HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-021 1 December 2, 1957 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Roam, Town Office Building, on Monday, December 2, 1957, at 7s40 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Byirnell and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow The Board approved the minutes of its November 18 and 25, MiNt70 1957 meetings. Also approved by the Board were the following bills which BILLS had been presented for payments Spaulding -Moss Co., analysis pad --$2.25; Allen Stationery Co., calendar pad --$1.00; Samel P. Snow, reimbursement for November car allowanoe, $20.00.. mise. office expenses, $245, total --$22.45. Considered next was the following Farm A application for FM A determination of Planning Board jurisdictions MILLUN #57-101, filed on November 26, 1957 by Robert H. Dunning; plan entitled *Subdivision Plan of Land Lexington, Mass,ny Scale: la a.60', dated Nov. 9, 1957, Robert H. Dunning, Surveyor., Arlington. The filed plan showed a proposal for subdividing, into two lots, the property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Millyan numbered 561 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Snow pointed out that the proposed extension of Emerson Road, as had been recommended in the Master Street Plan, would be located directly across said property. He recommended that, if said street plan was to be put into effect, the owners of the property be approached immediately and told of the Board's proposal, and that if possible, an option be ob- tained for the purchase of the house and the necessary land for a 70 -foot wide street. In discussing the matter further it was decided that a STREET detailed plan would have to be prepared showing the proposed OPTION location of Emerson Road from the B & M railroad tracks across Massachusetts Avenue toward Route 2. It was suggested that it might be possible to locate the road across the Mi.11yan property in such a manner as to provide for two additional house lots as well. It was decided to withhold action on making a Plan- ning Board determination and to have Mr. Snow discuss with Mr. Gaya the location of the road, Mr. Snow then preparing a plan as noted above, discussing said plan with the property owners, and reporting his findings to the Board at its next meeting. The Board next considered the Selectmen's November 27, TOWN 1957 letter (1) referring to the report of the Refuse and DDHP Garbage Disposal Study Committee authorised by Town Meeting vote in 1953 and (2) requesting that the Planning Board submit to ' them recommendations for the locations of two new town dnmpa. After some discussion of the matter, Mr. Snow was asked to study the problem and to submit to the Planning Board recommendations for its consideration. PROPOSEDForthe Board's information, Mr. Sno1r read it his draft of ROM a letter to District Highway Engineer Hanron requesting the loca- tions of the epunchinges understood to have been made in preparing O plans for the proposed road between Wood and Bedford Streets. Tz T STREETS addition to this information there was also additional inform - tion given substantiating the request of term officials for a location of said proposed road southeasterly of the Davenport greenhouses. A similar draft of a letter including this inferma- tion was also read to the Board for its approval, said letter to be addressed to Associate Commissioner Dole of the State Depart- ment of Public Works and to be signed by both Chairman James of the Selectmen and the Chairman of the Planning Board. It was stated that Mr. James.had approved the draft of the letter. The Planning Board approved said draft also. (See addandum). BWMT# Considered last by the Board was the Departmental eati- mutes for general expenses for the 1958 fiscal year. The follow- ing budget was approved for presentation to the Appropriation Committees Clerical Assistance $200.00 ' Postage 150.00 Supplies 3$0.00 Travel Allowance 250.00 Advertising 200.00 Printing 450.00 sundry Ttan 50.00 MspIA.Blueprints 150.00 Pro.essianal services and Master Plan 2,000.00 Equipm mt 250.00 Association Dues 50.00 The meeting adjourned at 10145 p.m. Levi G ', Jr. Clerk 1 I ADDENDItM December 3, 1957 Fred B. Dole, Associate Commissioner Department of Public Works 100 Nashua Street Boston 14, Massachusetts Dear Commissioner Doles Reference is made to our November 18, 1957 letter to you In regard to our November 7, 1957 meeting with you concerning Lexington road problems. On November 25, 1957 Messrs. Gayer and Snow not with Mr. Hamron, Dis- trict Highway Engineer, to discuss the location of the proposed air - part access road from Wood to Bedford Streets in Lexington. It is our understanding that Mr. Hanron stated that peat is to be found at too great a depth for the economical location of the proposed road entering on Bedford Street in the vicinity of Eldred Street, that the Servey work for the proposed road location has been completed and that approximately fifty per cent of the plans for said road have been drawn. We were surprised to learn of this because we understood you informed the Selectmen and Planning Board that the proposed road location had not been fixed. It is hoped, therefore, that a location can still be obtained southeasterly of the Davenport greenhouses where there is better sight distance than at the intersection of Bedford and Westview Streets and Hinchey Road. An intersection at this latter point would be a perpetual road hazard in the opinion of Lexington team officials. A road location, possibly between the Boston Edison easement and the brook, would leave the tracts of land bounded by the Boston & Maine Railroad track, Westview and Bedford Streets and Hinchey Road in a single open space for a substantial development of research laboratories and related light industry. Lexington has had recently a number of inquiries from very important long-range research organisations concerning the possibilities of locating in the area described, these companies desiring tracts of a minimum size of 30 acres and wishing to invest at least $1,500,000 in a development. They: -are not interested in the area if it is to be out in two by a road. It is for this reason that we are earnestly hoping that there will be other considiratipns in locating the proposed road other than those involving the minimum of effort and construction ex- pense to the Federal Government. We believe that you will agree with us that it is for the benefit of the Commonwealth as well as for Lex- ington to have a road located in such a manner that it will be of substantial benefit economically to all concerned. ' Sincerely yours, /s/ Raymond W. dames Chairman, Board of Selectmen /s/ Thomas S. Grindle Chairman, Planning Board