HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-23PLANNING BOARD M=TING December 23, 1 957 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monda-.-, December 23, 1957 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindley Members Abbott, Burnell and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was oresent from 8:10 to 8:35 p.m. The Board approved the following bills which had been presented for payment: Graphic Reproduc- tions, Inc., white prints -43.72; Lexin;ton Press, Inc., printed stationery -415.50. BILLS Approved next by the Board was the draft of a 1957 FUNDS letter which had been prepared for consideration CARRY -OVEN asking that the Town Accountant carry over, for 1958 expenditure, 1957 funds from the town map and street and recreation options accounts. (See addendum.) Likewise an was a draft of a letter to Chairman Bortman of the Boston National Historic ' Sites Commission giving; unqualified endorsement to the Commission's proposal recommending the estab- lishment of a National Historic Park to be located partly within the Town of Lexington and to preserve the remaining portions of the famous Battle Road of April 19, 1775. (See addendum.) With reference to the Planning Board's December 9, 1957 letter to Mr. Frank DeFelice, Mr. Snow re- ported that Mr. DeFelice had come to the Planning Board office wanting to know what the Board would require in laying out Ann Street under the town's subdivision rules and regulations. Mr. Snow said that he had discussed the matter with the Superin- tendent of Public 1 -forks. Mr. Snow reported the Superintendent as stating that when the Board had made a decision in regard to the matter, he would prepare a rough estimate of the cost of the work to be done, said estimate to be given to Mr.DeFelice for his considerat`on. After discussing the matter fur- ther, Mr. Snow was asked to prepare for the Board's consideration a letter to the Superintendent setting forth what subdivision requirements the Board has decided to waive ir this particular case. ' Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at 8:10 p.m. at which time the Board discussed several matters con- cerning which it wished counsel. The Board also con- BOSTON NAT IL HISTORIC SITES COMM. ANN -ST. DeFELICE sidered the release of bonds for the work completed in the Battleview Park, Section Two and the "Gould and Dewey Roads" subdivisions. All matters appear- ing to be in order, it was moved by Mr. Jaquith, seconded by Mr. Burnell, and unanimously BATTLE VOTED: to release to subdivider, Battle View VIE!Ad Park Realty Trust, Ralph J. Frissore PARK and Joseph Monsignore, trustees, the SLC. 2 performance bond, dated July 2, 19573 and the fifteen thousand and 00100 dollars - ('15,000.00) - in cash that it deposited with: the Town as security for the performance by the subdivider of its agreement in the form of an application for approval of a definitive plan, Form C, dated May 14,1 Q57, to complete the work to be performed by it as shown on its subdivision plan entitled, "Battle View Park Section Two Lexington -Mass." LAND COURT VOTED: to release the performance bond, dated CASE #5982E January 6, 1956, filed by Donald E. :°Jatson, trustee of Watson Realty Trust, 'WATSON as Principal, and the Aetna Casualty & REALTY Surety Co., as Surety, in the sum of , TRUST twenty-nine thousand dollars-('29,000)- tos ecure the performance by the sub- divider of its agreement in the form of an application for approval of a defini- tive plan, Form C, dated November 7, 19552 to complete the work to be performed by the subdivider in the subdivision shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Subdi- vision Plan of Land Court Case #5982E in Lexington, Mass.", dated August 5, 1955. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 8:35 p.m. HOSPITAL Taken under consideration next was a Dec. 171 NEEDS 1957 letter f rom Mr.Herbert L. Crowley, Jr., Secretary STUDY of the Hospital Needs Study Committee requesting a COM, statement from the Board in regard to a future hospital In Lexington and stating that it was his understanding that no consideration had been given to a site for a hospital in the Board's future plans for the develop- ment of Lexington. After considering the matter in some detail, Mr. Snow was asked to prepare a letter for the Board's consideration stating that a hospital site had not been proposed for Lexington and setting forth reasons why such a proposal had not been made. I The Board then reviewed a plan showing a possible 12-23-57 -2- solution to the traffic problem which would be created by locati.n.g a regional shopping center in the northerly quadrant of the Route 2 -Spring Street intersection. Mr. Snow exb_lained various aspects of the scheme which REGIONAL members of the Lexington Home Owners Committee had de- SHOPPING vised on December 18, 1 957 and which they wished pre- CENTER sented to representatives of Filene's for their con- sideration. No action was taken in regard to said plan. It was understood that Mr. Jaquith was to deliver the plan to Mr. Gummere, Secretary of Filene's. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Levi. G. Burnell,Jr. Clerk ADDENDUM 'Mr. Edward A. Palmer December 23,1957 Town Accountant Lexington 73, Mass. Dear Mr. Palmer: It is requested that you carry over for 1958 un- expended Planning Board funds on the following accounts: Town Flaps, authorized under Article 38 by the Adjourned Town ,Meeting held on March 28,19553 and Options for Streets and Recreation Lands, authorized under Article 27 by the Adjourned Town Meeting held on Varch 25, 1957. Unexpected difficulties arose in preparing the new town map so that work has not been completed on this project but is expected to be done within the next few months and within the amount of funds appropriated for this purpose. The Planning, Board continues to be successful in ob- taining most options for one dollar so that expenditure of these funds has been kept to a minimum. The Board feels, however, that this account should be continued to be kept on hand while the Loard negotiates further for land it de- sires to recommend for acquisition by the Town. Very truly aours, L1,XTIZGTOII PLAYN7NG BOARD b7 Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman December 2 6, 1957 Mr. Mark I3ortman, Chairman Boston National Historic Sites Commission Rm.14001 Post Office & Courthouse Boston ?, Massachu etts Dear Mr. Bortman: The Lexington Planning Board was pleased to meet with ;rou and a representative of the Commission on Nov- ember 20, 1957 and hear a report of the Commission's work and its proposal to recommend to the Congress that there be created a National Historic Park to be located partly within the Town of Lexington. The project is be- ing included in Lexington's long range development plan which the Planning Board is preparing for the Town. The Board recosnizes, however, that there are many more as- pects to a project of this nature than can be planned and developed adequately by a municipal agency. It is with understanding, therefore, that., the Board gives its unqualified endorsement to the National Historic Park proposal for the preservation of the now remaining por- tion of the Battle Road of April 19, 1775. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNTNG BOARD by Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman J