HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-21PLANNING BOARD MEETING I May 213 1956 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building on Monday, May 21, 1956 at 7:35 p.m. Present were Members Abbott, Burnell, Hathaway and Jaquith, Planning Director Snow, and the secretary. Chairman Adams was present from 10:30 p.m. for the rest of the meeting. Town Counsel Stevens was present from 9:55 to 10:45 p.m. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that Mr. Hathaway be made Chairman pro tempore. The following bills presented for payment were approved: BILLS Adams Press, Inc., advertising public hearing --$5.00; Anne H. Milliken, for secretarial services -413.10; John Lichtenberg, map revision -49.75. The following Form A applications were taken under con- FORD A sideration for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #56-37, submitted on May 8, 1956 by John A. Butcher; plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexington Mass. Nmed by John A. Butcher Eleanor I. Murray"; Scale: 1" _ 401, April 26, 1956, Merrill A. Brown Registeres Land Sur- veyor, Carlisle, Mass. #56-38, submitted on May 15, 1956 by Chester Lidberg; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington - Mass.", dated May 5, 19560 Scale: 1 in = 100 ft. Henry F. Bryant & Son, Inc. Engineers - Brookline, Mass. #56-39, submitted on May 18, 1956 by Ralph D. Cataldo; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington Mass.", Scale l" = 401, dated May 8, 1956, Miller & Nylander, C.E.ts & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. #56-40, submitted on May 18, 1956 by Harold V. Tillson, attorney for George E. Smith; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale 1" = 20t, dated April 24, 1956, Miller & Nylander, Civil Engineers & Sur- veyors, Lexington, Mass #56-41, submitted on May 21, 1956 by Joseph Moretti; plan entitled "Land Court Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. owned by Joseph Moretti", Scale 1" = 401 , dated May 17, 1956, Joseph W. Moore, Registered Land Surveyor, Bedford, Mass. ' It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: that the plans accompanying applications #56-37, #56-38, #56-4o, and #56-41 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision con- trol law." 1 With regard to application #56-39 it was decided not to endorse this plan pending the submission of further evidence that all lots within the tract of land owned by Cataldo had the minimum frontage required by the Lexington Zoning By-law. :_'Bull, iAUEY At 8:00 p.m. a public hearing was held on the applica- SEC. 13 tion for approval of the Sun Valley Section 13 definitive plan submitted by DeVries Construction Go., Inc. on May 7, 1956• PUBLIC Mr. George DeVries, representing the petitioner, and Messrs. HEARING Alfred Elliott and Nicholas Fitzgerald, President and Vice- president respectively of Winning Farm, were the only persons attending the hearing. The Chairman opened the same by reading the notice of the hearing as it was sent to all owners of property abutting on the proposed subdivision and as it appeared in the May 10, 1956 issue of the Lexington Minute -man. He then explained the procedure the Board followed in conducting a hearing and called upon the petitioner to present his plan. Mr. DeVries explained that the definitive plan showed an extension of Blueberry Lane connecting the previously approved , Sections 11 and 12 of the Sun Valley development. He also pointed out that Winning Farm had had an access known as Winning Farm Lane from Lowell Street across the land of the DeVries Construction Co. to the southwesterly corner of the Winning Farm property, that this access was inactive, that the DeVries Con- struction Co. by agreement with the Winning Farm had eliminated said access and substituted an access over Winchester Drive, Tyler Road and Blueberry Lane through lot L.C. No. 64 as shown on the Section 13 definitive plan. Mr. Elliott and Mr. Fitzgerald both wished to be recorded as being in favor of approving the application. There being no further questions or discussion, the hearing was declared closed at 8:20 p.m. and the plans taken under advisement. BATTLE The Board read and discussed its letter of April 9, VIEW PARK 1956 to Mr. Ralph J. Frissore in regard to a street connection between Laconia and 5th Streets and then at 9:10 p.m. met with Messrs. Ralph J. Frissore, Murray G. Dearborn, and Wilbur C. Nylander to discuss the preliminary plan for a subdivision con- necting the old 1913 subdivision knuun as "Battle View Park" with the former Kelly property, access to the proposed subdivision being from Laconia St. over 5th Street and thence to Woburn St. Mr. Frissore asked the Board for an informal opinion in regard to the proposal stating that the Supt. of Public Works would not grant him a water connection to Young Street from Laconia Street except through a way approved by the Planning Board. After con- siderable discussion concerning Mr. Frissorets proposal the Board . took the plans under advisement.. Mr. Frissore and Mr. Dearborn left the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Mr. Stevens arrived at the meeting at this time. At the same time Messrs. Outhet, Blodgett and Berglund met with the Board to discuss with it an informal plan for the subdivision of the former Kelly property between Lowell Street and the Sun Valley development. After discussing various details of the plan it was decided that Messrs. Outhet and Blodgett have prepared a more detailed plan of their proposal and at an early date submit it to the Board together with an application for tentative approval of a preliminary plan. Messrs. Outhet, Blodgett, Nylander and Berglund left the meeting at 10:20 p.m. Mr. Adams arrived at the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The Board accepted an application of Peacock Farms, Inc. PEAOOCK and the W. Danforth Compton Estate for approval of the Peacock FARM Farm: Section 4 definitive plan. It was decided to hold a_public SEC. 4 hearing on said application on June 4, 1956 at 8:00 p.m. in re- gard to said application The Board also accepted the application of Fraest J. HANCOCK Corrigan for approval of the Hancock Heights Section One HEIGHTS definitive plan and decided to hold a public hearing on said SEC. 1 ' application on June 4, 1956 at 8:30 p.m. The Board having previously received from the Supt. of DIANNE of Public Works a certificate of satisfactory performance ESTATES dated August 8, 1955 and having also received from the Town Counsel a letter dated May 11, 1956 stating that grants of water easements in Quincy Avenue had been made to the town and duly recorded, it was moved by Air. Jaquith, seconded by Mr. Burnell and unanimously VOTED: to release the performance bond, dated May 3, 1954, filed by Dianne Estates, Inc., as principal, and the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Co., as Surety, in the sun of nine thousand dollars -- ($9,000.00) -- to secure the performance by the subdivider of the obligations as to the subdivision entitled "Plan of Lots in Lexington -Mass. Owned by Dianne Estates, Inc. - 42 Wyman St., Medford," and dated March 15, 1954. As the same information had been received for the ten - lot Ledgelawn Avenue subdivision extending northwesterly from Revere Street toward the old Ervington Park subdivision, it was moved by Mr. Jaquith, seconded by Mr. Abbott and unani- mously VOTED: to release the performance bond, dated August , 16, 1954, filed by Dianne Estates, Inc., as Principal, and the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Co., as Surety, in the sum of ten thousand dollars —($10,000.00) -- to secure the performance by the subdivider of the obligations as to the subdivision entitled, "Plan of Lots in Lexington -Mass. Owned by Dianne Estates, Inc. -- 42 Wyman St., Medford," and dated duly 8, 1954. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 10:45 p.m. after which there was held a general discussion concerning various matters currently before the Board. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. Levi G. Burnel7,,Jr. Clerk 1 1