HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 15, 1956 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Build- ings on Monday, October 15, 1956 at 7Y35 p.m. Present were Chairman Hathaway, Members Abbott, Burnell, Grindle and Jaquith. Mr. Snow, Planning Director, and the Secretary, Mrs. Milliken, were also present. The Board approved the minutes of its Special Meeting held on October 11, 1956. Also approved were the following bills which had been resented for payment: G.Butaro, mimeographing --93.75; Samuel P. Snow, reimburse- ment for postage -44.69; Mary G. Campbell, secre- tarial service --$20.00; Minute -man Publications, advertisin --7.50; American Institute of Physics, bulletin --§2.00; Anne H. Milliken, secretarial service -45.00. ' Prior to meeting with the Selectmen later n the I evenings the Planning Board held a general discussion of articles it wished to have inserted In the warrant for the special town meeting which was scheduled for November, Not having been able to come to any agreement with Mr. Busa in regard to the portion of his land which it was desired to acquire for a playground, a majority of the members present were reluctant to place an article in the warrant asking the town to take said land by emi- nent domains especially since the Board had obtained only one parcel of the property. It was decided to discuss the whole problem of location and acquisition of the recommended playground with the Selectmen and obtain their views in regard to the matter. Mr. Jaquith gave a report of the private meeting he had attended on October 15 of the Boston National Historic Sites Coiamission. He said that the Commission was interested in meeting with the Planning Board and Selectmen in the near future to obtain their views in regard to the National Park Service preserving parts of the old Revolutionary War battle road along Massachusetts Avenue from Route 128 to Lincoln. At 9:45 p.m. the Selectmen requested the MINUTES BILLS BUSA LAND FOR PLAYGROUND PURPOSES BOSTON NATIONAL HISTORIC SITES COMMISSION presence of the Planning Board at their meeting for the purpose of discussing articles to be placed on , the warrant for a special town meeting. (See minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting of October 15s 1956.) The Planning Board returned to its meeting at 10:30 n.m. The Following Form A applications for determina- FORM A tion of Planning Board jurisdiction were taken under APPLICATIONS consideration: . #56-81, submitted on October 11, 1956 by Robert T. Dunham; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Mass."s Scale: 20 feet to an inchs dated Sept. 8, 1956s Domenic Capone, Reg. Prof. Eng.s 3 Royalston Ave., Winchester. #56-82, submitted on October 10, 1956 by Chester Lidberg; plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land In Lexington - Mass."s Scale: 1 inch = 40 Teets dated October 3, 1956s Henry F. Bryant & Sons Inc., Engineers, Brookline, Mass. #56-831 submitted on October 15s 1956 by William H. Ryan; plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexinton '", - ' Mass.Scale: 1" = 20"s dated Sept. 9s 19g6s W. H. Roby, C.F. Unon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that the plans accompanying applications #56-81s #56-82 and #56-83 be signed bearing the endorse- ment "Lexington Planning Board approval not re- quired under the Subdivision Control Law." Mr. Snow reported that earlier in the day Mrs. Cameron had withdrawn Form A application #56-77. Mr. Snow reported that the Board had received BREEN VALLEY a copy of a letter from Mr. Gayer, Superintendent of SEC. 1 Public 'Vorks, giving evidence that the required work in the Green Valley, Section 1s subdivision had been BUSA completed to the Superintendent's satisfaction. Mr. Snow also reported that Mr. Stevens had given him a copy of a grant of easements for water and sewer in said subdivision. All matters appearing to be in order it was unanimously voted to sign the certificate of performance which had been prepared by Mr. Stevens. Mr. Jaquith was asked to deliver the executed original and duplicate copies to Mr. Stevens. 10-15-56 -2- Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk 11 .. ;. .. .. '.•I �; •;;. Y ADDENDA Board of Appeals October 16P 1956 Town Office Building Lexington 73P Massachusetts Re: Petition of Mary Perotta to maintain beauty parlor Gentlemen: Reference is made to the petition of Mary Perotta for 1 permission to maintain a beauty parlor in her home at 203 Marrett Road, Lexington. The Planning Board has considered this petition and wishes to be placed on record as being opposed to it for the following reasons: A letter, dated October 12, 1956s from Techbuilt, Inc. to the Planning Board was con- MIDDLE RIDGE sidered. In the letter said corporation re- SEC. 2 quested permission to eliminate the temporary - turnaround at the end of Demar Road in Section TECHBUILT, INC. 1 of the Middle Ridge development. In discuss- ing the matter it was Aointed out that as soon as the definitive plan of Section 2 of said development was recorded in the Registry of Deeds, the Corporation was no longer required to construct the temporary turnaround as shown on the Section 1 plan. Mr. Snow was asked to convey this information to representatives of Techbuilt and at the same time to inform them that as soon as the necessary easement instrument for Gould Road had been submitted to the Board it would be in a position to endorse the Section 2 definitive plan. Considered next were drafts of letters to the Board of Appeals in regard to the petitions BOARD OF of Charles C. Flanders and Mary Perotta to be APPEALS heard on October 16, 1956. The Board approved the letters which were signed by the Chairman. FLANDERS - (See addenda.) PHROTTA The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Clerk 11 .. ;. .. .. '.•I �; •;;. Y ADDENDA Board of Appeals October 16P 1956 Town Office Building Lexington 73P Massachusetts Re: Petition of Mary Perotta to maintain beauty parlor Gentlemen: Reference is made to the petition of Mary Perotta for 1 permission to maintain a beauty parlor in her home at 203 Marrett Road, Lexington. The Planning Board has considered this petition and wishes to be placed on record as being opposed to it for the following reasons: It should be noted that while the petitioner requests a permissive use, the operation of a beauty parlor is a business and under the Lexington Zoning By -Law is only allowed in C 1 and C 2 districts. Under Section 5 (a) of said by-law such business is not allowed in residential districts. The Board would also like to point out that business located on a heavily traveled state highway# parti- cularly in this location, would increase the traffic hazards. In addition the parking of clients' cars in connection with said business tends to impair the status of a residential neighborhood. In addition the Board believes that #203 Marrett Road being a new house tends to show that no hardship would be involved in denying this petition. Sincerely yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD by Donald D. Hathaway, Chairman October 16, 1456 Board of Appeals Town Office Building Lexington 73 Massachusetts Re: Charles C. Flanders Petition for maintaining den- tist's office in residential district. Gentlemen: The planning Board has discussed the petition of Charles C. Flanders for permission to maintain an office for the practice of dentistry at 22 Hancock Street and after due consideration decided to oppose the granting of said peti- tion and to send the Board of Appeals the following state- ment setting forth the reasons for such opposition. As the Board interprets Section 5 (a) 7e of the Town's Zoning By -Law it is not intended to keep an individual from using his property for professional purposes. It appears in this case, however, that the petitioner who now maintains a residence in Lexington and an office in another municipality intends to purchase a residence not only for residential purposes but also for conducting an entire business within said residence. The Board is opposed In general to this practice. In particular, the automobiles of the patients visiting the proposed dentist's office would have to be parked on 10-15-56 Hancock Street, a way which is already too narrow. The Board feels that the parking of cars in said street tends to impair the status of the neighborhood especially since the proposed office -residence lies in the direct approach to the proposed Hancock -Clarke Historic District. Sincerely pours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD by Donald D. Hathaway, Chairman 1 1