HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-09-171 1 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING September 17, 1957 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building on Tuesday, September 17, 1957 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Burnell, Jaquith and Soule, and Mr. Snow, Planning Director. Mr. Stevens was present from 9:30 until 9:45 P -m• The Minutes of September 3 and 12, 1957 were MINUTES approved. Approved also were the following bills presented BILLS for payment: Graphic Reproductions, Inc., white prints -41.50; Minute -man Publications, advertising -46.12. Mr. Snow reported that he understood that errors HANCOCK in surveying and calculation necessitated the with- HEIGHTS drawal by the Moore Realty Trust of the application SEC. 1 for definitive approval of Hancock Heights Section 2 & 2 plan. He said that notices were sent to all the abuttors of said subdivision notifying them of the cancellation of the scheduled public hearing of Sept. 23, 1957. The Board accepted from Moore Realty Trust an application for the modification of Section 1 of Hancock Heights and a new application for a revised plan of Hancock Heights Section 2, both applications being dated September 17, 1957. It was decided to hold a public hearing on said applications on Septem- ber 30, 1957 at 8:00 and 8:15 p.m., respectively. The 20-dav appeal period having expired, the BURNHAM grant of easements having been received from the sub- FARMS divider, and all other matters appearing to be in SEC. 1 order, the Board endorsed the definitive plan of the Burnham Farms Section One subdivision. Mr. Snow next discussed with the Board the prey liminary plan of the subdivision proposed by the Vine Brook Realty Trust, said preliminary plan having been disapproved by the Board on June 24, 1957•After showing the Board the data which he had assembled and which would have a bearing on the re -design of the preliminary plan submitted by said Trust, Mr. Snow was requested to prepare detailed studies of said plan, suggesting a revision and presenting the same for the Board's consideration. Mr. Snow discussed with the Board the First National Bank forums to be held on eight consecutive Monday evenings, the first of said meetings having VINE BROOK REALTY TRUST FIRST NATIONAL BANK FORUMS been held on September 16. After giving the Board a brief resume of said meeting the Board decided that with the exception of the September 30 meeting, the Board would hold its meetings on Tuesday evening for the duration of the series of forums in order that Mr. Snow could take advantage of the forums and also attend the Planning Board meetings. ASSOCIATES The Board took under consideration the building, REALTY site and plot plans submitted by the Associates Realty TRUST Trust for a determination by the Board that the build- ing and use, including the site plan and building design, constitute a desirable development in and will not be detrimental to the neighborhood. In view of the fact that the hotel was to be located in what the Planning Board proposes as a future historic district, it was decided to write the Trust requesting that they not use the name of "Pine Hill" for the name of the hotel but consider the name "Fiske Hill", this being the site of one of the important military skirmishes which took place on April 19, 1775. In regard to the hotel site plan, it was decided that this would be satisfactory except for some minor changes in number and size of parking spaces. There- upon it was moved by Mr. Jaquith, seconded by Mr. Burnell and unanimously VOTED: that the Board, under the provision of Section 5 (g) of the Zoning By-law, finds and determines that the hotel building and use, including the site, plans and building design, specified in the perspec- tive drawing site plans numbered 1 and 1-A, and building plans numbered A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, A -b, A-7, A-102 S-11 S-21 S-32 P-1, H-11 H-2, E-1, E-2 and E-3, dated August 16, 1957, drawn by Arthur G. Manaselian and Associates, Architects -Engineers, proposed for the A 1 district described in Section 4 (g) 3 by Associates Realty Trust constitutes a desirable development in and will not be detrimental to the neighborhood,, and that, pursuant to said findings and determinations the Board approves said plan subject to the condition that parking spaces for not less than 110 automobiles, having a minimum width of 10 feet per space, shall be provided on the lot. At 9:30 p.m. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at DIANNE which time the Board considered its letter of July 30, ESTATES 1957 to Dianne Estates, Inc. in regard to the work n 1 1 on Liberty Avenue which had not been completed to the ' satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Works. Mr. Stevens stated that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Tropeano, attorney representing the corpora- tion, and suggested that the Board take no action in regard to the matter until he had held further con- ferences with Mr. Tropeano. 1 1 The Board then held a general discussion in re- STREET gard to the matter of street signs being required in SIGNS subdivisions, it being pointed out that the matter had been discussed with those having to do with the supervision and approval of the required work. It was decided that the Board would write the Superin- tendent of Public T''orks a letter setting forth its understanding of previous discussions and requesting that before any further work within these subdivisions be completed to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Works that he require that street signs of ,roper design be installed in said subdivisions. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk