HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-161 C C, PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 161 1957 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on December 16, 1957 at 7:30 P.M. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell, Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Town Counsel Stevens was -)resent from 10:05 to 10:30 p.m. After organizing the meeting the Board met in the Selectmen's Room in joint session with the Selectmen, School Committee and School Sites Committee to hear a report of the latter's findings and general recommenda- tions for school sites. (For a detailed report of said meeting, see Selectmen's minutes.) The Board returned to its meeting at 8:50 p.m. at which time it met with Mr. G. E. Larson who wished to obtain the Board's informal opinion in regard to a plan entitled "Pinecrest", said plan having been prepared by Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor, and showing a proposal tos ub- div,ide into house lots a portion of M---. Larson's land located between Watertown Street and the Peacock Farms development. It was noted that last spring the Board had previously discussed said plan when Mr. Joyce had sought an informal opinion in regard to the proposal. Mr. Larson was informed that at that time the Board was of the opinion that an access to Watertown Street at the location proposed woulc not be in the interests of public safety for the reason that there would be created an intersection where there would be inadequate sight distance along a state route - Nos. 4 and 25 - in addi- tion to the inadequate sight distance for vehicles enter- ing Watertown Street from the proposed subdivision. It was likewise pointed out that Mr. Larson's proposal to provide access to the Peacock Farms land was in a loca- tion which would not allow the developer of said land to lay out lots which would meet the minimum requirements of the Town's zoning by-law. SCHOOL SITES PINECREST LARSON Mr. Larson stated that he believed an adjustment could be made in the location of the latter access. In regard to the Watertown Street access, however, he said that the location proposed was the only one available and that he did not believe it was as bad as the Board thought it to be or that the location of the proposed intersection was sufficient reason for not approving a plan. The Board agreed to give the subdivision plan further consideration, whereupon Mr. Larson left the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Mr. Snow was then asked to study the proposal further in connection with his studies for a new town road to connect the proposed Watertown Street -Route 2 inter- change with Massachusetts Avenue. FORMS A The Bo T d next considered the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction : #57-104 - Submitted December 13, 1957 by Asso- ciates Realtv Trust and Frida Semler Seabury by M.A.Seabur7.1Jr., agent; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass."; dated December 6, 1 957, Miller and Nvlander, C.E.'s and Surveyors, Lex- ington. #57-105 - Submitted December 132 1957 by Charles E. Heath; plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass."; dated Dec. 10, 1957s Miller and Nvlander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexinr-ton, Mass. #57-106 - Submitted December 13, 1957 by William H. Curnyn, Atty., for Alfred Jones; plan entitled "Plan of Land to be Conveyed by Alfred Jones in Lexington, Mass."s dated Dec. 19571 Rowland H. Barnes & Co., Civil Eng'rs. #57-107 - Submitted December 131 1957 by William E. Maloney; plan entitled, "Land in Lexington, Mass.', Boston & Maine Railroad to William Maloney;" dated October,1957, J.F.K...? Eng'r. of Design. It was understood that the School Sites Committee was interested in a possible site involving the land shown on the plan accompanying application #57-106. It was decided to withhold action on said application until the Bo,,r d discussed the plan with the chairman of said committee. Thereupon, it was moved, seconded, and unan imou s lT VOTED: that the plans accompanying Form A applica- tions #57-101, #57-105 and #57-107 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law not required. PEACOCK Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at 10:05 p.m. at FARMS which time there was held a general discussion of various SEC. 5 matters before the Board. Taken under consideration at this time was the release of the bond for work to be com- pleted in the Peacock Farms, Bec. 5 subdivision. All matters appearing to be in order, it was moved by Mr. Jacuith, seconded by Mr. Burnell, and unanimously 1 1 12-16-57 - 2 - VOTED: to release to the subdivider the performance bond, dated July 171, 1957s filed by A. Morris Kobrick, trustee of Lucky Penny and Meryl Robert Trusts, as Principal, and the Aetna Insurance Company, as Surety, in the sum of Thirty six thousand and no/100 dollars - 0 36,000.00) - to secure the per- formance by the principal of the obliga- tions assumed in the agreement, dated July 17, 1957, to complete the ;ao rk to be per- formed by the subdivider as shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Peacock Farms Section 5 Lexington -Mass.", dated July 11, 1957. Mr. Stevens left the was taken. The Board then its meeting to a discussion been prepared in connection Spring Street intersection center project. meeting after the above vote devoted the remainder of of road studies which had with the proposed Route 2- andthe regional shopping The meeting; adjourned at 11:00 p.m. eL vi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER