HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-16PLANNTNG BOARD MEETING April 16, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Planning Board office, Barnes Building, on Wednesday, April 16, 1958 at 8:00 p.m. Present were Vice Chairman Jaquith, Members Burnell and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of the March MINUTES 31, 1958 meeting. Also approved by the Board were the follow- BILLS ing bills which had been submitted forayment: Spaulding -Moss Co., drafting supplies --42.15; Samuel P. Snow, March car allowance -420.00. Taken under consideration were the following FORMS A Form A applications for determination of Planning Board ,jurisdiction: #58-222 submitted on April 8, 1958 by Edith ' and John McMurphy; plan entitled "A Com- piled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated April 1, 1958, Miller and Nylander, C.E.'s and Surveyors, Lexing- ton Mass. #58-232 submitted on April 8, 1958 by George P. George; plan entitled "Plan of Part of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale: 1" = 1001, dated April 3, 19581 George P. George. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously VOTED: That the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #58-22 and #58-23, do not require approval and that said plans be signed bear- ing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law not required." The Board endorsed the Green Valley Section GREEN Three definitive subdivision plan, no appeal having VALLEY been filed during the twenty -day period and all SEC. 3 ' other matters appearing to be in order. 4-16-58 ANN STREET Considered next by the Board was Mr. Frank DeFelice's application for approval of definitive PART OF subdivision plan comprising the construction of a LIBERTY portion of Ann Street located in the Liberty HEIGHTS Heights development. Mr. Snow reported that on April 14, 1958 Mr. DeFelice had filed a bond in DeFELICE proper form and had secured said bond with a de- posit. All other matters appearing to be in order, upon motion made by Mr. Burnell and seconded by Mr. Soule, it was unanimously VOTED: That the definitive plan entitled "Part of Liberty Heights Lexington -Mass.", dated Jan. 29, 19581. submitted to the Board on March 3, 19581 accompanied by an applica- tion for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated March 3, 1956, be and hereby is approved subject to the following condi- tions: That the provisions of the rules and regu- lations of the Board are hereby waived in this instance only to the following extent: a. That the width of the roadbed be 18 ft. in width; b. That no drains need to be laid in Ann Street; c. That Ann Street need not be surfaced with bituminous concrete. That the plan be endorsed with the following notation: "Lots A and B do not comply with the minimum requirements of the Lexington Zoning By-law.' The Board then approved the draft of a letter in regard to the above action, said letter being addressed to the Board of Appeals. (See Addendum.) BLACK Mr. Snow reported that on April 16, 1958 he had endorsed the applications of Walter G. Black and PHEASANT Minola M. Black and the Sandy Brook Corporation for GARDENS approval of definitive subdivision plans, all neces- sary details having been completed by the r espective SANDY BROOK applicants. He stated that the plan accompanying the CORP. Black application was entitled "Pheasant Gardens Lex- ington, Mass.", said plan being dated Feb. 17, 1958; OAK HILL and that the plan accompanying the Sandy Brook Corp. ESTATES application was entitled "Oak Hill Estates Section SEC. 1 1 1 1 4-16-58 -3- ' Two, Lexington, Mass.", said plan being dated April 1, 1958. It was decided to hold public hearings on said applications on May los 1958s the Black appli- cation to be heard at 8:00.m. and the Sandy Brook application to be heard at E:30 P.M. The Board next considered the revised plan for the Loring Hill Estates Section 2 subdivision and reviewed Mr. Gayer's April 16, 1958 letter in regard to said plan. After due consideration it was moved by Mr. Soule, seconded by Mr. Burnell and unanimously VOTED: That the definitive plan entitled "Loring Hill Estates Section Two Lexington -Mass. , dated Dec. 17s 1957, revised April 11, 1958s which was submitted to the Board by Ernest J. Corrigan on January 27, 1958, accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plans Form C, dated Jan. 244 1958, be and hereby is approved subject to the following conditions: That bituminous concrete sidewalks five feet wide be constructed on one side of all streets ' in the subdivision, said sidewalks extending along the northerly side of Outlook Drive from the westerly side line of Lot 35 to Loring Roads the easterly side of Loring Road from the southerly side line of Lot 40 to Baskin Road, and the southerly side of Baskin Road from Loring Road to that portion of Baskin Road in Section One of the Loring Estates development; That the provisions of the rules and regula- tions of the Board are hereby waived in this instance only to the following extent: a. That the grade of Loring Road be 10.53%; b. That no leveling area be required on Fair Oaks Drive where said way intersects Outlook Drive. Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Boudreau had now acquired Lot 70 fronting on Garfield Street so that Sunny Knoll Terrace could be extended at a later date through said lot and town -owned lots 6, 91 and 71 from the northwesterly boundary line of the ' Boudreau property to Garfield Street. (See January 27, 1958 minutes.) The Board discussed Mr. Boudreau's LORING HILL ESTATES SEC. 2 BOUDREAU SUNNY KNOLL TERRACE 14.-16-58 -4- informal plan, dated November 26, 1957, said plan showing proposed lotting along Sunny Knoll Terrace. It was decided that until such time as the Planning Board made a further study of the area northwest- erly of Garfield Street and bounded by the Boston & Maine Railroad, Poplar and Acorn Streets, that Mr. Boudreau would not be asked to extend Sunny Knoll Terrace through Lot 70 to Garfield Street. However, he would be asked to convey Lot 70 to the Town for use as part of a future street and to construct a t temporary turnaround on Lots 69, 70s and 71, said turnaround abutting the property line separating said lots and the Boudreau land to the southwest. It was thought that the proposed Lots 2, 31 and 4 could be resubdivided in such a manner as to provide each of said lots with the proper frontage but less than the area required by the Zoning By-law and that lots 5, 18, 19s and 20 could be combined in such a manner as to provide two lots which would not meet the requirements of said by-law. FAMOSI Mr. Snow brought to the attention of the - Boards as set forth in his 1957 Annual Report, the MIDDLEBY desirability of acquiring for recreations school, REALTY and other public purposes land situated southeast - TRUST erly of Middleby Road and bounded by said ways lots fronting on said ways lots fronting on Lincoln Streets Marrett Road and Outlook Drives and land LAND FOR of the Towns the latter being the old reservoir RECREATION property. He recommended that at the earliest possible date an option to purchase this land be obtained in the name of the Towns pointing out that Mr. Famosis owner of said lands was very sick, might pass away at any moments and was badly in need of money to pay for large hospital and medical expenses. Mr. Snow thought that there was the possibility of someone taking advantage of Mr. Famosits circumstances to purchase the land for less than its fair market value and of the Town having, at a later date, to acquire the land from someone else and at a price much more than it was worth. In discussing the matter further, it was sug- gested that an option be obtained, if possible, before the next meeting of the Board so that an article could be placed in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting scheduled for May 12-, 1958. Mr. Snow stated that he thought the tract of approx- imately 28 acres could be purchased for a maximum 4-16-5 -5- price of 25,000 and that by negotiation the price could be less than this. The Board then authorized Mr. Snow to negotiate for said option and to report the results of his negotiations at the next meeting of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ADDENDUM I a 1 and H. Soule Clerk April 17,1958 Board of Appeals Town Office Building Lexington 73s Mass. Re: Part of Liberty Heights Frank DeFeelice Gentlemen: Attached herewith for your information is a copy of a letter dated April 17s 1958 and addressed to the Town Clerk in regard to Mr. Frank DeFelice's plan to sub- divide lots 108$ 109, and 121 situated at the corner of Taft Ave. and Ann Street. Mr. DeFelice's application for approval of the defini- tive subdivision plan was submitted on March 3s 1958. Under the Subdivision Control Law the Planning Board was required to act upon said application by April 16, 1958. If there is no appeal filed with the Town Clerk in regard to the Planning Board's actions the Board will be in a position to endorse the plan on or after May 7s 1958. If, however, the Board of Appeals should decide before the latter date to deny the DePelice petition for a variance, it is presumed that Mr. DeFelice may not wish to have the Board endorse the plan and have it recorded, preferring instead to have the Board rescind its vote of approval. Sincerely yourss LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Isl Wilbur M. Jaquith, Vice Chairman