HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-09-151 I PLANNING BOARD MEETING September 15a 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board office, Town Office'Building, on Monday, September 15, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its September 8 and 11, 1958 meetines. It also approved drafts of reports on amendments to the Lexington Zoning Bq -law as proposed by Articles 8, 9a and 10 on the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held later the same evening, said reports being dated September 12, September 13 and September 12, 1958, respectively. (See addenda.) The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. to attend said special town meeting. _ichard H. Soule Clerk Report of the Planning Board on the Amendment to the Zoning By-law Proposed by Article 8 MINUTES On September 11, 1958 at 7:45 p.m. the Planning Board held a public hearing on the proposal to amend the Lexington Zoning By-law set forth in Article 8 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on September 15, 1958. Approximately 105 persons attended the hear- ing due notice of which was given according to law. At the close of the hearing a consensus of opinion by those present showed 34 persons in favor of and 2 opposed to the amendment as presented. Thie proposal represents a change in technical procedure. ander Section 5 (g) of the zoning by-law, the authority to approve plans and designs on an application for a garden apartment or a hotel Is placed in the hands of the Planning Board. The proposed amendment transfers this approving authority from the Planning Board to the Board of Appeals. The proposal is derived from studies made in connection with the zoning proposal presented last Spring for the Filene's Shopping Center. That 9-15-58 proposal contained provisions for the approval of site plans by the Board of Appeals. Although it seemed to every- one concerned with the preparation of that proposal that the approval of site plans was more properly a function of the Planning Board than the Board of Appeals, a question was raised as to whether under the State Enabling Act, a Plan- ning Board could be given this approving authority. The doubt was resolved under that zoning proposal by placing the approving authority in the Board of Appeals. Although no question has been raised as to the legality of the present zoning by-law giving the Planning Board the authority to approve plans and designs for gar- den apartments and hotels, the Planning Board believes that the approving authority in the present by-law should be transferred from the Planning Board to the Board of Appeals. The Planning Board also believes that this change should be made at the September 151 1956 Special Town Meeting in view of the proposal under Article 9 of the Warrant to establish a new garden apartment and hotel district. Under the proposed amendment, the Planning Board is required to make recommendations to the Board of Appeals on any application for approval of plans for a garden apartment or hotel. This provision for Planning Board recommendations is similar to provisions contained in the Filene's proposal. The Planning Board unanimously recommends adoption ' of the amendment proposed under Article 8. Lexington Planning Board Charles T. Abbott Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Thomas S.Grindle, Chairman Wilbur M. Jaquith Richard H. Soule September 12, 1958 Report of the Planning Board on the Amentment to the Zoning By-law Proposed by Article 9. On September ll, 1958 at 7:45 p.m. the Planning Board held a public hearing on the rroposal to amend the Lexington Zoning By-law set forth in Article 9 of the 'Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on September 15, 1958. The Hearing was held upon request by a petition signed by not leas than 100 registered voters of Lexington. About 105 persons attended the hearing; due notice of uiich was given according to law. At the close of the hearing an expression of opinion by those present showed 60 persons In favor of and 15 persons opposed to the amendment as , presented. 1 1 9-15-58 The proposal involves the re -zoning of approxi mately 11 acres of land froma single family residen- tial (R 1) district to a garden apartment and hotel (A 1) district. The land, located on the southeasterly side of Waltham Street and diagonally opposite the high school, is part of a 26 -acre tract owned by the Vine Brook Realty Trust. The town is considering the location of an exten- sion of Worthen Road passing by the rear of the high school, crossing Waltham Street, continuing through said trust's land to other parcels and thence to Marrett Road. It is understood that the trust proposes to deed to the Town land necessary for the straightening of Waltham Street on the southeasterly side of said street and for the extension of Worthen Road over the trust's land. The Planning Board anticipates that Worthen Road will abut approximately the northeasterly side of the pro- posed A 1 district. The trust plans to develop a project of 100 to 120 apartments to be housed in approximately 17 build- ings. It is understood that 30% of the total number of apartments are to be one -bedroom units, with living room, dining areas bath and kitchen; 6&. to be two-bedroom apartments, and 10% to be three-bedroom apartments. It is anticipated that apartment rents will range from $120 to $175 per month and the total development will cost from $1,250,000 to $1,500,000. In the over=all development of the Towns the Planning Bo -.re believes there should be garden apartments on the southeasterly side of Waltham Street in the gen- eral area described above. The Board believes also that the proposed location for the A 1 district is particularly adapted to garden apartment use. The proposed area is centrally located and is the last remaining area avail- able'for such a development so close to the downtown sec- tion. Under conditions and restrictions set forth under the zoning by-law the site can be developed as may be deemed to be in the best interests of the Town. The Planning Board unanimously recommends the adoption of the amendment proposed under Article 9. September 13, 1958 Lexington Planning Board Charles T. Abbott Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman Wilbur M. Jaquith Richard H. Soule 9-15-58 Report of the Planning Board on the Amendment to the Zoning By-law Proposed by Article 10. On September 11, 1958 at 7:15 P.M. the Planning Board held a public hearing on the proposal to amend the Lexington Zoning By-law set forth in Article 10 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on September 15, 1958. The hearing was held upon request by a petition signed by not less than 100 registered voters of the Town. Approximately 105 persons attended the hearing due notice of which was given according to law. At the close of the hearing A consensus of opinion by those present showed 69 persons in favor of and none opposed to the amendment as presented. This proposal involves a change of the land on which the center railroad station is situated from an R 1 one family District to a C 2 General Business District. All the railroad property in the center of the town has been included in an R 1 District since at 'least 1929. The station is located on one side of Depot Square facing an area along Massachusetts Ave. which is in a C 2 District. The property abutting the station on the northwesterly side and the property along the north-westerly and south- easterly sides of Depot Square are in a C 2 District. In recent years, the station property has been used about 50% for railroad purposes and about 50% for other business purposes. The Board understands that the station is in e the process of being sold and that after the sale it will continue to be used only partly for railroad purposes. The railroad parking area southeast of the station build- ing is not included in the proposed rezoning. In view of the present and anticipated future busi- ness use of the station property the Board believes that the property`should be in a C 2 District. It is antici- pated that such rezoning will not result in any material change in the"land.use character of the Depot Square area since the other property surrounding the Square is already In a C 2 District except the railroad parking area which Is not being rezoned. The Planning Board unanimously recommends the adoption of the amendment proposed under Article 10. Lexington Planning Board Charles T. Abbott Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman Wilbur M. Jaquith Richard A. Soule September 12, 1958