HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-28PLAN".TING BOARD MEFTING ' June 28, 1956 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday, June 28, 1956 at 7:40 p.m. Present were Chairman Hathaway, members Abbott, Burnell, Grindle and Jaquith, Planning Director Snow and the secretary, Mrs. Milliken. The notices of petitions to be heard by the The Chairman opened the hearing at 8:05 p.m - by reading the notice of the hearing as it h ad been sent to all property owners deemed by the Board to be affected and as it had been advertised in the June 14, 1956 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. Stating that this was the first hearing that the Board had held involving A 1 district building and site plans, the Chairman also read from Sec. 4 (g) of the Zoning By-law and commented upon the condi- tions and restrictions set forth therein. He then exnlained the procedure to be used in conducting the hearing and called upon Mr. Mortimer Ashley Seabury, Jr., to present the proposal. Mr. Seabury first exhibited a colored per- spective drawing showing a pronosed motel and its environs and then a set of plans of the nroposed ' motel itself, said set consisting of six sheets, un- dated but entitled "General Mitchell Route 120 & 2 A Lexington, Mass." and prepared by Victor H. Wiggles- worth, Architect, Belmont, Mass. Mr. Seabury stated Board of Appeals on July 10, 1956 were read. In con- BOARD OF nection with said notices there was also read a let- APPEALS ter, dated June 12, 1956s to the Board of Appeals - from Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney for Mr. MacNeil, MacNEIL withdrawi_nz the MacNeil petition as advertised in the May 24, 1956 issue of the Lexington Minute -man for the reason that the petition lacked both a descrip- tion or a reference to the location of property in- volved. The Board next adjourned its meeting to Esta - brook Hall, Cary Memorial Building, for the purpose SFABURY of holding a public hearing relative to the applica- tion of Frida Semler Seabury for a determination by A 1 DISTRICT the Board that in the Marrett Road-Poute 128 garden PLANS apartment and hotel district the proposed buildings and use, including the site, plans, and building de- PUBLIC signs, constitute a desirable development in and HEARING will not be detrimental to the neighborhood. The Chairman opened the hearing at 8:05 p.m - by reading the notice of the hearing as it h ad been sent to all property owners deemed by the Board to be affected and as it had been advertised in the June 14, 1956 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. Stating that this was the first hearing that the Board had held involving A 1 district building and site plans, the Chairman also read from Sec. 4 (g) of the Zoning By-law and commented upon the condi- tions and restrictions set forth therein. He then exnlained the procedure to be used in conducting the hearing and called upon Mr. Mortimer Ashley Seabury, Jr., to present the proposal. Mr. Seabury first exhibited a colored per- spective drawing showing a pronosed motel and its environs and then a set of plans of the nroposed ' motel itself, said set consisting of six sheets, un- dated but entitled "General Mitchell Route 120 & 2 A Lexington, Mass." and prepared by Victor H. Wiggles- worth, Architect, Belmont, Mass. Mr. Seabury stated 0-2,-56 that the building would be two stories in height, of ' second class construction and would be faced with red brick and wooden vertical siding. Along the length of the building he said there would be a balcony. He said that there would be 64 units for guests. On the plans he pointed out the restaurant and large lobby on the first floor, meeting room and kitchen on second floor and the manager's suite. He said that there would be dining facilities for 100 people on each floor. When asked about the adequacy of automobile parking facilities, he said that there would be space for 150 cars for guests and diners. Mr. Seabury next discussed the plans entitled "Location of Motel & Parking Areas" and "Profile of Entrance to Motel & Parking Area," both dated May 171 1956 and prepared by the Kenneth B. Oates Co. Mr. Seabury said that permission had been obtained from the State Department of Public Works to locate a drive- way entrance onto Marrett Road as shown on the plans. Mr. Abbott asked if the road could not be widened at the driveway entrance. The Chairman' asked what effect the State department's nlans for Route 128 would have on the driveway entrance. Mr. Seabury reported that the permit only gave nermission for an entrance. He stated that he understood the State would erect warn- ' Ing signs for the entrance. Exhibited next was a set of three prints, dated May 26, 1956s and prepared by Northeastern Engineering Associates of Burlington, Mass., said prints showing respectively "Study and Proposed Design of Sewer, New Motel Site Lexington, Mass.", "Combined Gravity and Pressure Sewer System for Motel Site," and "Sewerage Pumping Station for Pronosed New Sewer, New -Motel Site Mr. Seabury said that permission had been obtained from the State Department of Public Works to drive a sewer underneath Route 128. He pointed out on the plans that it was proposed to have a privately owned gravity sewer from the motel to a small pumping station situated westerly of the Route 128 right-of-way and to have a force main from said pumping station to the existing sewer in School Street. When asked about the problem of a water supply for the motel, Mr. Seabury said that there would be an artesian well drilled for the purpose of supplying water for air conditioning the motel. He said that a private water line would have to be constructed from the motel to the nearest water main, this being located on Massachusetts Avenue approximately opposite Wood ' Street. 6-28-56 -2- Mr. Seabury was asked about plans for the devel- opment of the remainder of the Seabury propertjT. He stated that at the present time he had no plans for a development. The Chairman asked Mr. Seabury if the plans which he had presented were final ones. Mr. Seabury said that a few details might be changed at a later date. The Chairman said that if any change were made. in the plans, the Board would have to hold another hearing in regard to the revised plans. Mr. Seabury was asked if the inn was to be built by a corporation. Mr. Seabury said it would and that his family would maintain an interest in such a corpora- tion. Upon being asked for an expression of opinion of the plans as submitted, six persons present indicated they were in favor of the plans as presented and four registered opposition. Thereupon, the Chairman declared the hearing closed at 8:40 p.m. stating that the Board would consider the proposal and related matters which had a bearing on the overall project. The Planning Board returned to the Town Office building and resumed its meeting in the Town Fngineer's room at 8:55 p.m. The following Form A application was taken under consideration for determination of Planning Board juris- FORM A diction: #56-481 submitted June 28, 1956 by Bryant W. Patten; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale: i" = 20', dated June 25, 1956, Miller & Nylander, C.F.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion dulv made and seconded, it was unan- imously VOTED: that the plan accompanying Application X56-48 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Plan- ning Board approval not required under the Sub- division Control Law." Mr. Snow reported that no reply had been re- ceived from Mr. Antonio Busa with regard to the Board's GREPN VALLEY inquiries relative to acquiring some of Mr. Busa's land SEC. 1 ' for recreation purposes. With regard to his "Green - Valley Section One" subdivision plan, which had been BUSA submitted on May 25, It was decided to notify Mr. Busa that I" he brings in a bond by Jul7r 9e 1956 the Board will then be in a position to act favorably upon said plan. The Boeird then held a general discussion of other matters currently before it and adjourned its meeting at 10:35 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Glerk C 1 Taken under consideration next was the apnlica- OAK KNOLL tion of the Outhet Realtv Trust for tentative approval SEC. 1 of the Oak Knoll Section 1 preliminary subdivision plan. - Read to the Board was a letter, dated June 27, 1956, OUTHET from Mr. Gaver, Supt, of Public works, relative to said REALTY subdivision plan which had been brought to his attention TRUST for his recommendations. Particularly noted was his statements that in view of the proposal to construct a trunk line sewer extension in Lowell Street he would not recommend that the subdivision be approved if only one third of the lots within said subdivision could be sewered as was the case at the present time. After due consideration and upon motion being duly made and sec- onded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Tentative Plan of Lots in. Lexington, Mass. owned by P;rnest R. Outhet - 25 Tvan St,, Lexing- ton, Mass.", dated Mav 9, 1956, be and hereby Is approved subject to the condition that a sewer system satisfactory to the Superintendent of public Works be provided throughout the sub- division. The Boeird then held a general discussion of other matters currently before it and adjourned its meeting at 10:35 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. Glerk C 1