HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-09-03PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' September 3, 1957 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Mondav, September 3, 1957 at 7:35 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Burnell and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. Taken under consideration was the following FORM A Form A application for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #57-82, submitted on September 3, 1957 by John F. Cahill; plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexington, Mass.", dated August 24, 1957, Scale: 40 feet to an inch, Joseph Selwyn, C.E., Belmont, Mass. It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: that the plan accompanying application #57-82 be signed bearing the endorse- ment "Lexington Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law not required." Considered next were the names of streets in the BURNHAM Burnham Farms, Sec. 1 subdivision. It was moved by FARMS Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Burnell and unanimously SEC. 1 VOTED: to approve the name "Emerson Road" for the 70 -foot wide way and the name "Burn- ham Road" for the way connecting Emerson Road with East Street. Read to the Board was Deputy Fire Chief Bel- ASSOCIATES castro's August 31, 1957 letter approving the plans REALTY submitted by Associates Realty Trust for a proposed TRUST hotel to be located northwesterly of the Route 2 A- HOTEL PLANS Route 128 intersection. The Board then examined all the sheets of the revised set of plans which had been submitted for its consideration including those prepared to show ventilation and lighting details in bathrooms as requested by Building Inspector Irwin in his August 26,1957 letter to the Planning Board. It was determined that the set of plans was incomplete in that the building site plan was only in preliminary form and that no plot plan of the property had been ' submitted. Especially noted was the fact that maid located in the basement were not in conformity rooms with the Lexington Zoning By-law stipulation that "no sleeping rooms shall be located below the mean finished grade of the ground adjoining the building." Mr. Snow was asked to confer with the architect, Mr. ' Manaselian, in regard to finding a solution to this problem and to inform him that the Board was in a position to approve the hotel plans as soon as two complete sets of plans, including a plot plan and a final site plan satisfactory to the Board, was filed with said Board. WESTLEX Read to the Board was the August 29, 1957 letter CORP. from the Westlex Corporation suggesting that the - Planning Board give consideration to the possible lo - M 1 cation of Avery and Saul, steel fabricators, in Lex - DISTRICT ington's light manufacturing district. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had conferred with a representative of the R. M. Bradley Co., real estate brokers, in regard to the matter and showed the Board brochures he had obtained illustrating the work of Avery & Saul. Mr. Jaquith also stated that it was his opinion and that of the Town Counsel that the work of Avery & Saul was of a heavy rather than of a light industrial nature but that the Board might wish to consider a revision of uses now permitted in the said light manufacturing district. It was decided that before the Board took any action on the suggestion for revising the uses permitted in said district that the Board members ' visit the Avery & Saul plant to observe for themselves the type and nature of the work of said concern. HANCOCK In view of the Special Town Meeting being called HEIGHTS for September 16, 1957 it was decided to hold on Sept. SEC. 2 23, 1957 at 8:00 p.m. the public hearing on the Moore Realty Trust application for approval of definitive plan entitled "Hancock Heights Section Two." SHANNON LAND The Board next discussed the acquisition for FOR RECREA- playground or recreational purposes the Shannon land TIONAL PUR- on North Street as set forth in Article 13 of the POSES warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held on September 16, 1957. Mr. Snow was asked to prepare for the Planning Board's consideration a draft of a report describing the proposed future use of said land and recommending favorable action by the Town in voting upon the article. REGIONAL Read to the Board and discussed by it was Com SHOPPING missioner Sheridan's August 27, 1957 letter to the CENTER Planning Board in answer to its letter of June 4, 1957 PROPOSAL requesting information in regard to construction of an interchange at Route 2 and Spring Street and access from private property to the proposed ramp running northerly ' from Route 2 to Route 12$. (See addendum.) The meeting adjourned at 9:4.5 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk ADDENDUM August 27,1957 Thomas S. Gri ndl e, Chairman Planning Board, Lexington, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Grindle: ' This is in reply to your letter dated June 4, addressed to Mr. Whitcomb, stating that a Town meeting will be held on June 24 to take action on the rezoning of certain property on ,which Filene's propose to build a regional shopping center, and requesting this Department's decisions and policies at two locations that are to be reconstructed as part of the proposed Route 2 improvement in Lexington. 1. Spring Street - The Department's plans call for the construction of a partial clover -leaf at this location to handle anticipated traffic volumes which will be reached in 1975. It is intended to construct this interchange regardless of whether or not the land abutting Route 2 at Spring Street is zoned for commercial purposes. 2. Access to Ramps at Route 128 Interchange - Route 128 is presently laid out as a limited access expressway. On comple- tion of the proposed improvements to Route 2, this highway will also be laid out as a limited access way. The interchange ramps between these two facilities will necessarily carry high volumes at relatively high velocities. No access will, therefore, be allowed to any of the ramps of this interchange for either private or public roads. Very truly yours, /s/ Carl A. Sheridan Commissioner