HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-23I PLANNING BOARD MEETING June 23, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineerts Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 23, 1958 at 7:55 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. BILL FORM A BOARD OF APPEALS POND REALTY TRUST The Board approved the following bill which had been submitted for payment: Mrs. G. Buttaro, paper and mimeographing -50.75. Taken under consideration was the following Form A application for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #58-44* submitted on June 20, 1958 by Pat J. Monsignore, attorney for Joseph and Mary Monsignore; plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 12100 Land in Lexington - Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40t, dated June 10, 1958s Miller & Nylander, C.F.ts & Surveyors. ' Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #58-44 does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law and that said plan be so endorsed. Taken under consideration also were notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on June 24, 1958. It was decided to take no action in regard to the petitions to be heard on said date. Shown of the Board was an undated plan drawn by Fred A. Joyce, surveyor, said plan showing lot- ting, roads, and utilities for a proposed subdivi- sion of the former Magnuson property on Reed Street. Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Joyce had left the plan at the request of the Pond Realty Trusts 637 Massa- chusetts Avenue, Arlington. It was understood that the trust had acquired said Magnuson property and now desired the Board informal opinion of the Joyce plan. Mr. Snow was asked to study the plan in re- lation to surrounding properties and to the recom- mended extension of Worthen Road (see Major Street Plan) with the view of making a recommendation to the Planning Board in regard to developing said Magnuson land. BILL FORM A BOARD OF APPEALS POND REALTY TRUST 6-23-58 The Board next reviewed the application of BOUDREAU Raymond F. Boudreau for aproval of the definitive d subdivision plan entitleSunnyknoll, Lexington, BUNNYKNOLL Mass." A public hearing relative to said applica- tion was scheduled for July 24, 1958 at 8:00 P.M. The. Board also reviewed the petition filed JOHNSON by Frederick K. Johnson to rezone from R 1 to C 2 REZONING use the house lot located southeasterly of and ad - PETITION joining the A & P store on Bedford street. It was - noted that the petition was signed by more than R 1 to C 1 100 registered Lexington voters as certified by USE the Town Clerk. It was decided to defer action on said petition until it could be discussed with the Town Counsel. With reference to the McCormack -Brun pre- McCORMACK liminary subdivision plan, Mr. Snow reviewed with AND the Board his June 20, 1958 memorandum relative to BRUN his January 16 and June 19, 1958 conferences with Recreation Director Samborski. Mr. Snow also dis- cussed the sketch plan accompanying said memorandum, the plan indicating a general arrangement of ele- ments proposed for the area. He recommended that the proposed site of approximately eight acres was not large enough for all the facilities for inclu-. sion on the site. Mr. Snow said he would discuss , the matter further with Mr. Samborski. restrictions on said parcel to the effect that no buildings other than single family residences could At 9:00 p.m. Mr. T. H. Reenstierna, trustee R 1 to A 1 of the Vine Brook Realty Trust, and Mr. A. P. REZONING Tropeano,attorney for Mr. Reenstierna, met with PROPOSAL the Board to discuss the trust's proposal for re- zoning a tract of land from R 1 to A 1 use, said VINE BROOK tract being about eleven acres in area, having REALTY about 850 feet of frontage on the easterly side of TRUST Waltham Street, and situated diagonally opposite the high school grounds. Mr. Tropeano said that the tract was part of the former Ryder estate and also was part of the same area the trustees of said estate petitioned to have rezoned in 1955 for a garden apartment and hotel district. He pointed out that action on Article 54 of the warrant for the 1958 annual town meeting was indefinitely postponed at the request of said trustees when it was found there was a defect in the title to the Ryder property. He stated that this defect was in the process of being cleared in the Land Court. Mr. Tropeano noted, how- ever, (1) that a portion of the tract which it was desired to rezone was part of 54 46 parcel of former Ryder land known as parcel 31 (2) that there were restrictions on said parcel to the effect that no buildings other than single family residences could 6-23-58 ' be built thereon, (3) that said restrictions expired in 1960s and (4) that it was not intended to con- struct any buildings on that portion of parcel 3 which it was desired be rezoned for A 1 use. With reference to the original Ryder peti- tion, Mr. Reenstierna said it was now intended to construct only about 10 apartment houses, these containing a total of between 100 and 125 units. He stated that it was planned that 45 percent of these would be one bedroom units to rent for about $125 per month, the remainder to be two and three bedroom units to rent for 0130-135 and X145 per month respectively. -2- BURNHAM FARMS SIC . 2 MOORE REALTY TRUST questions were raised by Mr. Tropeano of the proposed location of Worthen Road and the widening of Waltham Street across land of the Vine Brook Realty Trust. (See minutes of May 19s 1958 Planning Board Meeting.) Preliminary sketches of these pro- posals were shown by Mr. Snow and discussed. It was agreed that the Board would have these proposals pre- pared in final form and discuss them with the Select- men. To assist the preparation of final plans it was understood that Mr. Troreano would furnish the Board a description of the land for which a petition would be presented for rezoning to A 1 use and a copy of the final plan issued by the Land Court. Messrs. Reenstierna and Tropeano left the meeting at 9:30 p.m. at which time Mr. Mark Moore Jr. met with the Board. It was stated that since his last meeting with the Planning Board, Mr. Moore had discussed furthur with some of its members his previous proposal in re- gard to the proposed Burnham Farmss Sec. 2 subdivi- sion plan. (See minutes of June 2s 1958 Planning Board meeting.) The purpose of meeting with the entire Board was to discuss the possibilities of the Board approving said subdivision plan which has only one means of access and accepting a restrictive agreement executed by Mr. Moore as trustee of Moore Realty Trust in lieu of the Board insisting upon its usual requirement that a subdivision have two means of access. Upon tentative agreement of the terms of such an instruments Mr. Jaquith was asked to discuss said terms with the Town Counsel and request that he ' draft an instrument for further consideration. Mr. Moore left the meeting at 10:00 p.m. BURNHAM FARMS SIC . 2 MOORE REALTY TRUST 6-23-58 Consideration was given next to the exten e EMERSON sion of Emerson Road to East Street and the ob- ROAD taining of an option to acquire from Mr. Oscar B. STREET Kenrick land for said extension. It was decided to OPTION discuss the problems involved with the Selectmen when the Planning Board next met with them. Messrs. KENRICK Grindle and Jaquith agreq to discuss the obtaining of an option with Mr. Kenrick after the Board's meeting with the Selectmen. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. w R hard H. Soule Clerk 1