HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-03-11PLAbMM HOARD MSETIV ' March 11, 1957 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Ingineerts Roos, Town Office Bull4ing on Monday, March ll, 1957 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Messrs. Abbott, Adams, Burnell, 0ri.ndle, Jaquith and Soule;'Mr. Snow, Planning Direc- tor, and the secretary. Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 8:30 to 9:05 p.m. It was mowed, seconded and unanimously voted that Mr. 0rindle be Chairman, Mr. Jaquith be'Vioe-dlairman to act as Chairman in the absence of Mr. arindle, and We Burnell be Clerk for the year ending with the next March organisational meeting. For the'benont of the new member, Mr Jaquith reviewed the policy of the Board in regard to keeping confidential Planning Board information which has not been made public to date. He stated that much information is 'given to the Board in confidence, and that the Board is reluctant to have this information made public until the proper time. It was like- wise pointed out that Flaming. Board members are in many types of business, and that from time to time matters may arise which would particularly affect the interest of one ' member. Mr. Jaquith stated that it has then been the Board's policy for the member whose interest is affected to withdraw from further discussion and let the Board take action on the particular matter involved. The minutes of the foil" meetings were approved: April 16, 1956, February 18 and 26, March 2, 4 am 6, 1957, The Board approved the following bills presented for payment: S-uee E. Howlett, professional serviesa, period ending March 9, 1957-4103.75; The Barrett Press, rubber stamp --$2.25; Somerville Printing Co.,Inc., printing annual reports --$25.00; H.B.McArdle, office supplies -4126.25; Louise M. Baker, secretarial services period ending March 8, 197--$27.50. ' POLICY OF THE BOARD A public hearing was held at 8:00 o'clock on the appli. OAK KNOLL cation for approval of definitive plan entitled "Plan of SEC. II__ Lots at Oak Knoll, Sec. II, Lexington Mass. Owned by Outhet Realty Trust," submitted on February 252, 1957 by Ernest E. Outhet and Kenneth F. Blodgett of Outhet Realty Trust. The chairman opened the hearing by reading the notice of the same as had been published in the Lexington Minute- ' man on February 28 and as sent to the owners of all property abutting on the proposed subdivision. The chairman stated that the application for approval had been submitted on February 25, 1957 and explained the procedure to be followed in ' conducting the hearing. He then called upon Mr. Ernest E. Outhstj, representing the Outhet Realty Trust, to present his plan. This he did. No-ols else was present to speak either for or against the application for approval.. The hearing was declared closed at 8sO5 p.m. and the plane taken under consid- eration. FORMS A Taken under consideration were the following Form A appli- cations for Planning Board jurisdictions #57-25, submitted on March 7, 1957 by Joseph w. Moore, agent for Joseph Moretti; plan entitled "Supplemental Ld. Ct. Plan of Lana in Lexington, Mass. owned by Joseph Moretti," Scales 1" a 401, dated March 6, 1957s Joseph W, Moore, Reg. Land Surveyor, Bedford, Mass. Information on plan requested by Land Court to show additional data not included on plan dated May 17, 19569 the latter plan endorsed by the Board on May 21, 1956. #57-26, submitted on March 11, 1957 tV Harold s. Stevens for the Taam of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Drain Easement Lazi.ngton, Mass.",,Soales 1" - 40t, dated Oct. 1956, Whitman & Howard, Engiswers, Boston, -Mass. ' It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: That the plans accompanying applications #57-25 and #57-26 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexi.ngtob planning Board approval under Subdi- vision Control Law not required. RaMON HILL Mr. Stevens arrived at 800 o'clock at which time a SSC. 3 public bearing was held an the application of the Zeeland Construction Co., Inc. for approval'of definitive plan en- titled "Plan of Lata in Section Three-Robdmon Hill Lexing- ton, Mass."' Present were 1r. Leeland McConehie, represent Ing the petitioner, Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Kelly, Mr. and. Mrs. Francis Cooke, and Mrs. Barbara Anderson. Chairman Grindl.e opened the hearing by reading the notice of the hearing as it had been published in the Lex ington Mimste-man on March 2, 1957 and 'as had been sent to all the property owners abutting the subdivision. Noting that the application for approval bad been submitted on Febu nary 25, 1957, Mr, arincUe than explained the procedure by which the hearing would be conducted. Mr. Kelly, speaking for those present from Stratham ' Road, stated that they were interested in what was to become of the stub of Diana Lane and they feared that if the road ' were continued down over the bill it would bec©m a main thorough- fare fqr exit to Massabhusetts Avenue.* Mr. Jaquith ixplained that the revised plan showed that the stub will be elinlnated as a street. Mr. McConchis stated that beyond Diana Lane the road is an access for Mrs. Anderson, is to be kept as such, and is only 12 feet wide. Mr. Kelly suggested that stone posts be placed on either side of the road on the upper end so that a private vay would be clearly indicated. When asked if anyone wished to be recorded as either in favor or opposed, Mr. Kelly said that they were in favor with reservation as previously expressed. The hearing was declared closed at 8:45 p.m, and the plane were taken udder aonsideratton The Pla:ming Board at its meeting on Feb. 18, 1957 voted to ROBDWN modify and amend Section 2 of the Robinson RM subdivision by HILI, eliminating as ways portions of Childs Road and Diana Lane as SEC. 2 shown on a plan entitled "Modification of a portion of Robinson Hill Section 2 Rand in Lexington, Mass, Dated January 15, 1957." The appeal period having expired, the Planning Board endorsed the Certificate.of its vote and said plan as referred to above. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Read to the Board at this_tiws was Mr. John S. Ward's March 6, 1957 letter addressed JOHN hi. WARD to the Selectmen, copies of which.were sent to the Town Ingineer and the Planning Board, Mr. Snow was asked to acknowledge re- ceipt of the letter after discussing the situation with Mr. Gayer. ' The Bard discussed the April 12-13, 1957 Urban Design Con- URPAN DESIGN ferenoe to be held at Harvafd University. It was moved,'seconded CMEWCE and unanimously voted that Mr. Snow be authorized to attend this conference and to charge the Board for the expenses incurred. The Board's attention was referred to House Bills x`1271 and REGIONAL ;1880 in regard to regional planning in the Metropolitan Boston PLU IING area. The Chairman appointed Mr. Soule to Beet with Mr. Snow to analyse said bills and at an early subsequent meeting to recommend to the Board such action'as they thought should be made in regard to said proposed legislature. .In view of the receipt of the Assistant Attorney General's PRINTM February 15, 1957 letter in regard to the revision of Leddn -- ZOXW ton's Zoning By-laws, it was decided not to reprint at. this BY-LAW time the pages of the *.law upon which changes have been made. It was thought that the printing could be done after a special town meeting which was expected to be bald in the spring. Mr. Snow was asked to indicate the necessary changes to be made in order that the Board could draft just what had to be done in the way of mimeographing sufficient copies to serve immediate needs. The Board considered }:ext proposed changes in street names STREET as set forth in Article 59 of the Tamm Warrant. It was decided NAMES to leave this matter to Mr. Orindle and Mr. Snow to recommend to Mr. Stevens amendments to the article so that a proper draft of a proposed vote could be prepared. At 9:10 pm. Mr. John F. MacNeil and his attorney, 11r. Alfred , BOARD OF P. Tropeano, met with the Board to discuss the variances Mr. APPSAIS MacNeil was seeking from the Board of Appeals. It was asked if We MacNeil would use the plan concerning which be had already been 14ACHEIL granted variances if the variances he were seeking on March 12 were PETITION denied. We Tropeano said that plan upon which variances have already been granted could not be used because the Town had taken some of the MacNeil property for a -town way. Mrs Tropeano also stated that if Mr. MacNeil were'not•granted these variances. a lawsuit against the Town would result. It was noted that the town had proposed to lay out a 40 -foot street which would have taken all of the Barrett Press but that the Selectmen had decided that the resultant damages would make the cost of the taking prohibitive. Mrs Tropeano stated that Mr. MacNeil bad planned to have Yds proposed building on this street but when it use laid out as a way only 15 -fest in width, Mr. MacNeil decided to change the frontage to face the railroad depot and to ask for a furtber side yard variance from 5 ft. to 3 ft. Mr. Tropeano fur- ther stated that the proposed three stores within the building had been decreased from 20 ft* in width to 17 ft., the latter dimen- sion holding only if the extra 2-fto variance were granted. In describing the building Mr. Tropeano said that it was planned to construct it two stories in height, to have a COUW al appearance and to have windows on the Barrett Press side of the building. He also said that it was planned to have one office and stores on the first floor, and offices an the second floor, said building having a sidewalk and a grass plot between it and the railroad station. In regard to the plot plan itself, Mr. Tropeano stated that Mr. MacNeil was deeding lc58 sq. ft. to the Town but that he would be losing 500 st, ft, from the plot plan concerning which they bad been granted variances. Speaking for the Board, Mr. Jaquith stated that the Board be- lieved that if the variances requested were granted similar variances would be requested at allwr timse. He further stated that from a long range plan standpoint the Board felt it would not be in the Town's best interest to have this variance granted. Mr. MacNeil stated -that &-floor area of a 15 -ft. wide store would be rather small and for this reason be was seeking the additional variance of two feet. Mr. Jaquith said that the Planning Board objected to the proposed building line'next to the railroad as the line was'drawn on the plan and that the Board also would like to see a wider side yard established. Mr. MacNeil and Mr. Tropeano left the meeting at 10:00 o'clock, as did the secretary. The Board discussed hearings to be held by the Bead of Appeals on March 26, 1957. It was decided to take no action upon the petitions to be heard. Considered next by the Board was the petition of Auto Engineer- ing Co., Inc. for permission to erect a pole and cross mast for the 1 1 purpose of hanging two double faced signs to be located at 436 Marrett Road, said petition to be heard on March 12, 1957. Approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman was a letter to the Board of Appeals stating that the Planning Board was opposed to the granting of this petition, that in general the Board is opposed to the erection of a sign such as vas pro- posed in this case because it was free standing and because in the Board8s opinion it was excessively large. In particular the Board pointed out that the sign vas to be erected in a local business district which was established to serve.neigh- borhood use. It was further stated that in the opinion of the Board the proposed sign was not in beeping with the environ- mental standards Lexington has consistently tried to maintain both in its neighborhoods and throughout the town as a whole. The Board also considered the petition of Daniel and Eleanor M. Curtin for permission to erect and maintain a service station, said petition to be heard by the Board of Appeals on March 12, 1957. Approved by the Burd and signed by the Chairman was a letter to the Board of Appeals, stating that the Planning Board was opposed to the granting of a petition to erect and maintain a service station. The letter stated that in the Planning Boardts opinion the Marrett Road - Spring St. Bridge St, intersection is one of lexingtonos most dangerous. It was further stated that the proposed service station would be only one lot west of this intersection and would in itself, with the necessary ingress and egress, create another intersection where the horizontal sight distance of automobiles approaching from a northeasterly direction would be no more than 250 feet. The letter noted also that the proposed service station would be located in between an automobile dealer and repair agency and the Woodhaven store, opposite the existing garden supply center and only about 400 feet away from the proposed Marrett Road fire station. In ivew of these conditions the Planning Board concluded that in its opinion this location for a service station would increase the congestion at this Point on Marrett Road and would constitute a hazard to public safety and would, therefore, not be in the public interest. AUTO SMR, 00. PETITION SIGN CURTIN PETITION SEMCE STATION Read to the Board was the Pjaaning Director's Feb, 25, PROPOSED ROAD 1957 letter to Mr. Whitcomb, Survey'and Locations Engineer WOOD TO BED - for the State Department of Public Works, said letter seek- FORD STREETS ing information in regard to the proposed road connecting Wood and Bedford Streets. Read to the Board, also was Cbief Engineer Gray's Febru- ary 27, 1957 letter replying that the proposed road would con- nect Wood Street at a point near the Williams property to Bedford Street at a point veers Hinchey road now enters Bed- ford Street and that the road would be constructed 24 feet in width with two 10 -ft, paved shoulders for a total of 44 feet of pavement. Mr. Gray also stated that the layout would be of a controlled access nature providing for entrance from South _Street just west of the Bedford branch of the railroad and from Westview Street and Hinchey Street at now paint between the railroad and Bedford Street. The reply also stated that at Bedford Street sass: provision would be made for a safe haven for north -bound traffic turning left onto the proposed highway and that traffic lights would be erected at this intersection to provide for safe movement of traffic. Mr. Gray also stated that South and Westview Streets west of the Bedford branch would be connected with the .proposed road as described above at some point west of the railroad. When this is done the present railroad crossing at Westview Street would be eliminated and replaced with a new crossing at a point where the proposed Wood-te-Bedford Streets road crosses the railroad. Mr, Gray sent under separate cover an aerial photograph showing in heavy blue peril the approximate center line of the proposed road, stated that field surveys for this project have been completed but that the completion of plans and farther studies have.been discontinued pending allocation of funds by the Defense Department for the construction of the highway. HIGHLAW The Beard considered the application for tentative approval GLENN of the preliminary ff ghland Glenn subdivision plan, revised PRELIMINARY February 7, 1957, especially as said subdivision might relate PLAN to a future town northeastern thoroughfare. The plan having been reviewed by both the>Town Engineer and the Playing Director, it was moved, seconded and.mmnimonsly VOTED: That the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Big and Mena Lexington.. Mass.", revised Feb. 7, 1957s submitted to the Board on February 18, 1957s, be and hereby is approved subject to the following conditions: (1) that "B Street" have a so-called right-of-way and connect directly with "A Street"' at Lovell Street; and (2) that "C" and "E" Streets have 50 -foot right-of-ways. The whetting adjourned at lls45 p.m. 401'.1A Levi. G. Burnell�Jr. ` Clerk 1