HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-05PLANNING BOARD MEETI11G November 5, 1956 A meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building on Monday, November 5, 1956 at 7:40 p.m. Present were Messrs. Abbott, Adams, Burnell, Grindle and Jaquith, the Planning Director and the secretary. Mr. Hathaway arrived at 7:50. Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 8:15 to 9:30 p.m. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously voted that Mr. Jaquith be Chairman Pro Tempore. The following bills were presented For payment: HILLS Spaulding -Moss Co., for easel, 44.75; Mary G. Campbell, secretarial services, $30.00; Anne H. Milliken for secre- tarial services, $5.00; Louise M. Baker, for typing, $8.20. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that the bills be approved for payment. Mr. Hathaway arrived at 7:50 p.m. but did not assume Chairmanship of the meeting. The following Form A applications were taken under FORMS A consideration for determination of Planning Board jurisdic- tion: #56-93, submitted on November 5, 1956 by Lua 0. and Frank P. Holman; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale: 1" - 40', dated Oct. 30, 1956, Miller and Nylander, C.E.'s and Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. In discussing the plan accompanying the application, the Board determined that Leeland Construction Co. owned the fee in, and that the Holman's had rights over, so-called Woodberry Road which it was -understood was once shown awl on a subdivision plan but never recorded. The Board also de- cided that the so-called way would not have suitable grades and adequate construction to provide for the needs of vehicu- lar traffic in relation to the proposed use of the land abutting thereon or served thereby. Thereupon it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED: That it is hereby determined by the Board that the "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.++, dated Oct. 30, 1956, submitted with application of Lua 0. and Frank P. Holman, applicants, dated November 5, 1956, is a subdivision and re- quires approval under the Subdivision Control Law• Application #56-94 was considered by the Board but not accepted for the following reasons: a) that the plan accom- panying said application had a broken line across the 20 foot strip which it was understood was to be included in part of the lot; b) that the remaining parcel of land bound by said lot Pelham Road and Massachusetts Avenue would not have sufficient information for the Board to determine whether or not the parcel met the minimum requirements of the Lexington Zoning By-law. Fir. Snow was asked to convey to Mr. Tropeano the Board's request to correct the plan and to add necessary in- formation. Mr. Stevens arrived at 8:15. #'56-95, submitted on November 5, 1956 by Harold E. Stevens for the Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Drain Easement Lexington Xass.", Scale: l" m Wt., dated Sept. 1956, Whitman & Howard, Eng'rs., Boston, Mass. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED: That the plan accompanying application #56-95 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision control law." Mr. Stevens brought to the meeting a properly executed bond which Messrs. Outhet and Blodgett were filing, obli- gating themselves to perform in a satisfactory manner all con- ditions and agreements set forth in the application for approval and as shown on the Oak Knoll, Section One'sub- division plan. After the Board determined that the bond was in satisfactory form, it was moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Adams and unanimously VOTED: that the following November 1, 1956 vote of the Planning Board be and hereby is rescinded: that the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Plan of Lots at Oak Knoll Section One Lexington - Mass. owned by Outhet Realty Trust 25 Ivan St., Lexington, Mass.", dated Aug. 13, 1956, which was sutmitted to the Board by Kenneth F. Blodgett and Ernest E. Outhet on September 17, 1956, accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan Form C, dated Sept. 4, 1956, be and hereby is disapproved for the reasons that a bond in proper form has not been submitted and the applicants appear not'to be the present owners of the land. OAK KNOLL Sec. 1 I i -2 - VOTED: That the definitive subdivision plan entitled ' "Flan of Lots at Oak Knoll Section One Lex- ington -Mass.", dated Aug. 13, 1956j, which was submitted to the Board by Kenneth F. Blodgett and Ernest E. Outhet on September 17, 1956, accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated Sept. Lt, 1956, be and hereby is approved subject to the con- dition that Lots 10 and 20 shall not be built upon without prior consent of the Board of Health. The Board considered next the application of Leeland Construction Co., Inc. for approval of the definitive plan of the Robinson Hill, Sec. 3 subdivision. It was felt that the stub end of the road containing portions of Childs Road and Diana Lane should be eliminated by modifying approval of Section 2 before approving Section 3 of the development and that a curb, with a drivaupV entrance for the Anderson lot, should be installed along a_portion of the southeasterly boundary of Childs Road to discourage people from driving over lot 5 past the Anderson lot and down the hill to Massachusetts Avenue. It was noted that so-called Woodberry Road shown ori the plan did not exist and that Mrs. Anderson had to obtain a variance from the Board of Appeals for a building permit because her lot had no frontage on a street. The Board de- cided that if anyone had rights over the land in questions this evidence could be presented at a public hearing, held oB the question of modifying the Section 2 plan, such a hearing to be held on November 26. The Board also decided that notices of the hearing should be sent to all the present owners of property in said section. In regard to Lot 17 in Section 2, it -gas noted that said lot did not have legal frontage. It was thoaght that this matter could be corrected after the modification of Section 2 plan by extending the frontage of Lot 17 north- easterly along Childs Road 29.25 feet beyond the tangent distance of 95.75 feet. Until this was done the Board decided that the Section 3 plan should not be approved. ROBINSON HILL SECS. 2 and 3 Action in regard to the Section 3 plan was held over for the next meeting of the Board. Taken under consideration next were the applications SUN VALLEY for approval of definitive plans for Secs. 15 and 16 of Sun SECS. 15 & 16 Valley. All matters being in order, including the filing of conditional approval contracts, it was moved by Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr. Burnell, and unanimously VOTED: That the definitive subdivision plan entitled ' "Section Fifteen of Sun Valley, Lexington, Mass. owned by DeVrieis Construction Co., Inc.", dated September 28, 1956, submitted to the Board on October 5, 1956, accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated Sept. 28, 1956, be and hereby is approved subject to the condition that no lot in the subdivision shall be sold and no build- ing shall be erected or placed on any lot until the ways and other improvements required under the rules and regulations of the Board neces- sary to serve adequately such lot have been com- pleted to the satisfaction of the Board. VOTED: That the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Section Sixteen of Sun Valley, Lexington, Mass. owned by DeVries Construction Co., Inc.", dated August 24, 1956, submitted to the Board on September 24, 1956, accompanied by an applica- tion of approval of definitive plan, Form C. dated Sept. 17, 1956, be and hereby is approved subject to the condition that no lot in the subdivision shall be sold and no building shall be erected or placed on any lot until the ways and other improvements required under the rules ' and regulations of the Board necessary to serve adequately such lot have been completed to the satisfaction of the Board. Board of Appeals' notices for hearing to be held on BOARD OF November 20, 1956 were read by the Board. It was decided to APPEALS take no action on the petitions accept the one of Richard H. Singleton for a variance to erect a tool house on the rear lot line at 379 Woburn Street. In regard to this it was de- cided to write a letter to the Board of Appeals stating that the Planning Board felt that no building except those with common party walls should be built on lot lines; that in some instances when this is done, roofs project over other lots and in so doing infringe upon the property rights'of others; that other problems often arise such as a roof shedding storm water on adjaceit land and the necessity of trespassing on such land for the purpose of maintaining the building. The Board de- cided to include in the letter also its opinion that the loca- tion of the tool house would create a crowded condition which defeats three purposes of the Zoning Regulations; namely, to prevent over -crowding of land, to conserve the value of the land.and buildings, and to preserve and increase the laxed amenities. -3 - As requested by the Board on October 8, Mr. Snow re- ported on his observations of existing real estate and sub- division signs which violate the provisions of the Lexington Zoning By -Law as set forth in Sec 6 (f). The Board decided SIGNS to incorporate these observations in a letter to the Build- ing Inspector, said letter to be prepared for the Board's approval at its next meeting to be held on November 8. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk Ci 1