HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-07-14PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' July l4 s 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Board's new office in the basement of the Town Office Building on Monday, July 141 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Burnell and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 8:40 to 9:00 p.m. Approved by the Board were the following bills which had been presented for payment: Graphic Reproductions,Ine.,white prints, $5.88, $5.88, and $3.12,8,114..88; Terrence J. Boyle, professional ser- vices, July 7 through July 112 1958--$100.00; Spaulding -Moss Co., drafting and office supplies -- $20.16; James J. Carroll, poll book --$1.25; City of Niagara Falls, zoning ordinance and map --$2.80; Minute -man Publications,Inc.,advertising C. C. & F. hearing--$37.0.7- The Board also approved the action taken by the Planning Director in signing, in the absence ' of a planning board meeting, a schedule of bills payable to Mr. Boyle for professional services, said schedule including a $100.00 bill for the week of June 16 through 20, 1958, and an $80.00 bill for the week of June 23 through July 3, 1958. Considered next were the petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on July 223 1958. It was decided to take no action on said petitions. Discussed by the Board and approved by the same were drafts of letters dated July 11, 1958 to John B. Castelli, Mr. Peter K. Pappas, and Mrs. Helen I. Walker, all of Lowell Street, in regard to the possible future residential development of their properties and the Board's June 30, 1958 study of the area bounded by the Great Meadows, Maple and Lowell Streets, and Bartlett Avenue. (See addendum.) At 8:05 p.m. the Planning Board held a public hearing relative to the application of Raymond F. Boudreau for approval of a subdivision to be known as "Sunnyknoll Lexington, Mass." and more particularly described as an extension of Sunnyknoll Terrace in a northwesterly direction for a distance of 354 feet more or less. Mr. BILLS BOARD OF APPEALS WT_D?CHESTER DEVELOPMENT CORP. CASTELLI PAPPAS WALKER SUNNYKNOLL 7-14-58 Boudreau and Mr. Joseph W. Moore, who prepared the plan, were the only persons attending the hearing. The ' Chairman read the notice of the hearing as it had been sent to all those deemed to be affected and as had been published in the June 26, 1958 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. He then explained the procedure in conducting the hearing and called upon the appli- cant to explain his plan. Among the points discussed by Mr. Boudreau were the intent of laying a dry sewer to be con- nected., at a later date, to Garfield Street and the conveyance to the Town of Lot 70 fronting ori said street so that, as a later date also, the Town could construct an extension of Sunnyknoll Terrace across town -owned lots 69 and 71, as well as Lot 70, to Garfield Street. There being no questions by the Board,it indicated that it would approve the plan upon the filing by Mr. Boudreau of a performance bond in the proper form and amount. Thereupon the hearing was declared closed at 8:10 p.m. at which time Messrs. Boudreau and Moore left the meeting. Considered next by the Board was the draft SIDEWALKS of a letter, dated July 15, 1958 addressed to Mr. , Gayer, Superintendent of Public Works, in regard to sidewalk location and construction in subdivi- sions approved by the Board. Mr. Snow stated that with reference to the Planning Board's previous request (See April 71 1958 minutes) he and Mr. Gayer had discussed the problem on a number of occasions and had recently approved the draft of the letter which was signed by the Chairman. (See addendum.) Mr. Snow called the Board's attention to Mr. GREAT Maloney's July 1, 1957 letter to the Planning MEADOWS Board in regard to the Great Meadows project and Mr. Snow's July 10, 1958 reply. (See addenda.) This corresDondence was discussed and no further action taken. FORM A Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Thereupon, the Board took under consideration the following Form A application for Planning Board jurisdiction: #58-47, submitted July 14s 1958 by Ernest J. Corrigan; plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 27302 Land in Lex- ington-Mass."j. Scale l" = 40', dated June 19, 1958, Miller & Nylander, C.E.Is & Sur- veyors. 7-14-58 ' With reference to the Planning Director's July 11, 1958 letter to the Town Counsel in re- gard to said plan, Mr. Stevens stated that he saw no reason why the Board should determine that the plan required approval. Thereupon, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #58-47 does not require approval under the Sub- division Control Law and that said plan be so endorsed. 1 1 After holding a rreneral discussion of matters currently before the Planning Board, Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 9:00 p.m. There was then held a review of matters to be discussed at the Planning Board's appointment with the Selectmen. Special consideration was given to Mr. Snow's draft of a letter, dated July 141 1958, to the Selectmen in regard to the pro- posed location of Worthen Road from Massachusetts Avenue to Waltham Street. The Board approved said letter which the Chairman signed. The Board also approved the plan to which reference was made in said letter. (See addendum.) At 9:30 p.m. the Board met with the Select- men to discuss the following matters: Burnham Farms, Section Two definitive subdivision plan and the adjacent land the Planning Board was recommending the Town acquire for recreation purposes; the proposed Harrington School Recrea- tion Area which the Board was also recommending the Town'acquire; Cabot, Cabot and Forbes pro- nosals for a C 3, special commercial district, and the scheduling of a special town meeting to con- sider said proposals; the extension of Worthen Road from Massachusetts Avenue to Waltham Street. (See Selectmen's minutes of i.ts July 14, 1958 meeting for an account of the above discussion. The Planning Board left tie Selectmen's meeting at 10:35 p.m, at which tine the Planning Board meeting adjourned. Thomas S. Gri.ndle Chairman -2- WORTHEN ROAD SELECTMEN 7-14-58 ADDENDA Mrs.Helen I. Walker 178 Lowell Street Lexington 731 Mass. Dear Mrs. Walker: July 11, 1958 As perhaps you know the Winchester Development Corp., of which Mr. George J. DeVr.ies is an officer, has pur- chased the former Hull land and an adjacent property for the purpose of developing a residential subdivision similar to Sun Valley. In connection with this pro- posed development the Planning Board has made a study of the area bounded by the Great Meadows, Maple and Lowell Streets, and Bartlett Avenue in order that the location of streets in the proposed subdivision connect to adjacent lands in a way which allows these lands to be developed properly at a later date. This study shows a suggested way in which vour property and that owned by Messrs. Castelli and Pappas could be subdivided into house lots whould you wish to do so. The Planning Board would be pleased to show you and Mr. Walker this plan and to discuss it with you when repre- sentatives of the Castelli and Pappas families can be present at the same time. For this reason the Board is sending a similar letter to Mr. Castelli and Mr. Pappas suggesting that Mondav, July 28, 1958 at 8:30 p.m. would be a convenient time for such a meeting in the Town En- gineer's Room, Town Office Building. Please telephone our Planning Director, Mr. Snow, a t the Town Offices if you are able to be present. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Is/ Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman P.S. If ,you would rather come to the Planning Board office at your convenience, I would be glad to discuss the plan with you. /s/ Samuel P. Snow (Similar letters were sent to Mr. John B. Castelli, 194 Lowell Street; and Mr. Peter K. Pappas, 188 Lowell St.) 1 1 7-1l-58 ' Mr. Richard J. Gaver Supt. of Public Works Town Office Building Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mr. Gayer: 15 July 1958 Re: Sidewalk Location and Construction Subdivision Rules and Regulations The Planning Board has been reviewing its policy in regard to the location and construction of sidewalks in subdivisions as set forth under Sec. V. B. 9. of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. In the belief that the Board could facilitate the administration of this particular paragraph of said regulations, Mr. Snow was asked to discuss and formulate with you a procedure wherein the location of sidewalks would be shown on definitive subdivision plans and the cost of said walks included in the acceptance of estimates as set forth in Sec. III. B. 4. of said regulations. It is the Boards understanding that the following nrocedure is the one agreed upon and is to be followed hereafter unless the Board receives a communication from you to the contrary. ' 1. When definitive plans have been filed with the Superintendent of Public works for the purpose of ob- taining from him written acceptances and approvals under Sec. III. B. of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, he will notify the Planning Board of such filing in order that the Board may indicate to him what it is going to require in the way of sidewalks in the proposed subdivision. 2. At the next meeting of the Board, it will decide if any, and where, sidewalks are needed, the Planning Dir- ector conveying said information to the Superintendent of Public Works. 3. The subdivider will be required to show the location of said walks on the street and profile plans in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Works. 4. The cost of constructing said walks will be included in the acceptance of estimates of required work to be done in the subdivision. LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Isl Thomas S. Grindle, ' Chairman 7-14-58 July 1, 1958 Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman ' Lexington Planning Board 1557 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington 731 M-ssachusetts Dear Mr. Grindle: Our Board is seriously considering the appointment of a committee to investigate the advisability and possi- bility of acquiring the Great Meadows and for what purpose. However, before taking any definite action in this re- gard, we would very much appreciate receiving an opinion from the Planning Board in regards to appointment of such a Committee. Very truly yours, Isl William E. Maloney J:m Chairman, Selectmen 10 July 10,58 William E. Maloney, Chairman , Board of Selectmen Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mr. Maloney: Reference is made to your July 1, 1958 letter in regard to the Selectmen appointing "a committee to investigate the advisability and possibility of acquiring the Great Meadows and for what purpose." A number of members of the Planning Board, including its chairman, are on vacation. I presume when the board meets again on July 14 it will wish to express its view in regard to the Great Meadows situation. In the mean- time, however, I am taking the liberty of expressing my own opinion in regard to the matter. I have made substantial progress on the over all park and recreation plan which I am preparing for Lexington. I am now engaged, with the help of a temporary (graduate student) assistant in completing a number of project plans. I expect to have these, including the Great Meadows -project, completed by September. I would appre- ciate very much the opportunity of completing and pre- senting these plans for the consideration of all before ' the Selectmen appoint a committee as proposed. 7-14-58 -4- You may be interested to know that, at my request, the State Department of Natural Resources is reviewing these plans. Their planning consultant In his preliminary report had the following to say in regard to my plans: "Frankly, I am most agreeably surprised by the scope and nature of this proposed park system program, as outlined to me by the Planning Board's Director, within the size of a town like Lexington. I know of no such town that has even conceived in such intelligent and farsighted terms of what I would call a com- bination of a conservation and recreation program - not only for the benefit of today's population but especially for the generations to come." In another letter, replying to your letter of June 5, I am setting forth the progress made in regard to the Baskin Playground and North :street - Vine Brook Recre- ation Area plans. In regard to the former area, I expect to ask the Recreation Committee, Planning Board, and Selectmen for a joint meeting in August to review detailed plans and proposals for said playground. Sincerely yours, /s/ Samuel P. Snow Planning Director Ila. July 1958 Board of Selectmen Lexington 73, mass. Re: Worthen Road Gentlemen:- '.eference is made to Mr. Stevens' November 14, 1957 letter to Mr. Snow. A copy of said letter is attached. Reference is also made to Mr. Snow's report to the Planning Board, beginning with the last paragraph on page 261 and continuing through the third paragraph on page 263, as published in Lexington's 1957 Annual Report of the Town Office. -s. On ItiTay 26, 1058, at your request, the Planning Board discussed with- ,ou its proposals for Worthen and Emerson Roads and exhibited at that time on a marked print its recommendation for the location of Worthen ' Road across the Center Playground from the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Lincoln Street to Waltham Street. A cop7 of said print is attached herewith, 7-14-58 said print being an untitled plan of the center play- , ground and adjacent areas, dated Feb. 7, 1945p and drawn at a scale of 1" = loot. It has been noted, however, that said plan is largely diagrammatic. It was decided, therefore, to prepare a more detailed study for the extension of Worthen Road, said study being based on data obtained from high school, Loring Hill Estates, and Hayden Centre property surveys. Attached herewith is the revised study, the plan being entitled "Proposed Location Worthen Road Mass. Ave. to 'Waltham St.'', drawn at a scale of 1" = 100', and dated July lO, 1G58. The revised location of Worthen Road is drawn in red and the original location drawn in blue, for comparative purposes, on a print of the Hayden Centre property entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington - Mass.", dated July 231 1956, and prepared by Miller and Nylander, Said print is also attached. .With reference to the revised proposed location of Worthen Road, the following recommendations are made: a. That there be prepared by engineers detailed plans for the extension of Worthen Road, substantially as shown on the July 10, 1958 plan; b. That portions of Massachusetts Avenue and Lincoln ' Street, marked "A",."B", and "C", be abandoned; c. That a portion of Lincoln Street, marked "D", be relocated; d. That, when deemed appropriate, synchronized traffic livhts be installed at Massachusetts Avenue - Worthen Road and Lincoln Street - Worthen Road inter- sections, marked "E't and "F"; e. That the property numbered 2 Lincoln Street be ac- quired from the Hayden Centre and the house tdrn down or sold for salvage; f. That the Town -lay out a new lot at the former loca- tion of number 2 Lincoln Street, construct a founda- tion for the house numbered 4 Lincoln Street, and move said house onto the new foundation and lot, the necessary arrangements having been previously made with the present property owners to do the same; g. That the Town lay out and construct Worthen Road from the present Massachusetts Avenue - Lincoln Street intersection to Park Drive; I h. That the triangular parcel of land, marked "Gt', be- 7 -1u -5a -5- tween Hastings Park and the new locations of ' Worthen Road and Lincoln Street be added to Hastings Park; i. That the Town convey to Hayden Centre the triangu- lar parcel of land, marked "H", bounded by the new locations of 'Worthen Road and Lincoln Street, and the present boundary of said centre property; j. That the Town acquire from Hayden Centre the tri- angular parcels of land in the northeasterly corner of the present Hayden parcels 1 and 2, said tri- angular parcels being marked "I" and "K"; k. That the Town retain the northeasterly end of the triangular parcel of land, marked "J", which it now owns between Hayden Centre parcels 1 and 2; 1. That the Town convey to the Hayden Centre a small parcel of land, marked "L", southeasterly of said centre land to balance the exchange of land between the Hayden Centre and the Town. LEXTNGTON PLANNING BOARD ' /s/ Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman cc:uarold E. Stevens Town Counsel of Lexin7ton 1