HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-30PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' June 30, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 30, 1958 at 7:45 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindley Members Burnell and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 8:35 to 8:45 p.m. The Board approved the minutes of its May 5 and 8, 1958 meetings. MINUTES Approved also by the Board were the follow- ing bills which had been presented for payment: BILLS Graphic Reproductions, Inc., white prints $0.75 and $4.20; H.B.MeArdle, office supplies --18.20; Terrence J. Boyle, professional services, June 23 through June 27, 1958--§95.00; Allen Brothers Corp., rubber stamp --$5.50; Minute -man Publications,Inc., advertising -43.63. Considered next was the following Form A application for determination of Planning Board FORM A jurisdiction: #58-96, submitted on June 30, 1958 by H. S. B. White for Constructor's Properties, Inc - plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexington -Mass' Scale: 1" = 40', dated June 17, 1958, William J. Ford, Jr., Registered Land Sur- veyor. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #58-46 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law and that said plan be so endorsed. Mr. Snow discussed with the Board sketches he had prepared showing a proposal and an alternate PROPOSED scheme for developing the proposed Sun Valley re- SUN VALLEY creational area, said sketches being dated June 30, 1958 "Whipple RECREATION and entitled in part Hill Recreation Area." (See AREA minutes of the Planning Board's June 2, 1958 meeting.) The Board decided it would ask WHIPPLE Mr. Benkley for two parcels from the land it was HILL understood he owned, the first being a triangular parcel measuring fifty feet along the northwesterly 6-30-58 boundary and one hundred feet along the northeast- erly boundary, both distances measured from the , northerly corner of his property. The second parcel to be asked for was a strip fifty feet wide parallel to and northwesterly of the southeasterly boundary of Mr. Benkley's land. From 8:20 to 8:35 p.m. Mr. Benkley met with the Board to discuss the above sketches. He agreed to deed the parcels of land set forth above to the DeVries Construction Co., Inc., it being understood that said company would include the parcels with the remaining Sun Valley land it was understood the com- pany was to convey to the Town for recreation pur- poses. Mr. Benkley stated that in his deed to De - Vries he wished to include a covenant to the effect that upon acquisition of the DeVries land by the Town it would erect a fence along Mr. Benkley's property line. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at 8:35 p.m. He was asked to furnish the Board with copies of the Herzog and Benkley deeds to lots 188 and 187 and adjacent land in Section Fifteen of Sun Valley so that the September 1957 Venne plan could be corrected for use in connection with the transfer of the above ' parcels of land. Mr. Stevens was given the petition filed by JOHNSON Frederic K. Johnson et als to rezone from R 1 to C 2 REZONING use the lot numbered 25 Bedford Street, Mr. Stevens PETITION being asked to render an opinion as to whether or not the description set forth in the petition was adequate for inclusion in the zoning by-law. It was decided not to set the date for a public hear - Ing until later. It was decided, however, to set a fee of $30.00 to defray costs of advertising, mail- ing notices, and secretarial services in connection with said hearing. Mr. Snow was asked to notify Mr. Johnson of the Board's decision. The attention of the Board was called to the PHEASANT fact that Walter G. Black had filed a bond in con - GARDENS nection with his Pheasant Gardens subdivision. Said bond having been approved by Mr. Stevens as to form, and all other matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the May 281 1958 vote of the Planning Board disapproving the definitive plan en- titled "Pheasant Gardens Lexington, Mass.", dated. Feb. 17, 1958, be and hereby is re- scinded. 6-30-58 -2- VOTED: That the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Pheasant Gardens Lexington, Mass.", dated Feb. 17, 1958, which was submitted to the Board by Walter G. and Minola M. Black on April 16, 1958, accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated April 1, 1958, be and hereby is approved. Mr. Stevens gave the Board a copy of his June 30, 1958 letter to the Town Clerk enclosing instru- L.C.CASE ments wherein the Fitzgeralds granted to the Town No. 5982 easements and utilities in their subdivision en- titled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 5982." FITZGERALD Evidence of satisfactory performance of the re- quired work to be done in said subdivision having been obtained from the Superintendent of Public Works., and all other matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED': That the Board sign a certificate of per- formance and a release of conditions of Plan- ning Board approval for all required work re- qurred to in the condition approval contract ' executed by William E. and Oda -Mae Fitzgerald, dated September 17, 19571 and release all lots shown on the subdivision plan entitled " A Sub- division of Land Court Case No. 5982 in Lex- ington -Mass.", dated May 1, 1956 from the re- strictions estrictions as to sale and building specified in said conditional approval contract." Thereupon, the Board signed the instruments which had been previousiv prepared by Mr. Stevens. He left the meeting at 8:x.5 p.m. Messrs. Blakely, Spaulding and Wheeler of Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes then met with the Board C 3 to discuss their proposal for rezoning the Pi.l- DISTRICT kington and the former Richards properties PROPOSAL bounded by Route 2 and Spring Street and the Swenson, Hayden and related properties bounded by Route 2, Spring, Shade and Weston Streets from a single family residence to a special commercial district. Special consideration was given to the description of the area proposed for rezoning, the need of residential buffer areas in addition to those proposed, the regulatory provisions for said ' district, and the proposed road systems within the district, the roads not conforming to the Board+s subdivision rules and regulations. These matters 6-30-58 were taken under further consideration as was a site plan, dated June 30, 1958 and filed with the Board. Messrs. Blakely, Spaulding and Wheeler left the meeting at 10:45 p.m. Taken under consideration next were the BOARD OF petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on July 8, APPEALS 1958. It was decided to take no action on said petitions. Mr. Snow discussed his. June 27, 1958 letter to OA's HILL Wynwood Associates, Inc. in regard to their Oak Hill ESTATES Estates, Sec. 1 subdivision. Thereupon, upon motion SEC. 1 duly made and seconded, it was unanimously WYNWOOD VOTED: That the June 9, 1958 vote of the Planning ASSOCIATES Board approving with a condition the defini- tive subdivision plan entitled "Oak Hill Estates Section One Lexington, Mass.", dated April 1, 1958, be and hereby is rescinded VOTED: That the definitive subdivision plan en- titled '"Oak Hill Estates Section One Lexing- ton, Mass.", dated April 1, 1958, which was submitted to the Board by Sandy Brook Corp. , on April 16, 1958s accompanied by an applica- tion for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated April 2, 1958, which was disapproved by the Board on May 28, 1958 for failure of the applicant to file the required bond, said disapproval having been rescinded by the Board on June 9, 1958, and subsequently thereto Wynwood Associates, Inc. having acquired title to all lands within the subdivision by two deeds from said Sandy Brook Corporation dated respectively April 81, 1958 and May 23, 1958, and said Corporation having assumed all the obligations of the applicant on June 9, 1958, be and hereby is approved subject to the fol- lowing conditions: (a) that a bituminous con- crete sidewalk 5" wide be constructed along the entire length on the northerly side of Fulton Road; and (b ) that no lot shall be built upon without prior consent from the Lexington Board of Health." The Board next considered with Mr. Snow his plan entitled "Suggested Subdivision of DeVries and Adjacent Lands in Lexington, Measachusetts," dated June 301 1a58. The Board also considered Mr. Snow's draft of a letter, dated July 1, 1958P to the 6-30-58 ' Winchester Development Corp. in regard to the Sun Valley II preliminary subdivision plan, dated April 15, 1958. He pointed out that his former plan entitled "Suggested Development for a por- tion of Chapman-Tocci-Smith-DeVries Lands," dated May 29, 195p8, did not give sufficient considera- tion to the future development of the parcels of land southeasterly of the DeVries property but that the later plan would allow said parcels to be developed properly at a later date. It was decided to approve the July 1, 1958 letter for the Chairman's signature. (See adden- dum.) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Board adopt the study plan entitled "Suggested Subdivision of DeVries and Adja- cent Lands in Lexington, Massachusetts," dated June 30, 1958, prepared by Samuel P. Snow, Planning Director. It was decided not to hold a meeting on Monday, July 7, 1958 but to meet during the morn- ing of July 4, 1958 to discuss informally the many matters currently before the Board. The meeting adjourned at 11-00 p.m. Thomas S. Grindle Chairman -3- SUN VALLEY II WINCHESTER DEVELOPMENT CORP. ADDENDUM July 1, 1958 Winchester Development Corp. 72 Albion Street Wakefield, Mass. Re: Preliminary Plan Sun Valley II Winchester Development Corp. Gentlemen: This letter will confirm the following information given orally at various times to Mr. George J. DeVries by Mr. Snow, Planning Director, with reference to the preliminary subdivision plan referred to above. ' 1. On April 21, 1958 the application was accepted as duly submitted under the Rules and Regulations of the Lex- ington Planning Board. In considering the application 6-30-58 on said date, the Board decided that the name of the subdivision was not acceptable and that Mr. DeVries be asked to choose another, said name being too confusing with titles such as "Sun Valley, 3ec-2" and "Sun Valley II, Sec. 2," etc. 2. At a special meeting of the Planning Board held on Wednesday, May 21, 1958, at which a quorum was present and acted throughout, it was unanimously VOTED: That the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Sun Valley II Lexington, Mass.", dated April 151 19581 submitted to the Board on April 211 1958s be and hereby is disapproved for the reason that the location of the proposed streets do not connect to the adjacent lands in a way which allows them to be developed properly. Attached herewith is a set of prints of the subdivision plan on which is recorded the Board's vote. There is also enclosed a print of a scheme entitled "Suggested Develop- ment for a portion of Chapman-Tocci-Smith-DeVries Lands," dated May 29, 1958 and prepared for the Lexinton Planning Board. It is understood that on June 11, 1959 Mr. Snow gave you a rough draft of this study. This latter plan is based on your scheme but, in the Board's opinion, gives better alignment to A and C Streets. It does not, however, give sufficient consideration to the future development of the parcels of land southeasterly of ,your property. 3. Since the preparation of the above plan the Board has studied in more detail the lands now or formerly of Castelli, Pappas, and Walker with the idea of devising a scheme which will allow said lands to be developed properly at a later date. Attached herewith is a print which gives one solution to the problem, said print be— ing entitled "Suggested Subdivision of DeVries and Ad- jacent Lands in Lexington, Massachusetts," dated June 301 1958, and prepared for the Board. You may wish to consider this plan in preparing another plan for sub- mission to the Board. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman 1