HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-03F1 P 1 PLANNTNG BOARD Y77ETITTG Decembe^ 3y 1956 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Build- ing, on Mondavi evening, December 3, 1956 at 7:10 n.m. Chairman Fathawazr, Messrs. Abbott, Burnell, Grindle and Jaquith were present. Mr. Snow, Plan- ning Director, and the secretar-r, Mrs. Milliken, were also nresent. It was moved by Mr. Grindley seconded by Mr. ,Abbott and unanimously voted that the minutes of the MT_NUTES March 12, October 29 and November 8y 1956 meetings be approved. The Clerk read the £ollowi.ng bills which rad been presented for pavment: 'A'right and Pierce, services re: preparation of new town map for period ending Nov. 9, 1956-- �500.00; Louise M. Baker, for typin--$6.96; Anne H. Milliken, secretarial services-- 5.00; Mary G. Campbell, secretarial services for period ending Nov. 301 1956--$25.00; Bruce E. Howlett, profes- sional services and reimbursement for car mileage for neriod ending Nov. 29, 1956--,�80.84- A discussion was held in regard to the Wright and Pierce bill including a review of the original proposal of Prank A. Wright, Jr. as set forth in his letter of July 5, 1(?56 to Mr. Gayer, Superintendent of Public Works, and Mr. Snow's reply of August 7, 1956 to Mr. ':)right inform .ncr him that the Planning Board had authorized Wrirrht and Pierce to proceed with the nreparation of a town man. Mr.Snow read an itemized statement he had received of charges which had been made to date against the Planning Board's account, these charges being for nrelimi- nary field wort:, photographic reductions and draft - inn time. Mr. Jaquith pointed out that the Board had nothing to show for the expenditure of $500, stat- ing that if Wright and Pierce were under contract to the Board he would not question the bill but did so under the circumstances. Mr. Abbott said that this firm was working .for the Board and had payrolls to be met. lie moved that the bills be raid as pre- sented.. Mr. Grindle seconded the motion. It was so voted, 11r. Jaquith not voting. BILLS TOWN MAP WRIGHT & PIERCE BILL Considered next was a copy of a letter, dated ' BOARD OF October 21L, 1956 from the Board of Health to the HFALTF Board of Selectmen with reference to the proposition of Mr. John Esserian of Boston and Mr. George L. HOSPITAL Barnes of 2318 Massachusetts Avenue to have their adjoining nroperties located on said avenue purchased by the Town for a future hospital site. Tt was de- cided to have a representative of the Planning Board attend the Selectmen's meeting; later in the evening; when Messrs. Barnes and Esserian presented their pro- posal. After discussing said letter it was the con- sensus of opinion that the Planning Board was opposed to acquiring, land for a town -sponsored hospital be- cause of the expense involved now in acquiring a site and later in deficit hospital operation and also be- cause a hospital in Lexington appeared to be duplicat- ing facilities such as nrovided at Emerson, Mt. Auburn and Symmes hospitals. Considered also was the following; Form A appli FORMS A cation for determination of 'Planning Board jurisdiction: ;'56-99, submitted on "Tovember 301 1956 by L. G. Holmes; plan entitled "Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 11609 Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale: l" = 30t, dated Oct. 20, 1956s Miller and Ny- lander, C.F.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. It was moved by Mr. Jaquith, seconded by Mr. Burnell and unanimously VOTED: that the plan accomnan771ng Form A application #56-99 be signed with the endorsement "Lex- ington Planning, Board approval not required under Subd=vision Control Law." There was exhibited a plan which Mrs. Frieda SEA3U7,V LAND Semler Seabury had filed earlier that day with a Form FOR PUBLIC A application, said nlan being; entitled 'Plan of Land RECREATION in Lexington -Mass.", dated June 2, 1956 and nrepared by the firm of Miller and Nylander of Lexington. Mr, Snow pointed out that the plan was sunnosed to show the location of a sewer easement the School Cor^.mittee and Town were to grant to Mrs. Seabury as well as to show the land the Town wished to acquire for public recreational purposes between Hast! .n7s School and State Route 128. Mr, Snow said_ he had not signed the application as deemed to be submitted because the plan ' lacked all the information needed to make it complete. There was then reviewed a letter, dated October 1z-3-56 -2- 2, 1956, from Mr. John F. Groden, Mrs. Seabury's attor- REZONING ney, to Mr. Snow. Also reviewed was an informal FO?? M 1 appraisal which had been made of the Seabury land it AND C 3 USE was desired to acquire. Mr. Snow was asked to draft a letter for approval by the Board seeking an option to acquire said land, setting forth the conditions on which the appraisal was based and making an offer for Parcel ''C" as shown on said nlan. Mr. Snow reported that it was now in order to endorse the definitive subdivision plans entitled "Sec- SUN VALLEY tion Fifteen of Sun Valley" and "Section Sixteen of SECS. 15 Sun Valley". He said that no appeal had been taken AND 16 within the 21 -day period since notice of Planning Board - anproval of said subdivisions had been filed with the DEVRIES Town Clerk on November 9, 1956. The plans were en- CONSTRUCTION dorsad, Mr. Snow being asked to give them to the Town CO.,INC. Counsel for recording. The Chairman requested that in view of the action of the Town Meeting on November 19 and. the REZONING Planning Board's decision at its meeting on November FO?? M 1 20, the Board begin the nreparation of complete nro- AND C 3 USE nosal for light industry and special commercial re- zoning for the area along the proposed road from `Mood to Bedford Streets. It was decided that all members ' who could do so would meet on Thursdav evening, December 6, to discuss sach a nronosal. The Chairman suggested Inviting Mr. Howlett to be present at that time if he did not have another appointment so that the Board could review again with him and Mr. Snow their proposal which then had -re-oared during the hast summer for the M 1 district. Mr. Snow was asked to draft for the Board's consideration at its meeting; on December 17 a letter to the Yassachusetts Denartment of Public Works seeking information in regard to any plans which may exist of the proposed road between Wood and Bedford Streets. Mr. Snow exhibited a file of correspondence be- tween representatives of the State Denartment of Pub- REGIONAL lic Works and himself In co-necti_on with the town- SHOPPING center traffic survey which was held on September 11, CETTTER 1956s with the cooperation of said department and the REZONING Lexington Lea-ae of Women Voters. He said that with PROPOSAL reference to the regional shoAning center proposal which was discussed at the Planning Board's meeting on November 25, he believed the Board should be famil- i_ar with this correspondence, particularly two letters which he read to the Board. The first letter was one ROUTE 2 dated Aurr_ust 28, 1956, and addressed to Mr. J. J. SPRING ST. ' Kiernan, Traffic Engineer, District 4 of said depart- IATTEftCHANGE ment, requesting among other data information on the location, interchanges and under- or overpasses of the of the proposed State Route 3 and the proposed State Route 2 realignment as then pass through Lexington. ' It was recommended that the second letter, dated September 103 19565 from H. G. Gray, Chief Engineer of the State Department of Public Works, to Mr. Snow be incorporated in the records of the meeting. (See addendum.) In regard to Mr. Gray's letter, the Board dis- cussed especially the statement that it was presently planned to construct in Lexington interchanges at Watertown, Waltham and Spring Streets and a bridge at Pleasant Street. ?t was pointed out that as far as the Spring Street interchange was concerned this statement did not conform to the study plans which members of the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen had viewed on n?ovember 14, 1956 with other officials from Arlington and Belmont at said department's offices located in Boston. Since members of the Planning Board had dif- ferent views in regard to said Snring Street inter- change it was decided to take no action concerning the proposal until viewing the Route 2 plans being devel- oped for a public hearing understood to be scheduled for January. The Board adjourned its meeting at 10:10 p.m. I Levi G. Burnell, JrV Clerk ADDENDUM Sept. 10,1956 Mr. Samuel P. Snow Planning Director Lexington, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Snow: I am in receipt of ,your letter of August 28 to District Traffic Engineer, Mr. J. J. Kiernan, In regard to points of access from the system of express high- ways passing; through and along the edge of Lexington. It is my understanding that District Engineer , Hanron is planning to discuss with you the Master Road Plan for Lexington, and the proposed studies and sur- veys on traffic in and through Lexington. 12-3-56 ' In regard to Item 1 of your letter, the question of location of interchanges and bridges on the proposed Route 3, it is the -resent plan to construct an inter- change at Lexington Street in Woburn, and to construct bridges at Russell Street, Woburn, and Middlesex Street and Mullers Road in Burl n7ton. In regard to Item 2, the location of interchanges and bridges on the proposed Route 2 alignment through Lexington, it is presently planned to construct Inter- changes at Watertown Street, Waltham Street, and Spring Street in Lexinrtton and at Page Road in Lincoln. It is planned to construct bridges at Appleton Street in Arl- in5Tton and Pleasant Street in Lexington. I trust this information will be what you require. Very truly ,yours, Isl H. G. Gray CFW//hwm Chief Engineer cc-EdM 1 r -3-