HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-02-26PLANNING BOAF.D MRING
February 26, 1957
The Lexine;ton Planning Board held a public hearing on
Tuesday, r'ebruary 26, 1057 at 8:00 p.m. in Estabrook Hall,
Cary emorial Building, on the question of changing; the names
of the following streets; namely: (a) to change to Cooke Street
the name Cary Street, an accepted way extending from Taft
Avenue to Charles Street. (b) `o change to r'rances Road the
name Qat Avenue, an unaccepted way extending from Eastern
.venue to Deering "Avera: e. (c) '1'o change to Jay Street the
name Oak Terrace, a partly accepted and partly unaccepted
way exteridin"c: fro, Oak Street to Hillside Street. (d) To
change to Davis Road the name "Jilliam Avenue, an unaccepted
way extending from iioreland Avenue to Oakland Avenue. e)
To change to Servis Road the flume Oakland Avenue, an unac-
cepted ,fray extending southwesterly from Swan Lane. (f) To
change to Camden Street the name Smyth Street an unaccepted
way extending from Charles Street to Sutherland Avenue. (g)
To change to Tidd Street the name Hillcrest Street, a partly
accepted and partly unaccepted way extending easterly from
'Winter Street. (h) Zo change to king Street the name Inde-
pendence :'_orf , an unaccepted ,•ray exteriding northerly from
r -ern Street.
' Present oiere Chairman :{athav:ay, i essrs. Abbott, Adams,
Burnell and Grindle; "r. Snow, Planning Director; mfrs, Baker,
secretary; and twenty-five citizens.
Chairman .Iathatea.y opened the hearin-° by reading; the
notice of the hearii-7 as it was sent to all property owners.
orlon^ the streets involved and as was duly advertised in
r'ebruary 14, 10,57 issue of the Lexinjzton Tiinute-man. He
then explained that there are quite a number of conflicts
in Lexington street names which could cause a great deal of
inconvenience in case of fire, -police and medical aid and
in the delivery of mail. He said that in keeping with one
of its policie , the Planning Board recommends each year the
elimination of some cf the conflicting names, adding that
the Board felt very strongly that the matter of safety was
involved in name chances :proposed this year. He also said
that in a,..l cases where th :re were similar names, the Board
selected for the dame changes the streets having the fewer
number of houses - or in some cases, n o houses - as it was
thought that this would cause the minimum of inconvenience.
Chairman Hathaway concluded his introductory remarks by
stating that chanes of street names do not impose burdens
in regard to deeds or mortgages and that this matter can be
attended to in a subsequent transferral of property.
(a) In regard to proposal to change to Cooke Street the
name Cary Street, :lir. Hathaway noted that 11 families re-
sided along Cary Street i%,hile 34 Resided along Cary Avenue.
He called attention to the fact that the Board had received a
petition dated February 16, 1957 and signed by 18 individuals ,
who claimed to be all the property owners and residents of
Cary Street and who opposed the proposed change of name of
said street.
Joseph Curtin of 6 Cary Street stated he had lived at this
address for 50 years and did not believe there was any police,
fire, or any other confusion in regard to the street. Pair. Mac-
Gilvray of 12 Cary Street said he had lived there for 49 years
and had never seen a fire truck on Cary Street. He stated that
the only inconvenience encountered was with Christmas mail but
added that this would be nothing compared to that which would be
caused by having to change addresses on government insurance,
bills, auto licenses and registrations, etc. He said that he
did not think there was any need of changinIg the name of Cary
Mr. Hathaway stated that it had been found that in general
there had been some confusion orith the names Cary Avenue and
Cary Street. Pair. Adams also stated that having been or, the
Board of Fire Engineers for a number oiyears he did know of
some confusion taking place. Again it was stressed that the
street name changes were suggested for the people's safety,
especially their safety in the future.
One gentleman wished to know if it would do any good to '
object to the proposed name changes. He believed that the
matter had already been decided. Mr. Hathaway stated that a
public hearing is required on the question of renaming ways and
such a hearing is for the purpose of both the Board and the
public obtaining information on the proposals.
(b) No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the pro-
posal to change to Frances Road the name Oak Avenue.
(c) Regarding the proposal to change to Jay Street the
name Oak Terrace, Chairman Hathaway noted that there were in
existence 7 public or private ways which began with the word
Oak and that on this way there were two families living on
the street and two new houses under construction. He stated
for the record that the Board had received two letters signed
by seven people opposed to the proposed name change.
^,alter ",,lard of 2 Oak Terrace stated that he thought when
a new street was laid out that this was the time to find the
name of the street confusing or inconvenient. Mr. Hathaway
stated that this was correct and the Planning Board in the
past several years had been very careful to take care of this
matter when new subdivisions were submitted for approval. Nr.
Ward objected to the name "Jay" street. Pyr. Hathaway stated '
that he thought if the interested people get together and
suggest another name, the matter of su' stituting a name could
be taken care of at the Town Meeting by amending Section C of
Article 59.
(d) In regard to the proposal to chanme to Davis Road
t;7e name William Avenue, i.ir. Hathaway stated that there were
' 20 families living aloii.g Williams Road and only one family
along; li illiam Avenue. He also said that the Board had re-
ceived two letters �ror;i i''r. Endres opposing the street name
William Endres oz 15 William Avenue stated that as far
as he was concerned there had never been any trouble .,:ith
the street Lane. '-`e thought that if the name %%,ere changed
to Davis Road nobody would know where he lived. iir. Hath-
away stated that in proposing the change the Board was only
trying to look ahead to the future benefit of the people
and thr,t the proposal could be defeated at the Town I eeting
if enou h persons were not in favor of it.
(e) In discussing the proposal to chance to Servis Road
the name Oakland Avenue, 7r. Hathaway said that there were
24 families residing along Oakland Street and 8 along Oak-
land Avenue. He also stated that the Board had received a
petition signed by 18 people and a separate letter from
Esther i'lynn, all in favor of chan'ing the name but object-
ing to name "Servis Road."
William iason stated that all had experienced a great
deal of confusion with regard to the present street name and
that he believed Swan Lane could be extended, combining said
' lane and Oakland Avenue into one way called Swan Lane. He
added that his neighbors were in favor of this name change
but if their proposal could _got be accomplished, they would
like to select another name for Oakland Avenue.
(f) 'No one spoke in favor of or against the proposal to
change to C:-mden+ Street the name Smyth Street. I"ir. Hathaway
noted that 12 families lived along Smith Avenue and only 2
along Smyth Street.
(g) s:'ith reference to the proposal to change to Tidd
"treet the name Hillcrest Street, I,r. Hathaway stated that
there were six families living along Hillcrest Street where-
as there were fifteen families living aloe Hillcrest Avenue.
He also said that the Board had received a petition signed
by seven citizens of Hillcrest Street who were not in oppo-
sition to changing the street name but did not care for the
name "Tidd" Street.
Paul RMcrrison of 21 Hillcrest Street asked for a list of
available names from i,hich to choose a name and wished to
know to i.,!hom a request for another name should be submitted.
It was suggested that the residents of Hillcrest Street re-
quest a Town Meeting .;ember to offer an amendment at the Town
' YleetinP7 as any section of Article 59 could be amended separ-
ately. Mention was also made of precinct meetings to which
the public is invited and. at �.�hich time persons may make ob-
jections to proposals it they so desired.
(h) Regarding the proposal to chance to King Street the
name Independence Ro,d, Tir. Hathaway stated that the Board ,
had received one objection by telephone to tree name "King"
Street. He also stated th-at only four families lived along
Independence Road whereas there were 1$ families living along
Independence Avenue.
The hearing adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
At 9:00 p.m. the Board continued its meeting in its
office in the Barnes Building, discussing the hotel plans
submitted by the Associates Realty Trust and its alternate
proposals presented to the Board at its meeting on Feb. 25,
1957. At the conclusion of its discussion the Board made the
following decisions:
1. Mr. Hathaway would ask the Town Counsel for an opinion
on what portion of the recommendations of the Lexington Fire
Prevention Bureau, acting under Chapters 113 and 149 of the
General Laws, the Planning Board may be able to require the
Trust to incorporate in its hotel plans.
2. Mir. Grindle would ask Mr. Custance for an estimate of
the comparative cost of labor and materials for finishing the
proposed hotel in stucco, brick veneer and clapboard.
3. Nr. Snow would prepare an estimate of the number of '
parking spaces necessary for hotel and dining guests and em-
4. The Board, upon obtaining the foregoing information
would attempt to make its final determination in regard to the
hotel plans at its Plarch 4, 1u57 meeting.
The Meeting adjourned rt 10:45 p.m.
/ "1-4- q 4
Levi G. Burnell, Jr.