HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-21PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' April 21, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, April 21, 1958 at 7:40 p.m. in the Town Engineers Room, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the following bills which BILLS had been presented for payment: Minute -man Publi- cations, Inc., advertising -proposed zoning by-law amendment- 474.72; Middleby Realty Trust, option for purchase of land --$1,000. Mr. Snow reported that negotiations have been OPTION completed for obtaining an option from Mr. Diomede - Famosi of Westford, Trustee of Middleby Realty LAND FOR Trust, to purchase for recreation and other pub- RECREATION lic purposes, land situated southeasterly of Middleby Road, and bounded by said way, lots fronting on said way, and lots fronting on Lincoln Street, Marrett Road and Outlook Drive, and land of the Town (old reservoir property). Mr. Snow said that the purchase price agreed upon was $22,000, 11,000 to be paid on Ma 1, 1958 in ex- change for a signed option, and 121,000 to be paid on or before June 15, 1958 in exchange for a clear title and deed. He explained the unusual circum- stances which necessitated paying such a large amount of money for this particular option (see minutes of April 161 1 958) and stated that he thought everything possible should be done to ex- pedite the acquisition of,this property. Mr. Snow also reported that he had discussed the obtainin'7of an option with Mr. Greeley, Chair- man of the School Sites Committee, and Mrs. Marek, Chairman of the School Committee, that both were in favor of the acquisition, and th:_t the School Sites Committee had previously included a portion of the land involved in its recommendations for an ele- mentary school site. The Board considered next the notices of peti- BOARD OF tions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on April APPEALS 29, 1958. It was decided to take no action on the ,, petitions to be heard. u-21-58 -2- DEVRIES Considered next by the Board was the applica- tion for tentative approval of a preliminary sub- WINCHESTER ' division plan entitled "Sun Valley II", said appli- DEVELOPMENT cation having been submitted on April 21, 1958 by CORP. George J. DeVries, Winchester Development Corp. Bedford Airport access road between Wood and Bedford The Board noted that the corporation had obtained SUN title to the Cahill and former Kelly properties VALLEY II and that the plan was similar to one the Board had 1958 reply. (See addendum). The Board compared previously acted upon. (See March 11, 1957 minutes.) Mr. Snow was asked to make a study of the plan with regard to its relation to surrounding properties and 25, 1957 letter to Mr. Whitcomb, Location and Survey the proposed location of Elverson Roads submitting his recommendations to the Board for its considera- tion. It was decided that the name of the subdivision February 27, 1957 reply. (See addendum.) In view was not acceptable and that Mr. DeVries be asked to choose another, said name being too confusing with titles such as "Sun Valley, See. 2" and "Sun Valley the proposed road would not be of limited access II, Sec. 21" etc. VINE BROOK Read to the Board was Mr. Alfred P. Tropeano's REALTY April 16, 1958 letter in regard to the relocation TRUST of the southeasterly side line of Waltham Street in connection with the Vine Brook Realty Trust proposal for subdividing its land fronting on said street. (See addendum). In regard to said letter Mr. Snow was asked to give a copy to Mr. Gayer, Supt, of Public Works, confer with him in regard to plans for ' the re -location, and to report what information he obtained. CAPITAL At 8:30 P.m. Mrs. Fitzgerald and Messrs. Mabee EXPENDITURES and Royle of the Capital Expenditures Committee met COMMITTEE with the Board to discuss capital expenditures in- volved in the construction of the proposed regional shopping center. The committee members left the meeting at 8:50 p.m. PROPOSED Considered next by the Board was Mr. Gazer's ROAD March 4o 1958 letter to the State Department of Pub - WOOD TO lic Works in regard to the design of the proposed BEDFORD Bedford Airport access road between Wood and Bedford STREET Streets, and Chief Engineer McCarthy's April 11, 1958 reply. (See addendum). The Board compared these letters with the Planning Director's February 25, 1957 letter to Mr. Whitcomb, Location and Survey Engineer of said department, and Chief Engineer Gray's February 27, 1957 reply. (See addendum.) In view of the fact that April 11, 1958 letter stated that the proposed road would not be of limited access status as previously stated in the February 27, 1957 letter, the Board decided to discuss with the Select- men the problems which would be created by the change of status of the road. The remainder of the meeting was devoted to RE -ZONING the drafting of a revision of the Board's previous PROPOSAL proposal to amend Section 8 of the Zoning By-law FOR M 1 (See minutes of the Board's November 8, 1 956 public DISTRICT hearing). The Board met with the Selectmen from 10:15 to 10:25 p.m. to discuss said revision with them. The planning Board meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. R" rd H. oule Clerk ,. ADDENDUM Alfred P. Tropeano :Attorney and Counsellor at Law 114 Waltham Street Lexington 73, Massachusetts April 163 1958 Lexington Planning Board Town Office Building Lexington, Massachusetts In re: Vine Brook Realty Trust Gentlemen: Under date of February 27, 1958, you wrote and stated that you approved certain lots and also that you were refer- ring the plan to the Engineering Department with a request that it recommend a location for the proposed extension of Worthen Road. You also requested that they discuss with the County Engineers the relocation of the Southeastern side line of Waltham Street. Will you please let me know what progress the Engineers have made as I personally feel that your Board should have sought this information more than one year ago when Vine Brook Realty submitted its first study plan. However, more than six weeks have elapsed since your letter of February 27, and I would appreciate immediate action as the 4-21-58 -4- Trust is most desirous of proceeding as speedily as possible. Very truly yours, Is/ Alfred P. Tropeano Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Works 100 Nashua St.,Boston 14, Mass. Lexington -Bedford Airport Access Roads April 11, 1958 Mr. Richard J. Gayer Supt, of Public Works Lexington, Massachusetts Dear Sir: I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 4P 1958 in which you asked several questions and made sore comments concerning the design and construction of the Bedford Airport Access Roads. Relative to questions 1, 2, & 3 and advice requested in your recent letter dated April 4, 19581 please be informed that this particular project will be processed under Chap- ter 718 of the Acts of 1956. The Commonwealth will ac- quire the right of way as a State highway and when the work has been completed, the layout will revert to the Town of Lexington for maintenance. It will not be a limited access layout; therefore, access can be controlled by the Town after transfer of ownership. In answer to comment #4, it has been decided that Westview Street will be closed at the railroad crossing. The 16" water main installation mentioned under comment #5 and outlined by plan in your letter of April 4, 1958 will be included in our contract, according to your request, with the understanding that the Town of Lexington will re- imburse the Commonwealth for the increased cost of this betterment based on contract bid prices. Abandoned sections of pavement will be removed and the areas loamed and seeded per your comment #6. Water and sewer alterations necessitated by the reconstruc- tion of Bedford Street will be included in the contract in 4-21-58 6E ' answer to your comment #7. If I may be of further assistance to you in this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, /s/ E. J. McCarthy Chief Engineer Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Works 100 Nashua Street, Boston 14 February 27 1957 Mr. Samuel P.Snow, Planning Director Lexington, Mass. Dear Mr. Snow: I am In receipt of your letter of February 25 to Mr. Whitcomb, our Surveys and Locations Engineer, regarding the proposed highway connecting Wood and Bedford Streets in the town of Lexington. I regret our misunderstanding of your two previous eltters, and trust this letter will answer your questions. The road, as proposed, would connect 'wood Street at a point near the Williams rroperty to Bedford Street at a point 7,ere Hinchey Road now enters Bedford Street. The road would be constructed to a width of 24 ft. with two 10 ft. paved shoulders for a total of 44 ft. of pavement. The layout would be a controlled access layout providing for entrances from South Street just west of the Bedford Branch of the Railroad, and from :Test View Road and Hinchey Street at some point between the Railroad and Bedford -Street. At Bedford Street some provision would be made for a safe haven for northbound traffic turning left on to the pro- posed road as described above at some point west of the railroad. This would eliminate the present railroad grade crossin? of West View Road. However, this grade crossing would be replaced at the corssing of the new road and the railroad. The Department feels in following the policy of controlled 4-21-58 M access, as outlined above, that such a policy provides for the industrial development of the abutting land, and at the same time maintains the safety of the high- way in limiting the points of access to those described. The field surveys for this project have been completed, but the plotting of the plans and further studies have been discontinued pending the allocation of funds by the Defense Department for the construction of the highway. I am sending under separate cover an aerial photograph showing in heavy blue crayon the approximate center line location. Very truly yours, /s/ H. G. Gray Chief Engineer 1 1