HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-23' PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 23, 1956 A special meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town.Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday, February 23, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs. Grindle, Hathaway and Irwin were present. Mr. Jaquith arrived at 7:55 P.M. Mr. Duffy, of.William .A. Fisher Company, Inc., Engineers, was present from 7:30 until 8:45 P.M. Mr•. Snow, Planning Director, and the secretary were also present. The following Form A application was taken under consideration: #56-13, submitted on February 23, 1956 by Edward A. Larner, plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 6171 Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale 1" = 30', February 1, 1956, Miller & N71ander, C. E.'s & Sur- veyors, Lexington, Mass. ' It was moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED: that the plan accompanying application #56-13 be signed bearing the endorse- ment "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision control law"'. The Chairman read a letter, dated February 23, 1956, from William A. Fisher, Inc. referring to Mr. Duffy's recent conversation with Mr. Snow and out- lining a proposal for a complete street development plan for Lexington. Mr. Duffy was asked to elaborate on the proposal. This he did by stating that in re- gard to basic data with which to begin a -study of this nature he had been informed by the State Department of Public Works District Office that within a month or two there would be available for use a thorough traffic problem study in connection with the new East-West Turnpike terminating in Boston, that fairly up-to-date counts were made on Route 128 exits and on Route `2'and 3 and that new counts were also available on old Route 128 and from M.I.T.ts Lincoln Laboratory. 1 FORM A MAJOR STREET PLANNING It was pointed out by the Chairman that the ' Boardfs first concern was an evaluation of the proposed Worthen Road from Bedford Street to Route 2, that the proposal had been developed on more or less of a guess basis as there simply had to be more major arteries within the Town, but that the pro- posed route for Worthen Road followed a line which would probably be used for a trunk sewer. The Chair- man asked if all the basic data as had been.outlined was needed to determine the value of this proposed road. He thought that the study and revision of the overall town road system could be postponed somewhat. Mr.•Duffy thought that.overall data was needed to determine whether.Worthen Road was necessary, how far it should be carried if found to be neces- sary and how it would affect ether town roads. In order to give the Board an idea of how such a conclusion might be obtained, Mr. Duffy outlined the procedure followed in reaching a decision in regard to a major street plan. He stated that the. proposed plan would be a small reproduction of the 1948 Master Highway Plan for the Boston Metropolitan Area. Such a plan is based upon the plotting and the developing of routes suitable for travelling, for example, from points A to B. It might be found , that a certain number of people want to travel be- tween these two points but there might be an insti- tution such as a church or library in the way. In such a case it might be shown that a major town route is needed, that a suitable route could be obtained by modifying the existing.street pattern, or that there ibn;lt sufficient need for a major rotte between the. two points. From the plotting of dasire line data, answers that are known to be re- liable can easily be obtained, this information be- ing plotted on a basic map indicating where major streets are to be routed, where other streets are to be widened and where still other streets need to be constructed. In addition, there would be shown in a report typical cross sections of new street con- struction, widening of old streets, treatments of intersections, traffic control recommendations and so forth, Pointing out that the need for a -study as out-; lined would have to be sold to the Town and that there was a limit to what the Town would spend for basic data, the Chairman asked what proportion of the total cost would be for obtaining basic data, how much field work would be involved and if the work could be completed in less than two years. 'Mr. Duffy re- , ' plied that probably 30% of the total cost would in- volve obtaining basic data,.that there wasn't much field survey work needed and that his concern did not plan to make further traffic counts but might ask the Town to make additional ones. He also stated that the survey was extended over two fiscal years to enable the Town to budget the work more easily but that the survey could be done more rapidly if this were desired. It was asked if, after the overall data had been assembled and analyzed and before the major street plan was completed, an answer as to the value of the Worthen Road project could be obtained this year. To this Mr. Duffy replied that he could not answer the question until he had been able to examine a little more of the problem involved, Mr. Duffy was asked if, in his personal ex- perience, he had encountered similar problems where a primary road such as Worthen Road was needed. He stated that in Boston it was found that a central artery was needed and that the method of obtaining data for evaluating this project was the same as he had outlined. He also stated that he, as a former state employee, and Mr. Fisher, as a former member ' of the firm that made the Master Highway Plan for Boston, had both been directly connected with the preparation of the plan which includes the central artery project. The Board asked if it would be obligated in the Fisher Company's proposal to retain the ser- vices of the company to continue with the completion of the major street plan after obtaining sufficient data to evaluate the Worthen Road project. Mr. Duffy said that there was no reason why the Board would. He added, however, that if the Board wished the born- -pany to continue with the preparation of the p lan at --a _later date, the company might not be able to do so at the same cost in the proposal. He noted that there would be needed a review of new conditions and added growth of the Town since the previous study. Mr. Duffy further stated that a report evaluat- ing just the Worthen Road project would include de- scriptive matter outlining the project itself, a key map of the entire town, tables of traffic data which would have to be town wide in scope, a traffic flow map and a general location plan for Worthen Road with a profile and an estimate of construction costs. ' He also said that complete engineering details for the roadts location would not be included but that a favorable location would be recommended and some subsoil tests included. In conclusion Mr. Duffy stated that the Board could decide to what extent it wished a study made and that the Fisher Company would be pleased to prepare a revised estimate for such a study. After Mr. Duffy left the meeting at 8:45 P.M. the Board discussed further the matter of a major street plan. It was pointed out that: 1. With the State's proposal to make Route 2 a limited access highway, its taking of a por- tion of land bounded by Pleasant Street and Route 2, and its plans for an overpass at this intersection, Worthen Road needed -a revised location in the vicinity of Section Fqur of Carrig's proposed subdivision. 2. The Board must have a re-evaluation of the Worthen Road project and an origin -destination survey for the road quicker than Mr. Snow can obtain it himself, 3. Though Mr. Duffy claimed there was suffieient State data so that not much more was needed, the Board did not know to what extent it could apply the data. Assembling and evaluation of data seemed to be the most important work to be done. The question was raised as to whether or not all Town traffic flow data was needed to determine a location for Worthen Road. The question was also naised as tb the availablility of similar firms to that of the Fisher Company to make traffic studies Mr. Snow said that he selected the Fisher Com- pany after discussing the matter with Mr. Benjamin knowing both of: Mr. Duffy's and Mr. Fisher's ex- perience and believing that they would be more apt than others to take into consideration the overall town plan rather than just isolate the traffic prob- lem. The Chairman suggested asking Messrs. Greeley and Kelly to meet with the Board the following Mon- day evening to discuss the matter of employing pro- fessional assistance and to submit a list of men and firms they thought could best advise on street plans and traffic matters. CJ 1 i� It was reported that the Appropriation Committee had an important meeting at the same time as the Planning Board and was unable to meet with it or send a representative to participate in the discus- sion with Mr. Duffy. It was understood, however, that the Committee thought the Board should present its decisions on the need for professional services to be added to the previously submitted budget. The application for approval of a definitive ADAMS subdivision plan was accepted by the Board and a ESTATES public hearing set for Monday. March 12, 1956 at SEC. a 8:00 P.M. The secretary left the meeting at 9:10 P.M. After some discussion of the proposed Historic Districts Legislation the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Alan G. Adams, Chairman n C