HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-27PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' March 27, 1956 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the #56-9, submitted on February 13, 1956, by Leeland B. McConchie of Leeland Construction Co. Inc.; plan entitled "Plan Showing Sewer Easement, Land in Lex- ington., Mass.", dated Feb. 2, 1956, Scale: 1" = 401, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass, Mr. Stevens wanted to know if the sewer was in the easement as shown on the plan. It was pointed out that the Robinson Hill Section Two subdivision plan showed a sewer to be constructed through lots 17, 18, and 20, but that the plan had been changed and that the sewer was now within the easement as shown on the plan accompanying application #56-9. After discussing this subdivision plan change which had been made without the knowledge of the Planning Board, it was decided to write a letter to the superintendent of Public Works requesting that there be no changes in subdivision plans approved by the Planning Board without said plans first being submitted to said Board for approval. IIt was moved, seconded, and unanimously FOMLS A Town Engineer's Ronan, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, March 27, 1956 at 7:35 p.m. Present were Chairman Adams.- dams,Messrs. Messrs.Burnell, Grindle, and Hathaway, the Planning Director and secretary. Nor. Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 7:115 to 10:10. Approved were the following bills presented for pay- ment: Spaulding4Toss Company, for colored pencil§ --$2.75; Louise I4. Baker, for secretarial services --$3.115; Anne H. Milliken, for secretarial service --$2.05. The following Form A application was taken under con- sideration for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #56 -23, -submitted on March 27, 1956 by Ellwell Incor- porated, Roswell M. Boutwell, III; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. of Nellie H. Viano to be conveyed to Ellwell Incorporated," Scale: l inch a 40 feet, dated March 22, 1956, Rowland H. Barnes & Co., C.E.'s, Waltham, Mass. ' Mr. Stevens arrived at 7:45 at which time the follow- ing Form A application was also taken under consideration: #56-9, submitted on February 13, 1956, by Leeland B. McConchie of Leeland Construction Co. Inc.; plan entitled "Plan Showing Sewer Easement, Land in Lex- ington., Mass.", dated Feb. 2, 1956, Scale: 1" = 401, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass, Mr. Stevens wanted to know if the sewer was in the easement as shown on the plan. It was pointed out that the Robinson Hill Section Two subdivision plan showed a sewer to be constructed through lots 17, 18, and 20, but that the plan had been changed and that the sewer was now within the easement as shown on the plan accompanying application #56-9. After discussing this subdivision plan change which had been made without the knowledge of the Planning Board, it was decided to write a letter to the superintendent of Public Works requesting that there be no changes in subdivision plans approved by the Planning Board without said plans first being submitted to said Board for approval. IIt was moved, seconded, and unanimously FOMLS A VOTED; That the plans accompanying Application #56-9 and #56-23 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not re- quired under subdivision control law." The subdivision entitled "Adams Estates, Section Two" was taken under consideration for definitive approval. Read to the Board was a letter from the Board of Health reporting that it had been unable to examine soil conditions in the. subdivision because of inclement weather and therefore was in doubt as to the suitability for building purposes of all lots in said subdivision. It was thought that the parcel in the northerly corner of the subdivision should be marked "Parcel All since it did not meet•the requirements of the zoning by-law and it was understood the owner was planning to add the parcel to adjacent land outside the present sub- division. Iib. Snow noted that there were a number of mathematical errors on the plan which needed to be corrected. It was decided to withhold action on the plans until the next meeting of the Board. The Board next considered Mr. George DeVries' verbal request that the DeVries Construction Co., Inc. performance guarantee for work to be done in Sun Valley, Section Eleven subdivision be changed from a conditional approval contract to a performance bond, Mr. DeVries agreeing to complete the work by May 31, 1956. Read to the Board was Mr. Gayerts March 16, 1956 letter in which he stated that 65% of the required work had been completed. The Board agreed to the change provided the DeVries Company secured the performance bold by depositing a certified check for $7500.000, the original estimate for the work to be done having been set at $20,900.00. Considered also was Mr. Ralph Frissore's request for an informal opinion in regard to making a street connection between Laconia and Fifth Streets, over what he claimed was the location of an existing right of way; and so give a northeasterly access to Battle View Park, a northern por- tion of which he wished to develop for residential purposes. Mr. Frissore supplemented his request with photostatic copies Of Land Court Case 1210OF and a quit claim deed granting rights of way over land now or formerly of August Young to what is now designated as Laconia Street. The Board suggested expressing disapproval of the pro- posal because, in its opinion., the road layout was poor and there had been submitted insufficient information upon which to make a decision. Upon asking the Town Counsel for his opinion, he said that there was nothing in the title which required that a way be built in the precise position indi- cated on the submitted sketch. ADS ESTATES SEC. 2 SUN VALLEY SECTION II FRISSORE STREET CONNECTION LACONIA TO FIFTH STREET 1 1 r Mr. Fitzgerald wished to have the Board's opinion in ' regard to subdividing for residential purposes the Goodfellow lot on Grove Street, using Gould and Dewey Roads as an access onto said lot and extending Dewey Road to, serve his proposed subdivision. It was decided to suggest to Mr. Fitzgerald that (1) he obtain from Mr. Watson, trustee of the land on which Dewey Road is being developed, a grant of rights of way over Gould and Dewey Roads, (2) from adjacent property owners the right to cast water from street drains onto their lands, and (3) that he subrit`to the Board for further con- sideration a rough sketch of what he proposes to do. Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 10:10 p.m. at which time the Board took under consideration the Board of Appeals hear- ings for petitions to be heard on April 3, 1956. It was de- cided to take no action on any of these petitions with the exception of that of John F. MacNeil for a variance to erect a building of second-class construction on land adjacent to the Boston &.Tone Railroad at Depot Square. The Board was concerned with the fact that in order for the petitioner to build the proposed building, he would have to be granted four variances of the Zoning By -Law. it was decided to com- pose a letter setting forth the Board's opposition to the granting of the variances and the Board's reasons for such opposition. Mr. Snow reported that there was scheduled at Harvard University on April 10 an Urban Design Conference. No member expressed a desire to attend but authorized Mr. Snow to do so. He noted that the registration fee entitled one to a summary of the conference proceedings, a copy of which he would obtain for the Board's use. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. evi G. Burnell,, Jr. iaLerk 1 DEIdEY ROAD EXTENSION BOARD OF APPEALS �dOTICES MACIEIL PETITION URBAN DESIGN CONFERENCE