HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-01F L. ' '• I G BOIiRD 1-=I!y G ' July 1, 1957 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Of'f'ice Building, on 14onday, July 1, 1P57 at 7:35 p.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, 1embers Abbott, Burnell and Jaquith and Planning Director Snow. 1956. The Board rpproved the minutes of April 23 and 30, MINUTES Approved also were the following bills which had BILLS been presented forpayment: Samuel P. Snow, for May and June, car mileage --:40.00, postage and miscellaneous office supplies --A'4.56; Minute -man Publications, Inc., advertising--94.QO; Peter's T�iusic and Appliances, window fan --"49.95. Taken under consideration was the following Form A iORM A application for determination of Planning Board juris- diction: _157-63, submitted on July 1, 1957 by Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney for Oakmount Realty Trust; plan entitled "A Subdivision of L.C. No. 26325 Laid. in Lexington -Mass.", Scale- 1" = 40', dated June 24, 1957, Idiller and Wylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: That the plan accompanying Application #57-63 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval under subdivision control law not required." At 8:00 p.m. the Board held a public hearing on the PUBLIC application of Eleanor L. Ross for approval of a defini- HEARING tive subdivision plan entitled "Battle Green Village - Section Two Lexington, Mass.", dated May 1, 1957, sub- BATTLE mitted on June 7, 10,57. Ten persons attended the hear- GREEN ing. Chairman Grindle read the notice of said hearing VILLAGE as it was sent to all owners of property abutting on the SEC. 2 proposed subdivision and as was advertised in June 13, 1957 issue of the Lexington 1, inute-man. He then explained the procedure to be followed in conducting the hearing and called on the applicant to present her plan. Pair. Edward R. Thomas of 54 Devonshire Street, Boston, attorney for i�irs. Ross, gave an explanation of the plan indicating it was a portion of and conformed to a preliminary subdivision plan, dated May 1, 1957, and ' tentatively approved by the Board on May 20, 1957. He also stated that easements for sewers as shown on the plan had not been taken to date. He likewise stated that i,Ir. Leeland G. i cConchie planned to assume the obligations of the applicant as soon as the Board indi- cated that it was in a position to approve said plan. Mr. Jaquith suggested that lot numbers 29 and 86 be removed from the plan since said future lots were outside the proposed subdivision. Mr. Thomas agreed to the removal of said lot numbers. Mr. Richard J. Fontaine of 4 Revolutionary Road asked who was to construct and who owned the fee in Ross Road from Revolutionary Road to Lot 20 on Ross Road. Similarly Mr. Richard R. Nelson asked who was to con- struct and who owned the fee in Oxbow Road from Revolu- tionary Road to Lot 10 on Oxbow Road. Mr. I�IcConchie stated that he would like to construct all of Ross and Oxbow Roads including the pavements. It was pointed out that this was called for on the definitive plan as presented. Both I4,essrs. r'ontaine and Nelson indicated they would be glad to grant Mr. I-icConchie permission if necessary to construct said roads abutting their properties. Ir. Thomas said that he would find out who m,Tned the fee in said ways and send a copy of his find- ings to the Planning Board. Mr. Kenneth L. Warden of 10 Constitution Road inquired about provisions for drainage in the subdivi- sion, particularly that coming from Revolutionary Road. Provisions for such drainage were pointed out to Mr. Warden. There being no further questions, Chairman Grindle asked for an indication of those who wished to be recorded either for or against approval of the plan. Five persons wished to be recorded as being in favor, none opposed. The hearing was declared closed at 8:30 p.m. HAWTHORNE At 8:45 p.m. the Board held a public hearing ACRES on the application of Esco Builders Corp. for approval of a definitive subdivision plan entitled "Hawthorne PUBLIC Acres Lexington i'iass. ", dated May 29, 1957, submitted HEARING June 10, 1957. Thirteen persons attended the hearing. Chairman Grindle opened the hearing by reading a notice of the same as it had been sent to all owners of land abut- ting on the subdivision and as had been published in the , June 13, 1957 issue of the Lexington i•Iinute-man. He then explained how the hearing would be conducted and called upon the applicant to present the plan. Mr. Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney, representing Mr. Lmilio V. Spagnuola of Esco Builders Corp. discussed the plan stating that it conformed to a preliminary plan entitled "Proposed Subdivision of Land in Lexington Mass. Owned by Esco Builders Corp.", dated March 12, 1957, and lot and street layouts having been informally approved by the Planning Board on T,Iarch 18, 1957. Dir. Tropeano pointed out on said plan the area of land upon which the Town held an option to purchase from Esco Builders a site for a Junior High School. Mr. John F. O'Connell of 52 Adams Street asked if the proposed subdivision included any of this land. It was determined that it did riot. Mr. Joseph F. Doherty of 74 Adams Street wished to be shown the boundary line and dimensions of the drainage easement on the rear of his lot. This was done. There being no further questions the Chairman asked for any indication of those who wished to be recorded either in favor of or as opposed to the approval of the definitive plan. Twelve persons wished to be recorded as in favor, none opposed. The hearing was declared closed at 8:55 p.m. After the hearing Messrs. Spagnuola and Tropeano met with the Board to discuss further the definitive plan. It was pointed out that the Board was proposing as part of its master road plan a town road to pass through, approximately parallel to the Willard Property, the northeasterly corner of the proposed subdivision. The detailed study for this road not having been completed, Mr. Spagnuola was asked if he would be willing to modify the plan to enable the Board to complete a definitive plan for this road. He agreed to do so by eliminating "Newport Road" and that portion of "Brentwood" Road on which lots 20 to 24 inclusive and 40 to 44, inclusive, front. The Board likewise agreed to request the Town Engineer for a revision of his estimated cost of perform- ing the various items of work in said subdivision as set forth in said engineer's letter of June 5, 1957. Messrs. Spagnuola and Tropeano left the meeting LONGFELLOW at 9:15 p.m. at which time the Board, at the request ESTATES of the Ampolo Engineering and Construction Corp., dis- cussed informally said Corporation's proposed definitive plan for Longfellow? Estates and decided how much of proposed Whittier Road should be excluded in Section One of said definitive plan. It was decided that the por- tion of Whittier Road from Graham Road to a point oppo- site the common boundary line between lots 12 and 13 should be included in said section and that Mr. Snow convey this information to Air. Perkins, civil engineer for the proposed development. T•ir. Abbott left the meeting at 9:30 p.m. BATTLE VIEW The Board next took under consideration the REALTY application of Battle View Park Realty Trust for approval TRUST of the Battle View Park, Section Two definitive subdivi- SEC. 2 sion plan. 1,1r. Snow said that he discussed with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Perduyn of 280 Woburn Street the possibility of acquiring through purchase or exchange a parcel of land from the southwesterly corner of the Perduyn lot to provide for a 25 -foot radius for the intersection of Woburn Street and proposed extension of Rumford Road. He reported that the Perduyns were not willing to exchange or sell said parcel. All other matters appearing to be in order, the Board decided to approve the plan as presented, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Burnell, seconded by Mr. Jaquith and unanimously VOTED: that the definitive subdivision plan en- titled "Battle View Park Section Two Lexington -Mass.", dated April 24. 1957; which was submitted to the Board by Battle View Park Realty Trust, Ralph J. Frissore and Joseph Monsignore, trustees, on May 20, 1957, accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated May 14, 1957, be and hereby is approved. HANCOCK The Board took under consideration the applica- HEIGHTS tion of Moore Realty Trust for tentative approval of the SEC. 2 preliminary plan entitled "Hancock Heights Section Two" dated June 20, 1957• Before acting upon this applica- tion the Board requested Mr. Snow to discuss with Richard 1t;'. Hofheimer of 15 Ballard Terrace, and to report to the Board at its next meeting, on whether or not he had reached any agreement with Mr. Moore for the sale of a portion of the Hoheimer lot for the purpose of giving access for the proposed extension of Linmoor Terrace to connect with Crawford Road. JONES The Board accepted the application for tentative PROPERTIES approval of "Preliminary Plan of Subdivision in Lexington, Mass. belonging to Alfred G. Jones", dated June 1957, and requested Mr. Snow to make studies of said proposal in relation to the adjacent properties and to submit said plans to the Board for its consideration at his earliest convenience. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. � `}.S Levi Burnell, Jr. erk