McCormack -Brun and surrounding 10-20-58 lands; Mr. Nylander's 100 -scale undated plan, being an interpretation of said study plan (See minutes of the Board's October 3, 1957 meeting); and Mr. Snow's August 24, 1958 plan entitled ā€˛Suggested Subdivision of McCormack -Brun and Adjacent Lands in Lexington, Masa.", the latter being a more detailed and compre- hensive plan of the scheme shown on the Board's 200 - scale study plan. It was pointed out at the conference that in considering any plan such as that of McCormack and Brun, the Board had to concern itself with the rela- tion of said plan to the surrounding properties and to the Town's long-range development plan. It was likewise noted that upon consideration of these matters the location of the roads and the proposed recreation area were shown on the Board's study plan. Mr. McCormack contended that there would be a sub- stantial increase in cost over the Nylander scheme if he and his partner had to lay out their subdivision in accordance with the Board's plan. Mr. Snow explained that the proposal he prepared for the Board took into consideration an additional matter which Mr. McCormack might have overlooked; namely, the relocation of the tributary of Munroe Brook so that instead of crossing lots it would be within the proposed rights of way. Mr. Snow noted that his proposal necessitated the construction ' of one drain system whereas in the McCormack -Brun pro- posal it would be necessary to construct two drain sys- tems, one for the roads and a second for the branch of the brook which would have to be covered. In regard to the proposed town recreation area, members of the Board pointed out that the two areas suggested by Messrs. McCormack and Brun as alternate sites were either in the wrong location or not adapt- able for the use for which it was intended they should serve. Mr. McCormacic said that he and his partner wanted $35,000 for the area of about eight acres the Board was recommending the Town acquire. At the conclusion of the conference it was agreed that the Board would make Messrs. McCormack and Brun an offer for the land the Board was recom- mending for acquisition; would obtain for them informa- tion in regard to size of drain the Town would require to be laid in the proposed subdivision; and would furnish them a copy of Mr. 'Snow's August 24, 1958 plan as soon as he had checked it in detail. Mr. Snow reported that since the McCormack- I Brun conference he had obtained from Mr. Cronin of the Board of Assessors office the following information: i 1 10-20-58 that the 43 acre tract was assessed for $6,950, that the deed by which McCormack and Brun acquired title to the property had affixed thereto $24.20 worth of revenue stamps, and that on the basis of these stamps it was understood Messrs. McCormack and Brun paid $22,000 for said tract. From 9:45 to 10:45 p.m. the Planning Board met with the Selectmen and discussed with them the Board's studies for the location of Worthen Road from Waltham Street to Marrett Road and the widening of Waltham Street at the Proposed Worthen Road inter- section. Upon returning to its own meeting the Plan- ning Board asked Mr. Snow to prepare for its consid- eration detailed plans and a memorandum to accompany recommendations for presentation to the Selectmen. The Board next reviewed the correspondence and work which had been done in connection with the town map which the firm of Wright & Pierce were pre- paring for Lexington. At the conclusion of the discussion Mr. Snow was asked to write to Mr. Frank D. Wright, Jr. stating that the Board would like to meet with him in the very near future and request- ing that his firm undertake no further work on the town map. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. RI -hard H. Soule Clerk -3- WORTHEN RD- WALTHAM ST. TOWN MAP