HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-07PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' April 7, 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office -Building, on Monday,April 7, 1958 at 7:35 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Burnell, Jaquith, and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. The Board approved the minutes of the Feb- ruary 17 and 18, March 24 and 26, 1958 meetings. The Board approved also the following bills which had been presented for payment: Foto Beam, Inc., drafting supplies --$1.55 and $3.39; Hobbs & Warrens Inc., record sheets $7.65. Considered next by the Board was the petition of James F. Corr, Jr. for a variance tos ubdivide land bounded by Weston and Lincoln Streets and Route 128 into six lots, none of which would con- form with the minimum requirements of the zoning by-law. The proposed lots were shown on a plan previously left at the Planning Board office by ' Lt. Corr, said plan being entitled "Plan of Pro- posed Lots in Lexington Mass.", dated Mar. 17, 1958, Scale: 1" = 401, Miller and Nylander, C.E.'s and Surveyors.- Noting that each proposed lot was larger than those then fronting on Shade, Weston, and Lincoln Streets, it was decided to take no action on the petition to be heard. However,wi_th regard to the discussion which the Board held with the Selectmen at their March 25,1958 meeting, the Planning Board discussed various possibilities of locating across the Corr land a road from Weston to Lincoln Street for the purpose of providing a future means of access from`the proposed regional shopping center through the Hayden land. At 8:05 p.m. Lt. Corr and Mr. Robert Cataldo met the Board, they wishing to know if the Planning Board had any objections to the granting of a variance for subdividing the land shown on the plan described above. At this time they were informed of the Planning Board's interest in acquiring for the Town an option to purchase land for a road across their property, the possible need for said road being stated above. Lt. Corr said that if a road were to be lo- cated anywhere across the parcel of land he would not wish to build a home on any of the remaining MINUTES BILLS BOARD OF APPEALS ACCESS TO PROPOSED REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER PRO JEC T 4-7-58 _�- land. He stated that he had bought the land for the purpose of building a new residence, had hoped to sub- , divide it as proposed on the plan, selling a suffi- cient number of lots to pay for all the land and realiz- ing a profit for paying for part of a new house. He said that on February 18, 1958 that he had paid the City of Cambridge $7700.00 for the land, and that he now had a $4000 mortgage on said land. It was understood that the gentlemen tentatively agreed to sell to the Town for $6,000, a 70 -foot wide strip located across the land from Weston to Lincoln Streets and contiguous to Route 128. Mr. Cataldo stated, however, that if the 70 -foot strip was to be located anywhere else other than as previously described, he would not want to sell less than the en- tire parcel it was proposed to subdivide. He said that they had refused a firm offer of $18,000 for the land provided the Board of Appeals granted the variance. He said they wanted $21,000 for the entire parcel. It was suggested that they consider further a prieeibr which they would be willing to sell all the land or a parcel thereof to the Town. They were in- formed that the Board would consider the matter fur- ther also and discuss the possible obtaining of an option with the Selectmen. Thereupon, Messrs. Cataldo and Corr left the meeting at 8:t5 p.m. In discussing the matter afterwards, the Board requested that Messrs. Grindle and Snow meet witty the Selectmen the following evening, reporting what information the Planning Board had obtained in its meeting with Messrs. Cataldo and Corr. DeFELICE The. Board next considered the application of Frank DeFelice for approval of a definitive sub - LIBERTY division plan entitled "Part of Liberty Heights" HEIGHTS and dated Jan. 29, 1958. Approved was the draft of a letter to Mr. DeFelice informing him that the Board would be in a position to approve said plan upon his filing with the Board a bond and informing him also of the wording of the proposed vote of approval. (See addendum.) LORITTG Mr. Snow gave a report of his conference during HILL the past week with Mr. Nylander in regard to the ESTATES Loring Hill Estates Section Two definitive plan, SEL% 2 showing the Board the Loring Road study profiles which Mr. Nylander had prepared after said confer- ence. It was decided that in this instance only the Board would approve the study profile showing a leveling area at the foot of Loring Road and a uniform grade of 10.53% for said road. Mr. Snow was asked to notify Mr. Nylander of this decision. 11 1 4-7-58 -3- The matter of sidewalks in the subdivision SIDEWALKS was also reviewed, it being noted that the Board had not required the construction of sidewalks in the first section of the Loring Hill development. It was noted also that the estimated cost of the re- quired work to be done in the second section of said development had not included the construction of sidewalks. It was decided torrequire the construc- tion of sidewalks on one side of the streets in the second section but that the Board would not ask the Superintendent of Public Works to revise the estimate to include cost of said walks for the reason that the subdivider had filed with the Board a bond based on the cost of said estimate. The Board discussed further the location and construction of sidewalks in all subdivisions as set forth under Sec. V.B.9 of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. In order to facilitate the admin- istration of this particular paragraph of said regu- lations) Mr. Snow was requested to discuss with the Superintendent of Public Works the development of a procedure wherein the location of sidewalks would be shown on definitive subdivision plans and the cost of said walks included in the acceptance of estimates of the cost of performing the various items of re- quired work in the subdivisions. Mr. Snow reported that during the previous week a definitive plan for the subdivision of the Sandy Brook Corp. land northeasterly of Lowell Street and southeasterly of East Street had been filed with an application for approval of said plan. He stated that he had not signed the application as deemed to have been submitted after noting that the plan appeared to be incomplete. It was decided that the way located between lots 47 and 48 shown on the plan was to be constructed to the south- easterly property line of the corporation's land, that such utilities as the Superintendent of Public Works wished to recommend be provided in said way, and that said Superintendent be notified of the Board's decision. The Board next reviewed Mr. Snow's preliminary studies for the Massachusetts Avenue crossing of Emerson Road, particularly with regard to obtain- ing an option for acquisition of part of the Millyan land for the location of said Emerson Road. It was decided that Messrs. Grindle and Snow should discuss with the Selectmen the proposed road location since the Millyan residence was within the proposed right - OAR HILL ESTATES SE3. 1 MILLYAN OPTION 4-7-58 of -way and since it was desirable, if economical, to locate within said right-of-way the sewer main author- ized under Article 16 by the March 17, 1958 Town Meeting. OAK All matters appearing to be in order, the Board KNOLL endorsed the Oak Knoll Section Two definitive subdivi- SEC. 2 sion plan, said plan having been approved on March 12, 1958 and the appeal period having expired without any appeals having been filed. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ADDENDUM Mr. Frank DeFelice 57 Taft Avenue Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mr. DeFelice: chard H. Soule Clerk April 4, 1958 The Lexington Planning Board has decided that it will be in a position to approve your definitive plan upon your filing with the Board a bond in the sum of 700.00, the bond to be signed by you and a surety company, or secured by a deposit. The deposit may be in the form of a certified check or cash deposited with the Town Treasurer. Copies of the bond forms may be obtained at the Planning Board office. When the Board receives the bond in a form satisfactory to the Board, it plans to adopt the following vote: That thedefinitive plan entitled "Part of Liberty Heights Lexington -Mass.", dated Jan. 29, 1958s submitted tot he Board on March 3, 19581 accompanied by an applica- tion for approval of definitive plan, Form Ca dated March 31 19561 be and hereby is approved subject to the following conditions: That the provisions of the rules and regulations -4- C 1 1 4-7-58 of the Board are hereby waived in this instance only to the following extent: a. That the width of the roadbed be 18 ft. in width; b. That no drains need to be laid in Ann Street; c. That Ann Street need not be surfaced with bituminous concrete That the plan be endorsed with the following notation: "Lots A and B do not comply with the minimum requirements of the Lexington Zoning By-law." Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Thomas S. Grindle Chairman 1 1 W2