HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-13PLANNING BOARD MEETING
August 13, 1956
A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held
in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on
Monday, August 13, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. Those present
-were Mr. Jaquith, acting chairman; Messrs. Adams,
Burnell and Grindle; the Planning Director, Mr.
Howlett and the secretary.
The following bills were presented for payment:
School Department, for typewriter -- $65.00; Wright BILLS
& Potter Co., for 600 copies of Historic Districts
Act -- $35.40; H. Be McArdle, for stationery supplies
-- $35.20; Vera Print, white prints :-11.50; Mary G.
Campbell, for secretarial services - 25.00; Anne H.
Milliken, for secretarial services -- 6.50; Bruce E.
Howlett, for professional services and remimbursement
for transportation -- $99.57.
Since the Board will not meet until September
' 41 the Town Accountant suggested that the Baa rd
approve the following bills and place them in his
hands for payment at the proper time. Any adjust-
ments to be made in the amounts to be paid can be
taken care of on the September 4 bill.
For August 20, 1956 (period ending August 17)
Bruce E. Howlett, for professional services --$100.00
Mary G. Campbell, for secretarial services --$25.00
For August 27, 1 956 (period ending August 24)
Bruce E. Howlett, professional services --$100.00
Mary G. Campbell, secretarial services -425.00
It was moved, seconded and voted that the bills
be paid.
The following Form A applications were taken under
consideration for determination of Planning Board juris-
#56-61, submitted on August 13, 1956 by, Raymond
F. Boudreau; plan entitled "A Compiled plan of Land in
Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated August 3s
1956, Miller and Nylander, C. Eels & Surveyors, Lex-
ington, Mass.
#56-62, submitted on August 9, 1956 by H. S. B. '
White, for Constructors Properties, Inc.; plan en-
titled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale:
V"= 4010, dated August 9, 1956, William J. Ford, Jr.,
C. E., Newtonville, Mass.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously
VOTED: that the plans accompanying applications
#56-61 and #56-63r be signed bearing the
endorsement "Lexington Planning Board
approval not required under subdivision
control law."
The Board read Miss Padden's August 8, 1956
letter expressing concern about erosion of soil along
her property line which -is adjacent -to Tufts Road be-
•ing constructed in Cary Acres,, -Section Two and in--
quiring how the embankment along said road was to be
finished by the developer. After considering the
letter the Board decided to reply to the effect that
the Department of Public Works had located the em-
bankrm nt along Tufts Road and found that it coincided
with the westerly boundary ofthe right of way, that be-
tween this embankment and her property line the de-
veloper owns a lot which is 5 feet wide and a length
of her property, and that it was thought that this
strip ought to provide protection against the erosion
of her land. -It was also decided to state that either
a wall and/or a slope will no doubt have to be con-
structed to support adjacent land snd to advise her
that it will not release the developer' -s performance
• bond until all work in the subdivision has been com-
pleted in a sttisfactory manner.
At 8:25 a public hearing was held -relative to
the application for approval as a subdivision the
property of Louis M. Nystrom, known as "'Adams Estates,
Section Two." Those present were Mr. Tosney, rep -
SEC. 2
resenting the petitioner, Mr. Sherillo and Mr. Fogg
of 85 and 79 North Street, respectively. The acting
Chairman read the notice of the hearing as it ap-
peared in the Lexington Minute -man on July 26 and
explained the usual procedure in conducting a hear-
Mr. Tosney stated that, since the previous dis-
approval of the definitive plan,the boundary of the
property of the petitioner had been confirmed. After
reading the April 25, 1956 letter from the Town Counsel,
Mr. Stevens, it was felt that questions in regard to
title had been cleared. Mr. Tosney submitted a copy
of the August, 1956 report on sewage disposal for the
subdivision prepared by Whitman & Howard Inc., En-
gineers. It was pointed out that, while the report
probably would be acceptable to the Board of Health,
the Planning Board could not act upon the matter un-
til they had received an official report from said
Upon asking if there were any more questions,
Mr. Fogg inquired about a 60 -foot strip of land ad-
jacent to his property and about which.he felt some-
thing should be done because he felt it had become a
hazard. He stated that it was overgrown and had an
old barn in poor condition upon it. Mr. Sherillo
added that there were several small cellar holes
which needed to be filled in addition to that of the
barn. Mr. Snow was asked to call these conditions
to the attention of the Building Inspector who could
order them corrected.
There being no further questions, Mr. Jaquith
declared the hearing closed stating that the Board
would take the application for approval of the sub-
division plan under advisement.
The Board took under consideration the applica-
tions for tentative approval the preliminary plans
of Sun Valley Section 15 and 16. In discussing the
adjacent land surrounding these.proposed subdivi-
sibns, it was noted that there was so much rock out-
croppings present that it was unprofitable for the
DeVries Construction Co. to develop the land. Mr.
Snow stated that he had discussed the area with Mr.
DeVries and he said he had no further interest in
the area and that the Town could have the land.
In the park and recreation land which he was pre-
paring, Mr. Snow said that he had included this area
as a desirable addition to Lexingtonts park system.
He recommended the acquisition of the land which
is bounded in part by Winchester Drive and Summer
St. and features interesting topography and brush
and wood land. Located here is the highest point
in Lexington from which can be obtained a 360 degree
panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. The
Board authorized Mr. Snow to .obtain an option for
the acquisition of this land and upon this it was
moved, seconded and unanimously .
VOTED: That the preliminary plan entitled
'"Section 15 Sun Valley Lexington, Mass.",
dated July 6, 1956, be and hereby is tenta-
tively approved subject to the conditions
SEC. 15 & 16
substantially as indicated on the plan that '
there be provided a leveling area on Whipple
Road intersection and that the layout be moved
in a southwesterly direction.
VOTED: That the preliminary plan entitled
"'Section 16 Sun Valley Lexington Mass.", dated
July 6, 1956, be and hereby is tentatively ap-
proved subject to the conditions that there be
provided, substantially as indicated on the
plan, a leveling area on Locke Lane at the
Whipple Road intersection and an access to
rear lands between Lots 193 and 1%.
At 8:30 a public hearing was held relative to
the application for approval as a subdivision the
property of Battle View Park Realty Trust and Mary
Monsignors known as "'Plan of Land in Battle View
Park Section 1.11' Present were Messrs. Ralph Frissore
16 Webb St. and Joseph Monsignore, 76 Laconia St.
The Chairman read the notice of the hearing as it
appeared in the Lexington Minute -man August 2, 1956
and explained the procedure in conducting a hearing.
Mr. Frissore presented a certified check for
$11,500 and stated that Mrs. Monsignore had deeded
to the Trust her portion of the property shown on
the subdivision plan. He was given performance
bond forms to complete, told to have the Town Coun-
sel see that they were in proper order, and to be
sure to -present the bonds accompanied by the check
at the next meeting of the Board to be held on Sep-
tember4. Until that time Mr. Frissore was told
that the Planning Board could not act upon his ap-
plication since the Board of Health has not re-
plied to date on whether or not it was in doubt as
to the suitability of the land for building pur-
poses. In answer to Mr. Frissore's question as to
whether or'not he could connect a water main in his
subdivision to one on Woburn Street, the Supt. of -
Public Works arrived at the meeting at 8:40 P.M.
and stated Mr. Frissore could do so with a 6" pipe.
Messrs. Frissore, Monsignore and Gayer left
the meeting at 9:00 P.M.
At 9:10 Messrs. McConchie and Nylander met with
SEC. 3
the Board to discuss preliminary subdivision plans
for Robinson Hill Section 3.
Mr. Jaquith read the Board's letter of July 3,
1956 which referred to the Board's vote of July 2
disapproving said plans. Mr. Nylander questioned
paragraph 2 of this letter and stated that, accord-
ing to the Engineering Department, the plans for the
proposed sewer extension were acceptable as shown
on the plan. In addition to other paragraphs of the
Board's letter, there was discussed the possibility
of erecting posts or signs to discourage people from
driving over the private way of Mrs. Anderson to
Woodbury Road. No decision was reached in regard
to any points brought up in the discussion. Mr.
McConchie left the meeting at 9:35 P.M.
Mr. Nylander and Mr. Boudreau met with the
Board at 9;40, the latter requesting an informal
opinion of the Board as to whether he should ter-
minate Sunny Knoll Terrace within his:>property or SUNNY KNOLL
extend it to Garfield Street. After discussing the TERRACE
matter at length, it was suggested that Mr. Boudreau
make some arrangement with Mr. Watson in regard to
the development of their abutting properties. It
was also suggested to Mr. Boudreau that he look into
the matter of purchasing a lot fronting on Garfield
Street and abutting his property. The Board felt
that he should extend Surety Knoll Terrace through
to Garfield Street. Messrs. Boudreau and Nylander
left the meeting at 10:00 P.M.
The Board next considered whether it was neces-
sary to hold a public hearing on the question of ac-
ceptance by the Town of Chapter 447 of the Legisla - HISTORIC
tive Acts of 1956 in which the Legislature estab DISTRICTS
lished Historic Districts and Historic Districts LEGISLATURE
Commission in the Town of Lexington. It was de-
cided that such a public hearing need not be held.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
L�. Burnell, Jr.