HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-13PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' 1lovember 13,1956 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town. Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, November 13, 1956 at 7:40 p.m. Chairman Hathaway, Messrs. Abbott, Adams, Burnell, Grindle, and Jaquith and the secretary were present. T'r. Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 8:00 to 8:15 p.m. 'fr. Snow, Planning Director, arrived at 8:45 for the remainder of the meeting. The following bills were presented for payment: Chandler -Davis Publishing Co., for a report, on municipal costs and revenues -.45.00; Lexington Lumber Corp., for Homasote-- w1.38; iinutc-man Publications, Inc., advertising --w .90; Mary G. Campbell, secretarial services for period ending Nov. 9, 1956 --*20.00; G. Buttaro, mimeographing- X6.25. It was moved, seconded, and voted that the bills be paid as presented, 11r. Idams not voting. 1r. Jaquith reported that Mr. Grush of the R.M.Bradley Co. wished to attend the Board meeting to discuss the proposed zoning amendments to be acted upon at the November 19, 1956 ' Special Town Meeting. It was decided to request Mr. Grush to write to the Board about any suggestions he had to offer and to inform him that the Board had not talked to other individuals who wished to discuss amendments at the Board meetings. ts. Stevens arrived at 8:00 p.m. and discussed briefly with the Board various articles in the warrant for the Novem- ber 19 Special Town Meeting. At 8:15 p.m. at the request of Dr. Stanley X. Vyman of Belmont, the Board meet with Dr. '4man, NIr. Lea 'tt Taylor, attorney for Dr..dynan, and Mr. Harry Erickson, architect, to discuss Dr. Wymanfs petition for permission to erect and main- tain on Lot 7 at 160 Waltham Street a physician's building to- gether with X-ray equipment to be contained therein,, and a private open air parking area to service the building. The petition likewise sought a variance to erecta ortion of the building closer to one of the side lines of said lot. After discussing in detail with these men various as- pects of the problems involved, Messrs. Erickso , Taylor, and Wyman left the meeting at 8:50. In the discuswhich fol- lowed, the Board decided to take no action in r gard to Dr. Wynan's petition. ' The Secretary was dismissed at 8:55 P. . at which time the Board, at the request of the Appropriation Committee, met with said Committee to discuss various articles in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting. BILLS PROPOSED M-1 ZONING The Board reconvened in the Town Engineer's Room at 10:30 p.m. and took under consideration the following FORMS A ' Fora A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: X56_9 , submitted on November 13, 1956 by Alfred P. Tropeano for Roland M. & Irene H. Wardrobe; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexing- ton, Mass.", Scale: 1" ® 401, dated.Oct. 23, 1956, Miller and.Nylander, C.E.'S-& Surveyors, Lexington, Puss. r'r`56-96, submitted November 13, 1956 by Mrs. T. W. Khiralla; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, I -lass.", Scale: 1" = 4012 dated Sept. S, 1956, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. #56-97, submitted on November 13, 1956 by Brown & Brown, attorneys for Peter M. and Martin Semonian; plan entitled "Sub -Division Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Mass. being a sub -division of lot shown on Ld.Ct.Plan #4370A)'I, Scale: 11' = 601, dated Oct. 17, 1956,, -Joseph -W. Moore, Reg. Land Surveyor, Bedford, Mass. Because the latter plan did not have the same informa- tion on it as was stated in the application, it was decided to obtain additional data before acting upon said application. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED: that the plans accompanying applications '56-94 and x'56-96 be signed bearing the en- dorsement "Lexington Planning Board approv- al 4ot'required under the subdivision control law . +' There then followed a discussion in regard to articles in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting. The Board de- cided upon the procedure to be followed in regard to the various articles to be discussed at the precinct meetings to be held prior to the Town Meeting. Mr. Snow was asked to prepare rough drafts of written reports to be presented at the Town Meeting in regard to Articles 23 through 27. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Charles A. Linehan dated November 12, 1956 and addressed to Mr. Hathaway in which the writer set forth his views in regard to the proposed changes in the Town's Zoning By -Law relative to the 12-1 dis- trict. He expressed objection to articles 25 and 27 in , warrant for the Town Meeting. The Board took these objections under consideration and filed the letter with other data con- cerning said zoning proposals. Taken under consideration was the application for ' approval of definitive plan of the Robinson Hill, Section ROBINSON Three Subdivision. It was moved by Mr. Adams, seconded by HILL Ir. C�rindle, and unanimously SEC. 3 VOTED: that the definitive subdivision plan en- titled "Flan of Lots in Section Three, Robinson Hill, Lexington, Mass, owned by Leeland Construction Co., Inc., Camelia Place, Lexington," dated Aug. 17, 1956, which was suhdtted to the Board by Zee- land Construction Co., Inc. on October 5, 1956, accompanied by an application, Form 0, dated October 2, 1956, be and hereby is disapproved for the reasons that (a) all easements over the property have not been shown as required by the Rules and Regula- tions governing the Subdivision of Land in Lexington, (b) names of all abutters are not shown as required by said Rules and Regula- tions and (c) the plan indicates an exist- ing street in an area where no street exists. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. at which time the Board met with the Selectmen to discuss various articles on the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting. 1 Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk 1