HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-25PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' June 25, 1956 A closed meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 25, 1956 at 7:25 p.m. Present were Chairman Hathaway, members Adams, Abbott, Burnell, Grindle and Jaquith, and Planning Director Snow. Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel was present from 9:10 to 9:45 p.m. The minutes of February 13, 1956 were MINUTES approved. The following bills presented for payment BILLS were ap roved: Louise M. Baker, secretarial ser- vices, 10.80, reimbursement for postage, $1.30 -- total $12.10; U.S.Post Office, printed stamped envelopes --$37.26; Bruce E. Howlett, professional services- 100.00; Anne H. Milliken, secretarial services -110.00. The following Form A applications were FORMS A taken under consideration for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #56-46, submitted on June 251 1956 by Win S. Couette, agent for Roger B. Tyler and Albert E. Wolfe, trustees; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", scale 1 in. = 100 ft., dated June 14, 1956s Everett M. Brooks Co., C.E.'s, Newton- ville, Mass. #56-47, submitted on June 25, 1956 by William K. and Bessie B. Linvill; plan en- titled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale 1" = 40', dated June 18, 1956s Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTEL: that the plans accompanying appli- cations #56-46 and #56-47 be signed bearing the endorsement "Approval under the Subdivision Control Law not required." It was pointed out that at its June 18, 1956 meeting the Board voted to approve the Peacock PEACOCK Farms Section 4 definitive subdivision plan but in FARMS so doing it overlooked the fact that no Board of SEC. 14. Health report had been received in answer to the Planning Board's letter asking if said Board of Health was in doubt as to whether any of the Pea- cock Farms Section 4 land could be used as build- ing sites without injury to the public health. It was also noted that a record of the June 18th vote was filed with the Town Clerk on June 19, 1956. Having been reminded of the fact that the Planning Board had received no letter in regard to said subdivision plan, the Board of Health sent a letter on June 20th to the Planning Board stating that it was in doubt as to the suitability of all lots in the subdivision. The health officer ex- plained to Mr. Snow that no sanitary engineer's report on said subdivision had at that time been received by the Board of Health. A subsequent letter, dated June 25, 1956s was received from said board stating that it was in doubt as to whether Lots 39 and 40 in Section Four could be used as building sites without injury to the public health. Discussing the matter with Mr. Stevens, he stated that without a letter from the Board of Health within the 30 -day period it had to report, the Planning Board had no authority to act as it had. Mr. Stevens discussed the situation with Mr. White who was developing the subdivision and who was also informed that it would be recommended that the Planning Board reconsider its action of June 18, rescind its vote of that date, and adopt a new vote. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Grindle, seconded by Mr. Adams, and unanimously VOTED: That the following vote of the Plan- ning Board taken on June 18, 1956 be and hereby is rescinded: "That the definitive subdivision plan entitled 'Peacock Farms Section Four, Lexington, Mass.', dated April 17, 1956s which was submitted to the Board by Peacock Farms, Inc. and Estate of W. Danforth Compton on May 21, 1956s accom- panied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated April 17, 1956, be and hereby is approved." VOTED: That the definitive subdivision plan , entitled "Peacock Farms Section Four, Lexington, Mass.", dated April 17, 19561 which was submitted to the Board 6/2/56 CONCORD AVENUE WIDENING OPTIONS MOORE REALTY TRUST HANCOCK HEIGHTS by Peacock Farms, Inc. and Estate of ' W. Danforth Compton on May 21, 19561 accompanied by an application for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated April 17, 1956s be and hereby is approved subject to the condition that Lots 39 and 40 shall not be built upon without prior, consent of the Lexington Board of Health. At 8;30 P.m. Mr. Adams left the meeting to represent the Planning Board at the Selectmen's meeting when representatives of residents on Con- cord Avenue met with said Selectmen to protest imroving said way. It was understood that in 19V5 a taking was made for the widening of the Concord Avenue right of way and that plans for the Improvement of the way had been prepared by the County Engineer. The Board discussed the possibilities of employing a broker on a regular real estate fee basis to obtain options for land the Planning Board wished to recommend that the Town purchase for recreation areas or the location of future streets. It was thought that the Board could use funds already appropriated for expenses in ob- taining the options. Three people considered to have high professional standards and who did not sell real estate in Lexington or have interests in the same were selected as possible candidates for such work. The Chairman was asked to inquire if any of these men were interested in working for the Planning Board on the above basis. Mr. Adams returned to the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Town Counsel Stevens came to the meeting at the same time. Received by the Board was an instrument executed by Mark Moore, Jr., trustee of Moore Realty Trust, on June 25, 1956s said instrument reciting that the Trust is owner of the Ernest J. Corrigan property on North Hancock Street and is assuming the obligations of said Corrigan who applied for approval of the Hancock Heights sub- division plan. Also received by the Board was a June 25, 1956 letter from Mr. Moore requesting that said subdivision plan be modified by eliminating from the plan lots D and F. All matters appearing to be in order in re- gard to the subdivision plan, it was moved by Mr. CONCORD AVENUE WIDENING OPTIONS MOORE REALTY TRUST HANCOCK HEIGHTS Abbott, seconded by Mr. Burnell, and unanimously ' VOTED: That a definitive subdivision plan en- titled "Hancock Heights, Lexington, Mass.', dated April 23, 19561 having been submitted to the Board by Ernest J. Corrigan on May 21, 1956, accom- panied by an application for approval of a definitive plan, Form C, dated May 7, 1956; and subsequent thereto all the lands within the subdivision having been acquired by Mark Moores Jr., trustee of Moore Realty Trust u/d/t,• dated October 31s 1953 and recorded in said Deeds, Book 8168, Page 476, and said Trustee having assumed all obli- gations of the applicant, be and hereby is approved as modified at the request of said Moore by eliminating from the plan lots D and F. PROPOSED Mr. Stevens read to the Board from a letter VINE he had received from Mr. William Roger Greeley sug. BROOK gesting that the Town buy the Burnham farm of forty RECREATION acres, or at least that part through which Vine AREA Brook flows, and make a park and playground out -of ' said farm. (Mr. Stevens furnished the Board with a copy of that portion of Mr. Greeley's letter that dealt with the suggested Burnham Farm acquisition and development. In discussing this letter with the Board, Mr. Snow said that in the park and recreation plan he was preparing he had included a parkway along a portion of Vine Brook from Butterfield Pond, across East Street, to Grant Street. He said he thought that in connection with said pond and the North Street gravel pit a small picnicking and fishing area could be developed along Vine Brook as far as East Street, -Mr. Snow stated, however, that he could not recommend acquisition of all the Burnham Farm for recreational development for the reason that, in his opinion, there were many other areas more desirable for such a purpose. ADAMS Mr. Stevens reported that he had received a ESTATES letter from Mr. John R. Carney, Jr., attorney for Sec. 2 Louis M. Nystrom, applicant for approval of Adams Estates Section Two subdivision plans in regard to the procedure to be followed in order to obtain approval of the proposed plan. After full discus- ' sion and consideration, the Board decided that it would not entertain a request for reconsideration 1 1 1 6-25-56 of its previous vote of disapproval of the plan (see minutes of April 9, 1956) in view of the long period of time that had elapsed since said disapproval. The Board requested Mr. Stevens to inform Mr. Carney that the question of approval would have to arise on a new application for approval, following the receipt of which the Board would send notice to interested parties and hold a public hearing just as on any original application. The Board's attention was called to a letter from Mr. Gayer, Supt. of Public Works, stating that the required work to be done in the subdivi- sion entitled "Plan of Land in LexinPton-Mass. Owned by Dianne Estates, Inc." has been completed to his satisfaction. A grant from Dianne Estates Inc. of water and drain easements, and all pipes and other appurtenances having been obtained, and all other matters appearing to be in order, it was moved by Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr. Burnell and unanimously VOTED: To release to subdivider, Dianne Estates, Inc., the $2,000.00 that it had deposited with the Town as security for the performance of its agreement in the form of an appli- cation for approval of definitive plan, Form C, dated August 3, 1955: to complete by September 191 1956 the work to be performed by it as shown on its subdivision plan en- titled 'Plan of Lots in Lexington, Mass.', dated July 23, 1955.' There being no further business to transact, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Levi G. Burnell Clerk DIANNE ESTATES LEDGELAWN AVE. CONNECTION