HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-08-19PLANNING BOARD._MEETING ' August 19, 1957 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, August 19, 1957 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Abbott, Jaquith and Soule; and the secretary. Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 9:50 until 10:30 p.m. The Minutes of the meetings of July 15 and August MINUTES 5, 1957 were approved. The following bills presented for payment were BILLS approved: Bruce E. Howlett, professional services for tiro-geekeriod ending August 151 1957-4195.00 car mileage --96.70; Samuel P. Snow, car allowance --125.00, and drafting supplies --$2.00, for July, 1957; Graphic Reproductions, Inc., white rints--$3.00 and $1.10; L.E.Muran Co., ruled pads --13.40; Minute -man Publica- tions, advertisinr�gg --3.b7; Spaulding -Moss Co., draft- ing supplies -47.80 and $18.10. ' Taken under consideration were the following FORM A's Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #57-74, submitted on August 15, 1957 by Mrs. Doreen L. Avallone; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass." dated September 24, 1956, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #57-75, submitted on August 8, 1957 by Elihu Pearlman, atty. for Arnold S. and Charlotte C. Wolf; plan entitled "Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass.", scale 1" = 401, dated July 3, 1957, Land Court Plan 26221A, Surveyor C. Russell Hoffman. #57-76, submitted.August 9,1957 icer Anthony J. Rochette by Paul J McCormack, Atty., plan en- titled "Plan of Land in Lexington Mass.", dated July 22, 1957, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s and Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. #57-77, submitted August $, 1957 by Mark Moore, Jr., planentitled "Plan Showing Lot Changes Lexington, Mass.", dated August 5, 1957, Fred A. Joyce -Surveyor, Belmont, Mass. #57-78, submitted on August 15, 1957 by John Carroll , for the Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. Showing Proposed Water Ease- ment," dated August 5, 1957, Jos. W. Moore, Reg. Land Surveyor, Bedford, Mass. #57-79, submitted on August 15, 1957 by John Carroll. for the Town of Lexington; planentitled "Plan of Proposed Drain Easement on Lot 3 Waltham Street Lexington, Mass.", dated Aug. 13, 1957, Richard J. Gayer, Town Engineer. #57-80, submitted on August 15, 1957 by John Carroll for the Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Sewer & Drain Easement from Boulder Road to Burling- ton St. in Lexington -Mass.", dated August 5, 1957, Richard J. Gayer, Town Engineer. #57-81, submitted on August 19, 1957 by Leonard J. Colwell, plan entitled "Sub -division Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. being a sub -division of lot 55 shown on Ld. Ct. Plan", dated August 19, 1957s Joseph W. Moore, Reg. Land Surveyor, Bedford. It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: that the plans accompanying applications $57-79, 57-74, #57-75s #57-76, #57-772 #57-7$2 57-80 and #57-81 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision control law." LONGFELLOW At 8:00 p.m. the Board held a public hearing on the ESTATES application of Nathan Ribock for approval of the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Longfellow Estates Section One HEARING Lexington Mass.", dated July 10, 1957, submitted on July 302 1957. Twelve persons attended the hearing, including Mr. Nathan Ribock, the petitioner, and Mr. Albert Ampolo, the developer. Chairman Grindle opened the hearing by reading the notice of the same as it was mailed to all property owners abutting the proposed subdivision and as it was advertised in the August $, 1957 issue of the Lex- ington Minute -man. He then explained the procedure to be followed in conducting the hearing and called upon the applicant to present his plan. Mr. Ribock explained that Whittier Road was to con- nect Graham Road with Longfellow Road, Section One of the proposed development including six lots at the Graham Road I end as shown on the plan. Mr. Theodore Holcombe of 145 Burlington street stated that he was interested in general plans for future develop- ment. He stated that there now exists a row of apple trees which the neighbors Ribock replied that removed either, and be cut down. would not like to see cut down. Mr. he does not like to see the trees that no more than is necessary would Mrs. Alma Parker, 117 Burlington street, stated that there was a big hole about five feet from her property line and wanted to know if it was planned to excavate further at this point. Mr. Ampolo explained that it would be necessary to fill the hole. Robert Moulton, 11,.6 'Burlington street, was inter- ested in the traffic situation. He stated that Burling- ton Street is now overburdened with traffic and new streets will add to the congestion on said street. He asked if there are plans for a future street to alleviate the situation. Mr. Grindle stated that the Planning Board had this matter under consideration at the present time and there were plans to connect a road through the area, and that said road should lessen traffic on Bur- lington Street. John Harvel, 131 Burlington Street, asked if plans for the entire proposed development might be seen. He stated that since the development was to be constructed on a sectional basis that it would be difficult to change ' these sections once approved. He also wanted to know if it was not the Board's policy to require a developer to connect a new development to the town sewer system. Mr. Grindle replied that the plan for overall development might be seen at the Planning Board office. In regard to the Board's policy concerning sewer connections, Mr. Grindle replied that whether or not a developer was re- quired to connect to a town sewer depended on the dis- tance and grades to make such a connection, that a sub- divider could not be expected to make such a connection for an unreasonable distance, and that there was no town sewer in the immediate vicinity of the proposed develop- ment. Mr. Holcombe said he was afraid that surface water would run down the slope over his property. Mr. Ampolo stated that there would be less of such problems after the street was built and drains connected as the water would be collected in catch basins on both sides of the street. Mrs. Holcombe asked how existing ledge wqs going to be removed. She said she was afraid of damage from blasting. Mr. Ampolo stated that this was the problem ' of the contractor, but that he did not believe it would be necessary to blast as the ledge was composed of soft shale. Members of the Board pointed out that from the plans presented part of the property numbered 25 Bedford Street comes within the Battle Green Historic District and that, while the proposed addition to the A & P store would not come within said district, a portion of the proposed addition to the parking area would. For this reason it was suggested to Mr. Johnson that it might be better to ' petition for an extension of the C-2 district only to. the boundary line of said historic district. Mr. Johnson replied that anything the Board thought best would be agreeable t6 -him and added that he would like to have the matter considered at the next town meeting. Members of the Board stated they did not think there was sufficient time to investigate the matter thoroughly before that time. When Mr. Johnson was asked if he proposed to bring the matter before the town meeting himself he replied that he would be willing to do so if' necessary but hoped that the Board would be willing to do so. He further stated that if the Board did not wish to recommend such a proposal he would convey this information to the A & P Company. LAND COURT Mr. Johnson left the meeting at 9:00 p.m. at which #5982 time the Board considered the application for definitive FITZGERALD approval of Mr. William E. Fitzgerald's subdivision ad- jacent to that of the Watson Realty Trust. All matters appearing to be in order it was decided that a public hearing be held on said application on September 9, 1957 at 8:00 o'clock. ASSOCIATES At 9:15 p.m. Mr. Manaselian, architect for, and Mr. REALTY Pearson, member of the Associates Realty Trust came to ' TRUST the meeting to discuss the plans entitled "Pine Hill Motor Hotel". Mr. Manaselian gave an explanation of the plans which he had brought to the meeting, stating There being no further questions the Chairman asked for an expression of opinion of those in favor of the ' application and those opposed. The vote was unanimously favorable. The hearing declared closed at 9:00 p.m. JOHNSON At this time Mr. Frederic K. Johnson came to the PROPOSAL meeting to discuss with the Board the possibilities of FOR C-2 re -zoning the property numbered 25 Bedford Street to RE -ZONING_ C-2 use. Mr. Johnson stated that it was desired to ex- tend the A & P store facilities by adding to the exit- ing building and by providing for an additional parking space. He also stated that if this were done the cupola on the existing building would be moved so that it would be in the center of the remodeled building. He further stated that on the northwesterly side of the lot the Rowe -Jackson Co. facilities are so crowded that land cannot be taken from that source for additional parking space. Members of the Board pointed out that from the plans presented part of the property numbered 25 Bedford Street comes within the Battle Green Historic District and that, while the proposed addition to the A & P store would not come within said district, a portion of the proposed addition to the parking area would. For this reason it was suggested to Mr. Johnson that it might be better to ' petition for an extension of the C-2 district only to. the boundary line of said historic district. Mr. Johnson replied that anything the Board thought best would be agreeable t6 -him and added that he would like to have the matter considered at the next town meeting. Members of the Board stated they did not think there was sufficient time to investigate the matter thoroughly before that time. When Mr. Johnson was asked if he proposed to bring the matter before the town meeting himself he replied that he would be willing to do so if' necessary but hoped that the Board would be willing to do so. He further stated that if the Board did not wish to recommend such a proposal he would convey this information to the A & P Company. LAND COURT Mr. Johnson left the meeting at 9:00 p.m. at which #5982 time the Board considered the application for definitive FITZGERALD approval of Mr. William E. Fitzgerald's subdivision ad- jacent to that of the Watson Realty Trust. All matters appearing to be in order it was decided that a public hearing be held on said application on September 9, 1957 at 8:00 o'clock. ASSOCIATES At 9:15 p.m. Mr. Manaselian, architect for, and Mr. REALTY Pearson, member of the Associates Realty Trust came to ' TRUST the meeting to discuss the plans entitled "Pine Hill Motor Hotel". Mr. Manaselian gave an explanation of the plans which he had brought to the meeting, stating that he had had a conference with Deputy Chief Belcastro of the Fire Department and the latter had approved of said plans. Mr. Pearson stated that the group of owners were to meet the next day and that he wished to teport'that the plans had been approved. He was told that as far as the Board was concerned the plans had just been received that evening and that the Board would not approve said plans until they had been given due consideration by the Board and letters of approval had been received from the Fire Prevention Bureau, the Building Department and the Board of Health. It was pointed out also that the site plan as pre- sented was only a preliminary one and that no plot plan had been submitted with the building plans. Messrs. Manaselian and Pearson left at 9:50 p.me at which time Town Counsel Stevens came to the meeting. He first discussed with the Board the matter of street STREET signs, it having come to his attention that the erec- SIGNS tion of street signs in new developments had not been insisted upon. He pointed out that under Sec. V, B.$ of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations call for tre subdivider to provide street signs. Taken under consideration next were notices of BOARD OF Board of Appeals hearings to be held on August 27, APPEALS ' 1957. It was decided to take no action on the peti- tions to be heard except the one of Thomas C. Deveau for a variance to divide land at the corner of Justin and Eldred Streets into two lots. On being asked by DEVEAU the Planning Board for his opinion in regard to action which the Board should take concerning said petition, Mr. Stevens replied that the matter should come under the jurisdiction of the Planning Board but that it probably would be more reasonable first to go to the Board of Appeals. He said that the variance might be granted subject to approval by the Planning Board. He suggested that a member of the Planning Board attend the hearing. Mr. Jaquith said he would plan to be present. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 10:30 p.m. at REGIONAL which time the Board gave further consideration to SHOPPING the Filene's proposal for a regional shopping center, DISTRICT particularly with reference to the matter of access PROPOSAL to the proposed center from the Route 2 -Spring Street and Route 2 -Route 128 interchanges. It was decided to send a letter to Commissioner Sheridan of the State Department of Public Works referring to the Board's June 4, 1957 letter requesting information, and to agk for a conference between the Board of Selectmen,. the Planning Board and representatives of the Department of Public Works. , The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Thomas S. Grindle, Chairman KI