HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-03-021 1 PL .NWIIuG BO, RD T,!ZEMI G ,larch 2, 1957 A special meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Board's office in the Barnes Building on Sat- urday, March 2, 1957 at 10:00 a.m. Present were Chairman Hathaway, Tiessrs. Abbott, Adams and Grindle and the Planning Director, Mr. Snow. The purpose of the meeting was to examine and act upon three pre- liminary subdivisions, plans of which had been sub- mitted to the Board for tentative approval. The first plan the Board took under consideration was that of Constructors' Properties, Inc., said plan proposing to connect Peacock Farms Road with the Liberty Heights development. T,ir. Snow was authorized to work with representatives of said corporation to develop what the Board might consider to be a more satisfL)ctory scheme. 1'nereupon it was moved by Mr. Adams, seconded by T,ir. Abbott and unanimously VOTED: That the preliminary subdivision plan en- titled "Preliminary Plan of Peacock Farms Section Five Lexin7ton-Mass.", dated Jan. 31, 1()57, submitted on February 4, 1957 together T,dth an application for tentative approval, corm B, dated January 31, 1957, be and hereby is disapproved for the fol- lowing reasons: 1. The grades at the Compton Circle -Peacock Farm Road and Baker Avenue -Peacock rarm Road inter- sections .r.re not acceptable. 2. The cuts between Stations 27+00 and 30+00 on Peacock Farm Road and between Stations 04-00 and 11-75 on Baker Avenue are excessive. 3. Peacock 'arm Road is connected to Tarbell Ave. PEACOCK FARM'S SEC. 5 4. The horizontal alignment of the proposed Baker Avenue extension and the location of this access to adjacent property on the easterly side of the Section rive subdivision is not acceptable. The Board likewise took under consideration the BATTLE plan of Ralph J. Frissore. It was moved by 11r. Abbott, VIEW PARK seconded by Tir. Grindle and unal,imously SEC. 2 VOTED: That the pr>liminary subdivision plan en- titled "Tentative Plan o Lots in Lexing- ton -Ma s.", revised January 24) 1957, sub- mitted cn r'ebruary 4, 1957 together nith application for tentative approval norm B dated January 3021"),57, be and hereby is approved subject to the following con- ditions: 1. That Parcel A be incorporated into the sub- division lotting. 2. That a greater radius be given to the hori- zontal curve between Station 2+00 and 3*00 on Rumford Road. 3. That a similar curve to the one found at the southeasterly corner of the Horn lot be pro- vided at the southwesterly corner of the Purduyn lot. The plan of Mr. Albert H. Burnham was also dis- cussed -vrith specigl reference to the Board's preliminary master plan studies involving the major streets, parks and other recreation. Mr. Snow was asked to include in the letter of transmittal regarding' the Board's vote a suggestion. that Park Moore Jr. meet later c:.,ith the Board to discuss the plan, it being understood that he had an option to purchase I,Ir. Burnham's land for residential development. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Grindle, seconded by 1.1r. Adams and unanimously VOTED: That the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Plan Showing Proposed Subdi- vision of Land in Lexington -Mass.," dated Jan. 30, 1957, submitted onreb- ruary 4, 1957, together with an appli- cation pplication for tentative approval, Form B, dated Jan. 31, 1957, be and hereby is disapproved for the reason that there is a major conflict with the Vine Brook easement and flowage rights as referred to in the lotting and street plan." The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Donald D. Hathaway Chairman BUUHAPI LAhD - MOORE J it