HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-04PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 4, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board Office, Town Office Building, on Monday, August 4, 1958 at 7:45 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of its July 21�, 1958 meeting. Approved also by the Board were the follow- ing bills which had been presented for payment: Samuel P. Snow, car allowance for July, 1958--$25.00; Ward's, file pockets --$,5.40; Allen Stationery Co., plan file unit -4',151.05; Terrence J. Boyle, profes- sional services, July 30 through August 1, 1958-- 60.00. Considered next were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: ' #58-53. submitted Julv 30, 1958 by Anthony and Ida Lavelli; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexinr~ton, Mass.", dated Feb. 20, 1958, Joseph W. Moore, Reg. Land Surveyor. #58-54Y submitted July 30, 1958 by Ingeborg Junge, plan entitled 'A Subdlv3 sion of Land Court Case No. 100653 Land in Lexington - Hass.", dated Jule 15, 1958, Miller and Ny lander, C . E. ' s €c Surveyors. #58-55, submitted July 31, 1958 by Lloyd and Margaret Faulkingham; plan entitled " A Com- piled Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", dated July 23, 1958s Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s and Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanyin Form A applica- tions #58-53, #58-54, and #5a-55 do not re- quire approval under the Subdivision Control Law, and that said plans be so endorsed. Mr. Snow reported that since the Board's last discussion of the proposal to locate a recreation MINUTES FORMS A J-11 -56 1 1 1 area on the McCormack -Brun land adjacent to the McCORMACK Harrington School, he and Mr. Boyle had studied and AND BRUN discussed the matter further with Recreation Director - Samborski. Mr. Snow stated as a result of these dis- PROPOSED cussions Mr. Boyle had prepared a study plan entitled HARRINGTON "Harrington School Recreation Area," and dated July 20, SCHOOL 1958. It was noted that in comparison to the previously RECREATION discussed June 19, 1958 plan (see minutes of Planning AREA BoardTs June 23, 1958 meeting), most of the Bryant lot numbered 344 Lowell Street had not been included in the July 20 plan, and that about eight acres of the Mc- Cormack -Brun land, including the parcel over which the Town had an easement to the Harrin7ton School, would be needed for a reduced number of those facilities listed in Mr. Snow's June 20, 1958 memorandum. Mr. Snow said that, in his opinion, the facilities shown on the July 20 plan constituted only a neighborhood rather than a major recreation area. From a long-range standpoint he recommended including the Bryant land in any proposal for the ultimate development of the area. The Board took the study under advisement.. Conside,red next by the Board was Mr. Snow's REZONING proposal that Sec. 5(a)7.c. of the zoning by-law be PROPOSAL amended so that there could be no further interpre- tation that professional offices also meant pro- PROFES- fessional office buildings. Mr. Snow said that it SIONAL was his understanding that intent of allowing pro - OFFICES IN fessional offices in single family residences was R 1 DIS- only from the standpoint of said offices being TRICTS accessory uses incidental to the conduct of a pro- fession by residents of the premises. He distributed excerpts covering such uses from the zoning by-laws of the towns of Canton and Walpole and pointed out that other Massachusetts towns such as Concord, Waltham, Wayland and Winchester had similar provisions in their by-laws. The South Central Regional Planning Board of Connecticut definition of a brofessional office was also considered, namely: "An office of recognized professions such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, artists, musicians, designers, teachers, and others who through training are quali- fied to perform services of a professional nature." After a discussion of the various aspects of the pro- posal, it was taken under advisement. The Board decided to hold its next meeting on August 18, 1958. Thereupon, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Thomas S. Grin dle, Chairman 1 1 1