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October 209 1956
A regular meeting of the Planning Board was
held In the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Build-
ing, on Monday, October 29, 1956 at 7:30 p.m. Chair-
man Hathaway, members Abbott, Adams, Burnell, Grindle
and Jaquith were present. Mr. Snow and the secretary,
Mrs. Milliken, were also present. Mr. Harold E.
Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 0:40 to 10:30.
The Toard approved the minutes of its meetings
of Varch 5 and October 8, 1956.
The following bills were presented for nav-
ment: Minute -man Publications, Inc. advertising --
67.50; U.S.Government Printing Office, census pu.bli-
cations--0,4.45; Samuel ". Snow, reimbursement of ex-
penses for period ending October 26, 1956--015.23,
Mary G. Campbell, secretarial services for period
ending October 26--X25.00; Anne H. Milliken, secre-
tarial services for period ending October 26--10.00.
It was moved by Mr. Gri.ndle, seconded by Mr.
Abbott, and voted (Mr. Adams not voting) to approve
payment of the bills as presented.
Read to the Planning Board were the notices of
petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on
�lTovember 6, 1956. It was decided to take no action
on said petitions except the one of LaCava to use a
building numbered 10)17 Waltham Street as an office.
Notes were dictated to Mr. Snow, he being asked to
incorporate these in a draft of a letter to the Board
of Appeals setting forth the Planning Board's objec-
tions to t?^e nranting of said LaCava petition.
Also read to the Board was a copy of a letters
dated October. 21[, 1956, from John E. Ward,:15 Robin-
son Road, to the Superintendent of Public 'forks of
Lexington requesting action on a drainage problem
which Mr. Ward claimed Techbuilt, Inc. was creating
on his lot as a result of filling lot 26 on Turning
Mill Road. A sketch attached to said letter and
showing the problem involved was exhibited to the
Board. It decided to place the letter in the Board's
files in regard to the Piddle Ridge Section One sub-
division so that the matter might be referred to at
such time when Techbuilt, Inc. wished to have its
performance bond for comnletion'of work in said sub-
division released.
SFC. 1
T': -e following Form A applications were taken I FORMS -'A under consideration for determination of planning
Board jurisdiction:
#56-89, submitted October 20, 1956 by Robert
?. Carrig, Agent for Olive T. Carrig; plan
entitled "Plan of Land i.n Lexington -class.",
scaler 1" = 40', dated Oct. 20, 1956, Miller
8- Nvlander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
156-90, submitted October 292 1956 by Donald
E. 71,atson, Trustee; pl-n entitled "Part of
Land Court Case 5582E Revised Plan of Lots 11
and 12 Lexington Mass.", Scale: 1 in. ='40 ft-,
dated Oct. 2LL, 1956, William J. Ford, Jr., C.F.
Upon motion duly,* made and seconded it was unan-
VOTED: that the plans accompanying applications #56-89
and #56-90 be sir-ned bearing the endorsement
"Lexington Planning Board anproval not required
under the Subdivision Control Law."
In connection with the endorsement of the plan
accomnanvin7 Form A annlicati_on !!56-90, Mr. Snow re -
SEC. 2
ported that the Town Counsel had informed him of the
obtaining of an agreement between Donald E. Watson
and Techbui_lt, Inc.in wh'ch Watson had rrranted Tech -
built an easement for passage over Gould Roac in return
for a drainage grant from Tech.bui.lt to Watson. Mr.
Snow indicated that it was now in order for the Board
to endorse the Middle Ridge Section Two definitive sub-
division plan which he said he would hive to the Town
Counsel for recording in the Registry of Deeds.
Mr. Snow exhibited a sketch elan he had nrenared
showing the extension of Eldred Street between Justin
and Grove Streets through land of Richard H. Soule and
Lawrence H. Withe.rell. Mr. Snow then gave a report of
his negotiations with Mr. Witherell and the terms
under which he believed an option could be obtained.
(See also minutes of August 6, 1_956 Planning Board
Meeting.) In his report Mr. Snow said that Mr. Wither -
ell was in agreement with the proposed road location
and the suggested lotting of his land as sr.own on the
sketch nlan. Mr. Snow also said that T"r. ?Titherell
was willing; to grant to the Town for x'300.00 the per-
petual right and easement to use for all purposes for
which town ways are commonly used all the land in-
cluded within the location of the proposed road as
shown on said plan, the grant being subject to the
following; conditions: (1) that the -oronosed extension
10-29-56 -2-
of Eldred ?treet would be constructed by the Town
under the betterment act and (2) that the Board of
Selectmen would agree to extend ti ---e time of payment
without interest for the betterments assessed
against Mr. '15therell's lane until It was built upon
or sold. Mr. Snow was authorized to proceed wits
the obtaining of an option to purchase for no more
than x'300.00 an easement across Mr. Witherell's land
subject to the conditions as outlined.
From 8:50 to 9:15 n.m. Mr. John F. MacNeil,
Mr. Alfred P. Troneano, attorney*, and Mr. 'Diehard MAC NETL
Morehouse, arcritect, met with the Board. Mr.
Tropeano said teat he had requested the appointment
with the Board to discuss the situation of his client
with reference to the variance the Board of Appeals
had f*ranted Mr. 1,1acNei1 for construction of a building
on Denot Square and to the nro-oosed street connecting
Depot Square and Merl -an Street. (See minutes of August
1 and.Sentember 10, 1956 Planning Bof.rd meetinr7s.) Mr.
Tro-esno then stated the Selectmen had agreed to lay
out and construct said nronosed street and his client
in turn had agreed to delay construction of his build-
ing and to face it on the nronosed street. Fe said
that now it had been found that the street is to be
only 17.62 feet wide including a sidewalk. Mr. Tron-
eano conclyded his statement by saying that In view
of the narrowness of the proposed street anal the
appearance of the buildings owned by- Mr.Scott on the
other side of the street, he and Mr. MacNeil and his
architect still believe that the best way to develop
the land under discussion would be to face the MacYeil
building on Depot Snuare.
There was exhibited a plan which Mr. Troneano
said illustrated the way it was desired to locate the
MacNe,l bui_ld,ng, the nlan being prepared by Mr. More-
house, dated October 28, 1956, and entitled "Plot Plan
Commercial Buildin7 for John MacNeil Denot Snuare Lex-
ington Hass." After numerous questions and much dis-
cussion about this plan, the C) -airman asked what the
schedule was for the construction of the building. Mr.
Troneano said that so much time had elapsed without the
cm struction of the nrorosed street or a rezoning of the
remainder of the Mac'?eil lot that ^'r. MacNeil was forced
into a breach on his hart of the agreement referred to
above. The Chairman said members of the Planning Board
would want to discuss the matter among~ themselves and
then discuss it with the Town Counsel and. the Selectmen.
Town Counsel Stevens met with the Board from
9:40 n.n. to the enc of the meeting to discuss various
matters currently before the Board.
The first matter discussed with him was that in
regard to the MacNeil case. It was pointed out to
Mr. Stevens on the plan referred to a bove that the
nronosed MacYeil bu-110ing cid not face on the nro-
rosed street and did not have a 10 -ft. rear vard in
accordance with the agreement Mr.-Tac,?ei_l had made
nreviousljr. 7r. Stevens svggesteO t1 --at these facts
be brought to the attention of the Selectmen.
The Planning Board adjourned its meeting at
10:30 n.m.
Levi G. Burnell, Jr.