HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-04-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' April 15,1957 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineerts Room, Town Office Build- ing, on Monday, April 15, 1957 at 7:35 P.m. Present were Chairman Grindle, Members of the Board Abbott, Burnell, Jaquith and Soule; Mr. Snow, Planning Direc- tor and the secretary. Mr. Adams was present from 8:40 p.m. until the end of the meeting. The Board approved the following bills presented BILLS for payment: Louise M. Baker, secretarial services for period ending April 12, 1957--$25.00; Hobbs & Warren, Inc., sheets for minute books --$7.30; Nat'l Inst. Mun. Law Officers, copy of Municipal Regulations of Signs, etc. --$3.04. The Board considered the following Form A appli- FORM A cation for Planning Board jurisdiction: #57-44, submitted on April 11, 1957 by Bernard Be Gould, Attorney for Frances May Baskin; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass." Scale 1" = 40t, dated Feb. 10, 1956) Miller and Nylander, Civil Engr's & Surveyors, Lexington - Mass. Special consideration having to be given to this application, Mr. Snow was requested to confer with Mr. Gould in regard to the exact ownership of the Baskin property and report his findings to the Board before it acted upon said application. A public hearing was held at $:00 p.m. on the PUBLIC application for approval as a subdivision property HEARING of Antonio Busa known as "Green Valley, Section Two, Lexington, Mass.". The Chairman read the notice of GREEN VALLEY hearing as it was sent to all abutting property SEC. 2 owners and as it appeared in the April 4, 1957 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. No one appeared at the hearing either for or against the petition. The hear- ing was declared closed and the plans taken under con- sideration. Read to the Board were the Board of Appeals BOARD OF notices of petitions to be heard on April 23, 1957, APPEALS The Board decided to withhold action on these peti- NOTICES tions until its next meeting. REGIONAL SHOPPING At 8:30 p.m. Mr. Gummere met with the Board to discuss further the boundary lines of Filene's - pro CENTER posed regional shopping center project. Mr. Gummere PROJECT left the meeting at 9:30 p.m. after which the Board decided it should not determine the location of any dffinitive boundary lines until after a public hear- ing, that Mr., Gummere could obtain sufficient indica- tion from various opinions expressed by members of the Board to make a decision of his own in regard to what boundary lines he wished to propose in his peti- tion for re -zoning, and that the Chairman should tele- phone the Board's decisions to Mr. Gummere. ASSOCIATES At 9:30 P.M. Messrs. Hopkins and Priestley of REALTY Associates Realty Trust met with the Board. A TRUST colored line drawing of the northerly elevation of the proposed hotel to be built by the Associates Realty Trust was submitted. This illustration was somewhat along the lines of Georgian colonial de- sign and indicated among other things a modified dining wing to accommodate a seating capacity of 35 persons. After discussing the plan in some detail Messrs. Hopkins and Priestley left the meeting while the Board discussed the drawing further. It was moved, seconded and unanimously ' VOTED: That the design and type of architecture for the proposed hotel building of the Associates Realty Trust as shown inthe sketch submitted to the Board on April 15, 1957 be and hereby is approved. After taking this vote Messrs. Hopkins and Priestley were called back to the meeting and informed of the Board's action. Mr. Hopkins requested that he be informed in writing of the Board's action whereupon he and Mr. Priestley left the meeting at 10:20 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk 1