HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-251 1 PLANT?T'\G BOARD NEETTNG August 25, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the office of the Board, Town Office BuildinJ, on Monday, August 25, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, and Jaquith, and1r. Boyle of the Staff. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 8:10 to 9:00 P. -q. Messrs. Albert L. Ampolo and Nathan Ribock were present to discuss their proposal for extend- inM the Longfellow Estates development as shown on their preliminary subdivision plan. (See minutes of November 26, 1956 Planning Board meetin ) Mr. Ampolo asked if the Board would approve a second section of said development which would include the extensi-on of 7,1hittier Road to Longfellow Road as a regularly constructed subdivision street but the ex- tens..'on only as a temporary gravel street Longfellow Road frog; Hawthorne to 'A),ittier Roads. Pyr. Ampolo stated that he proposed to construct Longfellow Road as a finished street in a third phase of the develop- ment eaten dint into rear land. He said that such an arranement would allow him to recover costs in- curred in removing the large amount of ledge en- countered i.n constructing the Longfellow Estates Section One subdivision. The matter was taken under advisement, w[j ereupon ' 14essrs. Ampolo and Ribock left the m eeti.nm at 7:50 p.m. Hr. Alfred P. Troneano, attorney for Vine Drool,: P.ealt-,r Trust j, fl -led wit" the Board an incom- plete set of prints of a definitive subdivision plan to be Pnorn as Vine Brook Headows. It was decided to take the plan unCer consideration and to refer said plan to the Plannin-. Director. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting- at 8:10 p.m. to discuss various amendments to the Zoning By-law proposed for consic.eration at the forthcoming; special token meet in-,. He advised the Board to cancel the scheduled September 9, 195"- heari= relative to the Vine Brook Realt-< Trust proposal for an A 1 district as advertised in the Lcxin - on PIT nute=man, advertise said cancellation) -and readvert se earinrr for September 11, 1958. He suggested combining said hearing yr tr those relative to the Cataldo proposal (see minutes of Aug„ust 18 1 58 Planning Board meet- ing) and the pro --:oral to amend paragraph (g) A 1 LONGFELLOW ESTATES RIBOCK VINE BROOK 14EADO WS VINI: BROOK REALTY TRUST REZONING PROPOSALS 8 -58 Districts, Garden apartment and hotel districts.- of istricts,of Section 5, Pcrmitted buildings and uses, of the Zoning By-law. He presented a rough draft of a proposed legal notice pointing out that in incorpora- ting all zoning by=law amendments in one hearing there was a voided a definite time assignment for each proposal. After makinn arrangements for hearings on September 4 and 11, 19581 Mr. Stevens left the meeting. 1 C 1 At 9:00 p.m. Mr. John H. Devine came to the DEVINE meeting with two plans, one indicating how he wished to subdivide his property numbered 19 Slocum Road, Lexington. He requested the Board's informal opinion relative to the problems involved. After a discus- sion of these matters, the -Board took the plans under advisement. Thereupon, Mr. Devine left the meeting at 9:25 p.m. The Board approved the following bills which BILLS had been presented for payment: L.M.Foster,Inc., office supplies --X4.09; Minute -man Publications,Ine., adver- tising -417.50; Allen Stationery Co., office chairs -- --54.25; 36.64; Graphic Fteproductions,Inc., white prints Louise M. Baker, secretarial service -445.00; Terrence J. Boyle, professional services, August 18 through 22, 10/58--X100.00. Considered next by the Board were notices of BOARD OF petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on APPEALS September 9, 1958: It was decided to take no action on said petitions. Mr. Jaquith reported that he had received a ROBINSON telephone call from Mrs. Barbara Anderson of Woodberry HILL Road, so-called, concerning a driveway she uses as an SEC.2 & 3 access to her property from Childs Road in the Robin- _ son Hill development. It was decided that Messrs. ANDERSON Grindle and Jaquith would view the situation at the site and discuss the problem further with the Boa1+d. Read to the Board was Mr. Paul "J. McCormack's August 1958 letter requesting a meeting with the Planning Board to discuss his proposed professional office building in East Lexington. (See minutes of June 16, 1958 Planning Board meeting.) It was de- cided to i,Trite to Mr. McCormack that the Board would consider the matter after the September town meeting the Board having a very busy schedule prior to said meeting. _ The Planning Board meeting adjourned at 10:20 n.m. Thomas S. Grndle,Chairman 1 C 1