HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-05-13PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 13, 1957 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held on Monday, May 13, 1957 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members Burnell, Jaquith and Soule, and Planning Director Snow. Approved were the minutes of the public MINUTES hearing held on January 30, 1957• Approved also were the following bills BILLS which had been presented for payment: Urban Land Institute, Tech. Bulletins #4, 12, and 20, "Shopping Centers" --$9.00; Underwood Corp., typewriter mainte- nance -414.09; Graphic Reproductions, white prints-- $3.48; Samuel P. Snow, car allowance, April --$20.00. Taken under consideration were the follow- FORMS A ing Form A applications for determination of Plan- ning Board jurisdiction: #57-46, submitted May 6, 1957 by Walter E. ' Steeves; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated Mar. 25, 1957, T.Corcoran, Civil Engineer. #57-47, submitted May 9, 1957 by George P. George; plan entitled "Plan of Part of Land in Lexington Mass.", Scale: 1" - 1001, dated May 3, 1957. #57-4$, submitted May 13, 1957 by Gertrude E. Barstow; plan entitled: "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated April 15, 1957. Surveyed by Northeastern Engineering Associates, Douglas P. Forbes, C.E., Burlington, Mass. It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: That the plans accompanying appli- cations #57-46, #57-47, and #57-48 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision con- trol law." The Board also took under consideration the PEACOCK preliminary plan for the Peacock Farms, Sec. 6 sub- FARMS division, said plan having been previously studied and discussed by the Town Engineer and the Planning Director, the latter having also discussed the plan ' with representatives of the State Department of Public Works. After due consideration, it was moved by Mr. Soule, seconded by Mr.Burnell, and unanimously VOTED: That the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Preliminary Plan of Peacock Farms, Section Six, Lexington, Massa- chusetts," dated April 16, 19572 to- gether with an application for tenta- tive approval, Form B, dated April 17, 19572 be and hereby is disapproved for the following reasons: (a) the sub- division would interfere with a pro- posed town -state highway to be located across said property, (b) in the Board's opinion, there is insufficient sight distance on the northerly approach from Pleasant Street for an access road onto said street. TAX The Board discussed the Selectmen's April 26, TITLE 1957 letter to the Planning Board stating that the LOTS Selectmen had received offers for the purchase of tax title lots listed and requesting the Planning Board's opinion as to whether or not any of these lots should ' be sold. The Board asked Mr. Snow to examine plans showing all the lots listed and recommend a reply to the. Selectmen's letter. REGIONAL At 9:00 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to SHOPPING meet in joint se -scion with the Selectmen to discuss CENTER with them and the Town Counsel a draft of a suggested amendment to the Zoning By-law for a proposed re- gional shopping center. The meeting with the Selectmen adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk