HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-30PLANNING BOARD MEETING April 30, 1956 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, April 30, 1956 at 7:40 p.m. Present were Members Abbott, Burnell, Grindle, Hathaway and Jaquith; the Planning Director and the secretary. The Town Counsel was present from 9:15 to 10:20. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that Mr. Jaquith be Chairman Pro Tempore. The following bills were presented for payment: BILLS Samuel P. Snow, reimbursement for expenses --$16.71; Anne H. Milliken, secretarial services -46.25. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that the bills be paid as presented. The following Form A applications were taken under FORMS A consideration for determination of Planning Board juris- diction: ' #56-2$, submitted on April 24, 1956 by Elinor W. Locke; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale 1" - 40', dated June 10, 1955, Miller and Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. #56-29, submitted on April 26, 1956 by James M. and Anne B. Rescoe; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" - 40', dated Apr. 24, 1956, Miller and Nylander, C.E.'s & Sur- veyors, Lexington, Mass. ##56-30, submitted on April 27, 1956 by Robert L. Lyon; photostatic print entitled "Subdivision plan of Land in Lexington," L.C. 6998B, C. M. Anderson, Engineer for Court, April 26, 1956. On the print was the notation "Subdivision of Lot D and Land Shown on Plans 6998A & 2552A, Filed with Certs. of Title No. 10703 -South Registry District of Middle- sex County." #56-31, submitted on April 30, 1956 by Harold E. Stevens, counsel for the Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Proposed Drainage Easement and Flowage Rights on Lots 11 and 12 Burlington St., Lexington, I -lass.", Scale 1" = 40', March 16, 1956, ' Richard J. Gayer, Town Engineer. #56-32, submitted on April 30, 1956 by Harold E. Stevens, counsel for the Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Temporary Right of Way off Cedar ' Street Lexington, Mass.", Scale 1" = 40', dated April 26, 1956, Richard J. Gayer, Town Engineer. #56 -33, submitted on April 30, 1956 by Harold E. Stevens, counsel for the Town of Lexington; plan entitled "Plan of Drain Easement Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" - 201, dated Jan. 1956, Whitman & Howard, Engineers, $9 Broad Street, Boston, Mass. #56-34, submitted on April 30, 1956 by Harold E. Stevens, counsel for the Town of Lexington; plan en- titled "Plan of Sewer Easement Lexington, Mass.") Scale 1" = 40', dated Apr. 1956, Whitman & Howard, Eng'rs., Boston, Mass. It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: that the plans accompanyingg Applications #56-28, #56-29, #56-30, #56-31, #56-32, #56-33 and #56-34 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under the subdivision control law" and that the additional nota- tion be added to the plan accompanying application #56-30 that "the area of Lot 1 does not meet the requirements of the Lex- , ington Zoning By -Law." PROPOSED ROAD Mr. Snow called the Board's attention to the fact that representatives of the State Department of Public WOOD TO Works had requested a conference with Town representa- BEDFORD STS. tives regarding the State's proposed location for a road to be constructed between Wood and Bedford Streets and that he had been asked by Supt. Gayer to attend said con- ference. In discussing said location it was decided that it would be better to have the road located so as to pass under the railroad track and enter Bedford Street oppo- site Eldred Street than to have a grade crossing as the State proposed and to enter Bedford Street between Hinchey Road and Westview Sts. By such a relocation it was felt that a satisfactory industrial park could be developed whereas with the State's road location there would be little land left for industrial use. It was understood Supt. Gayer felt very strongly that the State's proposed road location would be of little value to Lexington. It was further understood that the town was not going to pay for the road in anyway. Mr. Hathaway suggested that the town might be willing to contribute to the cost of the road if it were located where the town wanted it. SUN VALLEY Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at 9:15 p.m. at ' SEC. 12 which time the Board donsidered the request of the DeVries Construction Co. to change its performance ' guarantee frau a conditional approval contract to a bond secured by a deposit for work to be performed in the Sun Valley, Section 12 subdivision. Mr. Stevens showed the Board the signed instrument by which said company agreed to complete the remaining work to be done in said subdi- vision by October 1, 1956 and the certified check secur- ing the performance o' the agreement. All matters appear- ing to be in order it was moved by Mr. Abbott, seconced by Mr. Grindle and unanimously VOTED: to accept the agreement by DeVries Construc- tion Co., Inc., dated April 28, 1956, to com- plete the construction of the ways and other improvements in Section 12 of Sun Valley by October 1, 1956, which agreement is secured by a certified check in the amount of $10,000 and to release the lots in said sub- division, Section 12, from the restrictions set forth in the conditional approval con- tract, dated November 7, 1955• Upon taping the above action a majority of the Board signed two instruments: the first entitled "Release of Re- strictions" to be filed both in the Middlesex South Dis- trict Registry of Deeds and in the Middlesex South Dis- trict Land Registration office; the second entitled "Re- lease of Conditions of Planning Board approval" required by the Land Court Engineer. Mr. Stevens reported that Senate Bill 603 clarify- ing the term subdivision had passed both the houses of the General Court, had been approved by the Governor on April 27, 1956, and having an emergency preamble had taken effect immediately upon the Governor's approval. Mr. Stevens discussed the Act in detail and gave a certi- fied photostatic copy to Mr. Snow for the Board's files. The Board next discussed with Mr. Stevens the con- veyance to the Josiah Willard Hayden Recreation Centre, Inc. the so-called Aldrich property fronting on Lincoln Street, the authorization of said conveyance having been voted by the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 26, 1956. It was understood that the trustees of the centre wished to obtain said conveyance because the preliminary plans for said centre were completed close to bid stage, and that the Selectmen wished to make said conveyance with- in a reasonable time. SENATE BILL #6o3 CHAPTER 282 ACTS OF 1956 HAYDEN RECREATION C EIV TRE Members of the Board stated that this property should not be conveyed without some reservation for the future WORTHEN extension of Worthen Road across the Aldrich property. Mr. ROAD Stevens said that the Board should consider how far it thought the Selectmen should go in reserving a particular area for said road or including in the deed a stipulation , whereby the trustees of the centre would obligate them- selves to convey to the town such part of the land (in a certain section of the property) as the Selectmen might request. Members of the Board stressed the importance of a provision of this nature stating that in the future the centre's board of trustees might be composed of an en- tirely different group of people not in sympathy with the Worthen Road proposal. Mr. Snow was asked to draw for the Board a plan showing where he thought the extension of Worthen Road should be located and incorporating,his suggestions for the future ' development of the t ov,n' s playground and the lower portion of the Aldrich property, including a town parking area to serve said playground and the football field and a similar parking area for a skating rink it was understood might be constructed on the proposed recreation center property. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Levi G. Burnell, Jr. C 1 erk