HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-02-03I PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 31 1958 A regular meeting of the Lexington Plan- ning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, February 3, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, Jaquith, and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 8:45 to 9:50 p.m. The Board approved the minutes of Jan.20, 1958. Approved also by the Board were the fol- lowing bills which had been presented for payment: American Societof Planning Officials, Vol. 4 of Zoning Digest --15.00; Samuel P. Snow, January reimbursement for car mileage, 20.00, miscellan- eous office expenses, 41.10 --total $21.10; Minute- man Publications, Inc., advertising --$9.80. The following Form A application for de- termination of Planning Board jurisdiction was taken under consideration: was #58-6, submitted. on January 28, 1958 by Stephen T. Russian, attorney for Floyd A. and Margaret M. Roby; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Ylass.", Scale: 1" = 301, dated January, 1958; Richard L. Savage, Reg. Eng., Arlington, Mass. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it VOTED: That the Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application X58-6 does not require approval and that said plan be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval under Subdivision Control Law not required." MINUTES BILLS FORM A Mr. Tropeano met with the Board at 8:00 VINE BROOK p.m, to discuss an alternate proposal for the REALTY study plan considered by the Board on December TRUST 30, 1957. Several suggestions were made for modifying the proposed street locations and lot lines. Mr. Tropeano said that he would incor- porate these suggestions in a re -study of the plan and during the week submit the revised plan for consideration. He left the meeting at 8:20 p.m. GREEN Mr. Snow reported that he had accepted VALLEY on February 3, 1958 Mr. Antonio Busa's applica- SEC. 3 tion for approval of a definitive subdivision plan entitled "Green Valley Section Three." It was decided to hold a public hearing relative to said application on February 24, 1958 at 8:00 P.M. Town Counsel Stevens came to the meet- ing at 8:45 p.m. BURNHAM It was pointed out that the Town had re - FARMS ceived all conveyances and grants of easements SEC. 1 and utilities in the Burnham Farms Section One subdivision and that the Board was now in a position to release the bond filed by the sub- divider. All matters appearing to be in order, it was moved by Mr. Soule, seconded by Mr. Burnell, and unanimously VOTED: To release the performance bond, dated , August l9, 1957s filed by Mark Moore, Jr., trustee of Moore Fealty Trust, as Prin- cipal, and the Continental Casualty Company, as Surety, in the sum of twenty- eight thousand ($28,000.00) -- to secure the performance by the subdivider of its agreement in the form of an application for approval of a definitive plan, Form C, dated July 9, 1957P to complete the work to be performed by the subdivider in the subdivision plan entitled "Burnham Farms Section One Lexington-,4assachusetts3" dated May 13, 1957. PROPOSED The Board's attention was next called to HARRINGTON Mr. Steven's January 22, 1958 letter to Mr. Snow SCHOOL and his reply of January 31 in regard to Paul J. RECREATION McCormack's January 10, 1958 letter to the Board AREA of Selectmen. Part of the latter's letter re- ferred to McCormack -Brun preliminary subdivision plan and the recommendation that some of the land involved be acquired by the Town for recreation purposes. The Board held with Mr. Stevens a ' meneral discussion of the contents of the letters ' but took no action in regard to the same. 1 2-3-58 Discussed next with Mr. Stevens was the Selectmen's January 28, 1958 letter setting forth the names of streets which were to be pre- sented for acceptance at the 1958 Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Snow presented a list of those streets for which no conveyance of utilities and easements had been obtained under the Subdivi- sion Control Law, said list serving as a basis for discussion and given to Mr. Stevens as a memorandum. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 9:50 p.m. After due consideration, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED : That the Board approve the proposed acceptance of the following streets: Without Betterments Blueberry Lane, Dane Road, Demar Road, Fairlawn Lane, Fiske Road, Flintlock load, Foster Road, Locke Lane, Mason Street, Peacock Farm Road, Pelham Road (relocation) Redcoat Lane, Fussell Road, Stimpson Ave- nue, Stonewall Road., Trotting Horse Drive, Turning Mill Road, Tyler Road, Westwood Road, tgheeler Road, W[,ipple Road and part of Constitution Road. Under Betterment Act Part of Constitution Road, Asbury Street, Ellison Road, Greenwood Street, Leroy Road, Roosevelt Road, Sherburne Road, Theresa Avenue, Winter Street and Winthrop Road. -2- STREET ACCEPTANCES Mr. Grindle was asked to notify the Board of Select- men of the Planning Board's vote.(See Addendum.) The Board next discussed the notices of hearinEs to be held by the Board of Appeals on February 4P 19582 notices of petitions to be heard having been sent to the Planning Board for its consideration. It was decided to go on record as being opposed to the granting of the Mildred Heywood and Dr.Charles T.Mooney petitions. The Board drafted letters setting forth reasons for its opposition to said petitions. (See Addendum.) The meeting adjourned at 10:)F5 p.m. LeviG�BurneU ` Clerk BOARD OF APPEALS ADDENDUM Board of Selectmen, Town Office Building Lexington 73 Mass. Gentlemen: February 6,1958 1 Tn reply to your recent letter regarding accept- ances of new streets, it is our understanding that the layout of these streets is satisfactory but there are easements to be secured before they can be voted upon at the annual town meeting. Yours very truly, LEXINGTOT? PLANNING BOARD Is/ Thomas S.Grindle, Chairman February 4 , 1958 Board of Anneals Town Office Building Re: Charles T. Mooney ' Lexington 73, Mass. petition to occupy proposed addition Gentlemen: to existing building The Planning Board has discussed the petition referred to above, decided to go on record as being opposed to the granting of the same, and to set forth its reasons for its opposition. It is this Board's observation that the building numbered 1145 Massachusetts Avenue is located on one of the busiest of Lexin7ton's intersections where there is in- adequate site distance for the large number of vehicles entering and leaving this exchange point. (See attached diagram of traffic volumes.) Cars parked by the side of the road in front of.lil,,� Massachusetts Avenue limit the site distance further. In addition the barking of cars from and the driving of cars into the traffic lanes on this intersection increase the hazards which already exist. Very truly ,yours, LEXINGTONPLANNING BOARD Isl Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman ' 2-3-58 -3- ' February 14., 1958 Board of Appeals Town Office Building Re: Mildred Heywood petition Lexington 73, Mass. Variance to build addi- tion to street lines in Gentlemen: R-1 district Reference is made to that part of the Mildred Heywood petition in which she requests a variance of the Lex- ington Zoning By-laws in order to build to the street line an addition to her residence at 72 Waltham Street. In discussing said petition the Planning Board noted that the Professional and the Arts and Crafts buildings recently constructed nearby, and also in the same single family district, were located on lots in such a manner as to have yards of appropriate size. The Planning Board is opposed to the extension of buildings to street lines located in R 1 districts and decided, therefore, to go on record as being opposed to the granting of that part of the Heywood. petition requesting said extension of her residence to street lines. Very truly yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD 'as/s/ Thom S. Grindle, Chairman 1