HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-06PLANNING BOARD MEETING
February 6, 1956
A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held
in the Town Engineerts Room, Town Office Building, on
Monday, February 6, 1956 at 7:40 P.M. Chairman Adams,
Messrs, Abbott, Hathaway, Irwin and Jaquith were
present. Mr. Snow, Planning Director, and the secre-
tary were also present. Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, was
present from 8:55 P.M. to 9:20 P.M.
The Chairman read the following bills presented
for payment; GBC Sales & Service, 1,000 binding ele- BILLS
ments,for Zoning B7 -laws, $63.15; H. B. McArdle, 1
box file folders, ,50; Spaulding -Moss Company, Zon-
ing map materials, §33 00; John C. Lichtenberg, re-
vision of Zoning mai., 116.00; Anne H. Milliken, sec-
retarial services, 5.00.
It was moved by Mr. Hathaway, seconded by Mr.
Jaquith and unanimously voted that the bills be ap-
proved as read.
The minutes of the meeting of January 30, 1956
were taken under consideration. After some minor MINUTES OF
corrections had been made,.it was moved by Mr. Irwin, JAN. 30, 1956
seconded by Mr. Abbott and unanimously voted that the
minutes be approved.
The previously received notices were reviewed BOARD OF
and additional ones read by the Chairman for the Board APPEALS
of Appeals hearings to be held on February 16, 1956. NOTICES
It was decided to write the Board in regard to the
following matters:
a) Petition of Ralph D. Prain for a variance to
subd ivide a parcel of land - that in the opinion of the
Planning Board this proposal is a subdivision as set
forth under Sec. 81-L., Chap. 41 of the General Laws,
Lot "B' as shown on the Prain proposal requiring pro-
vision for a way to furnish access for vehicular traf-
fic to said lot.
b) Petition of -:Joseph Monsignors for permission
to remove gravel and fill from Lot B*7 on Laconia
Street to Dana and Foster Roads - that it is presu#ed
' that the gravel and fill is intended to be used for
road fill in a subdivision approved by the Planning '
Board and for which said Board holds a conditional
approval contract, that the Board will not release
the subdivider from this contract until said Board
receives from the Superintendent of Public Works a
certificate stating that the ways have been con-
structed to town specifications, and suggesting that
if the Board of Appeals grants the petition that both
the petitioner and subdivider be notified that the
grant by Board of Appeals does not constitute -accep-
tance by the Superintend.of Public Works of material
for either fill or gravel base.
c) PetitionofAntonio Busa and others for
variances to maintain dwellings with less setback than
required - that the Planning Board is distNbed about
the increasing number of these petitions coming be-
fore the Board of Appeals, that the Planning Board
has grave doubts that enough attention is being paid
to set back and yard requirements as set forth in the
Lexington Zoning By-law and that continuing non-com-
pliance with these requirements is defeating the pur-
pose of said By-law.
It was decided to hold on February 20, 1956 at '
PUBLIC HEARING 8:00 P.M. a public hearing on the question of chang-
ing the names of certain unaccepted streets as will
STREET NAME be set forth in the Warrant for the Town Meeting to
CHANGES be held on March 19, 1.956.
In regard to the necessity of holding public
hearings on proposed historic districts legislation, for
PROPOSED which an article was also to appear on the Town Har -
HISTORIC rant, it was decided to hold two hearings at 8:00
DISTRICTS P.M. in Estabrook Hall, the first to be held on
HEARINGS March 8 with property owners in the proposed districts
and the second to be held on March 15 for town meeting
members and all other interested parties.
At 8:10 PM. Mr. Nylander, civil engineer, and
TECHBUILT, INC. Messrs, Diehl, Douglass and Sullivan of Techbuilt,:
MIDDLE RIDGE Inc. met with the Board to discuss a•preliminary
plan for the development of the corporation's en-
tire tract known as Middle Ridge and located between
Robinson Road and the Burlington town line. Mr.
Sullivan stated, that it was desired to develop the
tract into about 140 house lots in four stages: the
first step being the 26 -lot plan already approved; the
second, the addition of another section of 37 lots.;
the third step developing the remaining land as far- '
as "'Mountain Roadie and the fourth, continuing across
said road and connecting with the Watson Realty Trust
property off Grove Street.
It -was pointed out that the corporation's pro-
posal to develop next the 37 -lot section would mean
that there would be 63 lots with only one means of
egress and that the BDard.would not approve such an
arrangement. It was also noted that there was about
the same length of road in the proposed second section
as there would be in connecting DeMa.r Road with the
Watson development and so having a second egress for
the Middle Ridge subdivision,. The Board suggested
that Techbuilt prepare a definitive plan for their
numbered third. and fourth sections so that there would
be a second egress the Board would recognize, present-
ing the plan for approval and being prepared.to file
a bond as security for the work to be done.
Techbuilt indicated it would do this and that it
had begun negotiations with Mr. Watson for a parcel of
his land in exchange for granting him rights to empty
street drains onto its land. Representatives of Tech -
built also stated that its counsel and the Boston
Edison Company both state that the corporation has a
right to go under Edison's transmission line with a
road, that Edison can run a transmission line over,
under or on its easement but do not intend to run
power across the surface of the ground.
The Board suggested that there be a recreation
area within the boundaries of Techbuilt's property.
Mr. Nylander stated that there was land within the
tract mear the power line which could be used for a
recreation area.
The Board likewise called to the Techbuilt rep-
resentatives' attention that the Board of Selectmen
had been waiting for some word from the corporation
that it was willing to lay a sewer in the section of
Middle Ridge already approved if the Town laid a trunk
line sewer to the area. Mr. Sullivan stated that if
the Town could do this in time so that Techbuilt would
not have to install septic tanks in the present house
dots, that the corporation was interested in the Town's
proposition. However, it was pointed out that Tech -
built had sold some lots already and did not have ease-
-ments from these lot owners for the laying of a sewer.
Mr. Stevens arrived at 8:55 at which time Messrs.
Diehl, Douglas, Nylander and Sullivan left the meeting.
The Board signed a Certificate of Approval
which Mr. Stevens had prepared to file in the Land
Registration Office together with the plan of
Watson Realty Trust's development entitled "Sub -
division Plan of Land Court Case No. 5982'E",
Mr. Stevens stated that the Land Court had assigned
Lots 1 through 4 the numbers 20 through 23, respec-
tively and Land Court Cert, No. 813 to the parcel of 1
land at the end of Gould Road and marked."'Reserved for
future street". The Board endorsed the plan and re-
quested Mr. Snow to make the necessary minor changes
on the plans before giving them to Mr. Stevens for re-
cording and registering, When the plan is placed on
record Mr. Stevens is to obtain a grant from Watson: for
utilities and the necessary easements.
Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 9:20 P.M. at which
time Messrs. Gordon McLain, Clarence Woodman, Robert
Woodworth and Austin Fisher met with the Board con -
cerning a research firm interested in erecting a large
building in the general area of Lexington. It was un-
derstood that the first three gentlemen represented -
Walter Channing, Inc., realtors. Mr. Fisher intro--
duced himself as representing the firm to which he had
recommended locating in Lexington explaining to the.
firm the situation in regard to the Town's zoning. He
stated that he thought the firm was of sufficient size
and importance to interest Lexington in making a rapid=
fire zoning change and wanted to obtain an impression
from the Board in regard to this possibility as he had
to make a decision in the very near future. Mr. Fisher
said he thought that two sites were quite suitable,
the Swenson property on Routes 2 and 128 being con-
sidered a little larger than needed and the Seabury
land on Route 128 somewhat smaller. He stated that
the company desired a 50 -acre tract so that if the
land of the Pine Hill Turkey Farm could be added to
that of Seabury, the combined tracts would serve the
firm's needs. However, he said that there was a dis-
advantage to this location in that two sets of nego-
tiations would have to be undertaken to obtain the
land needed.
Mr. Raymond James, member of the Board of Select-
men, arrived at 9:25 to take part in the conference.
Mr. Fisher stated that his client is a manufactutc-
Ing organization, has manufacturing p;ants in many parts
of the country, and is developing a research and de-
velopment organization of some magnitude. The particu-
lar project for which the organization desires a site
is that of long range missiles. The U. S. Government
is sponsoring this kind of activity and letters could
be obtained from senators and various officials con-
cerning the matter. Mr. Fisher said that the par-
ticular phase of such operations in which his client
is to be engaged was in two pacts, either or both of
which might be brought to Lexington if the Town sees
fit to accept them. One is a basic research operation
which will engage 600 to 800 people - scientists, tech-
nicians and advanced engineers - utilizing 200,000 sqs
ft. of spaee. The firm is associated with M.I.T. which
could handle this operation if it had the facilities
for such work.
The second part of the operation, Mr. Fisher con-
tinued, would be in an advanced machine shop which
would employ 900 engineers and .skilled technicians -
precision workers of all kinds. For purposes of the
Board's consideration it was stated that both pro-
jects might be brought together, the plant possibly
being open 24 hours a day. However, nothing would be
produced in quantity. Long range missiles would be
assembled a great many miles from Lexington. There
would be no smoke, waste, chemicals or dumping matter.
There would be some use of hydrogen but it would be
surrounded with the proper precautions so that it would
not be a menace.
It was noted that hydrogen was explosive. Mr.
James pointed out that if stored and used in accor-
dance with standards of the National Board of Fire
Underwriters that hydrogen was perfectly safe adding
that the company with whom he worked had used it for
50 years and never had any trouble with it.
Mr. Fisher further stated that his clients re-
quirements were such that it was willing to by-pass a
railroad, that there would be no great transportation
of materials to or from the building, that there was no
objection to locating near an airfield like Hanscom
Air Base and that the company might utilize the airport
for transportation facilities. He also added that one
of the reasons for being interested in the Seabury and
Swenson properties was an aesthetic consideration, that
they were in a residentill zone and that the company
would like a small university atmosphere for its work.
He thought that the proposed facility would cost be-
tween 2 and 5 million dollars, that the company wanted
to start breaking ground, in Spring or even late Winter,
partial occupancy being in early Summer and full occu-
pancy in early Winter. Mr. Fisher said that speed in
carrying the proposal was of conside*able importance
to the company.
The Chairman and members of the Board brought the
problems of scheduling a rezoning change stating that
the warrant for a town meeting must be delivered
February 1, that the Planning Board must hold a
public hearing on the rezoning article 25 days
prior to the meeting, in order to make a recommen-
dation on said article, that a warrant for a special
meeting could be issued for the 19th or 26th of March
but that any information Mr. Fisher had to assemble
could not be submitted later than March 1. It was
also pointed out that even though a change in zoning
technically only involves the use of land, that"a
company such as Mr. Fisher's client must have plans
to sell the project, that regardless of feelings of
the Selectmen and Planning Board there is a con-
siderable amount of selling to be done and that what
the public was most concerned about was general ap-
pearance. The question was raised in regard to
what might become of the remaining land if the com-
pany only desired part of it, that the rest of the
land might be undesirable for residential use and
bhat it might be better if the company purchased
within the boundaries of the adjoining roads the
whole area in which it was interested.
Mr. Fisher said that he hoped the Board would
give some impression of the possibilities of a re-
zoning change at the conclusion of the discussion,
that his client would be in a position to make a
manifestation of good faith after representatives
of the company had seen and approved the site, that
he was certain they could come to a decision by
March 1 and that they could have prepared some ele-
vations and other drawings which might not be exactly
what will be finally built but which were all that
could be prepared in such a hurry.
The Board suggested, the establishment of a new
type of sone such as one for research or limited
commercial use rather than for light manufacturing.
It was pointed out that the Board had had poor luck
in trying to interest the town in zoning for light
manufacturing, that it is the new residents who arer
dead set against commercial development and that it
might be considerably easier to sell a different type
of zoning.
Mr. Fisher stated that he did not know what
effect such a limitation such as a research.zone
would have on his client, that the company might
want to dispose of its holdings after 20 years or
so, and that such a limitation might out down on
the saleability of the property. He said, however,
that he would askJ the company fon its views in
regard to the matter.
The Chairman reported the Board has been on
record as being in favor of a proposal such as pre-
sented and asked the Board for an expression of
opinion. Mr. James said that his personal opinion
was favorable tuvard the proposition but that he
could not speak for the Board of Selectmen. Messrs.
Irwin and Hathaway were both favorably inclined toward
the proposition, Mr. Jaquith also. He thought, however,
that a research zone would be easier to obtain than a
light manufacturing one, also pointing out that with
1700 employees there might be a traffic problem to be
considered. Mr. Abbott thought that an area should
be re-zoned for research and light manufacturing which
would be associated with such activity. Mr. Snow noted
that present zoning restrictions for light manufacturing
are such that there is not much in the way of a guaran-
tee for Town protection if the company .property should
change hands after it was zoned for light manufacturing.
He suggested a new zone which incorporated more ade-
quate restrictions for parking, space between buildings,
percentage of lot to be occupied by buildings, and ap-
proval of building and site plans by the Planning Board.
Mr. Fisher said that he would tell his client of
meeting with the Board, his reception, and would ar-
range to have a group of the company's representatives
look at-the two properties being considered-. If these
were looked upon favorably and the company is prepared
to go ahead with its plans, then negotiations will be
opened on one or the other parcel of land. The Board
pointed out that it would prefer that the Seabury land
be proposed for re-zoning particularly for the reason
that being on the westerly side of Route 128, the Board
felt that such land stood a better chance of being
acted upon favorably at a town meeting. It was like-
wise pointed out that - there would-be a sewerage problem
in connection.with the Swenson property, that the Sea-
bury land was nearer to a sewer and that the Town would
not allow cesspools or septic tanks on a project such as
proposed. In addition , it was noted that the Hayden
property abuts the Swenson land and -the Hayden interests
would probably object to a proposal such as was contem-
plated on Swenson land.
Mr. Fisher suggested that the proposal be referred
to a research and development facility rather than an
industrial facility. Suitable buffer restrictions
could be made so that people around the project would
be protected forever but that restrictions on the use
of the property would make a future sale of it difficult.
Messrs. Fisher, McLain, Woodman and Woodworth left
the meeting at 10:30 P.M.
Mr. Moore left the meeting at 11:10 P.M. at '
which time the secretary was dismissed for the
evening. The Board then reviewed two Form A ap-
plications for determinations of Planning Board
FORMS A jurisdictions and endorsed the following plans:
#56-7, submitted on February 6, 1956 by
Harvey Newgent; plan entitled "Plan of Land in
Section Two - Robinson Hill, Lexington, Mass.,
owned by Harvey W. and Jean P. Newgent," Scale:
1" = 4010 dated Jan. 30, 1956.
#56-8, submitted on February 6, 1956 by
Carmelo Galvagna; plan entitled Plan of Land in
Lexington, Mass.," Scale: 1" = 30t, dated Jan. 9,
191.8, Miller and Nylander, C. E.'s & Surveyors,
Lexington, Mass.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M.
rles T. Abbott
Mr. Mark Moore, Jr. met with the Board at
10:1.0 P.M. regarding the disapproval of his pre -
liminary plan to subdivide the former Burgoyne
property on North Hancock Street. He said that
disapproval of the plan had just about put him out
of business, that he could locate the road so that
it was 30 feet from the old Burgoyne house and cut
down the road grade.to 10%. However, he said that
Mr. Gayer thought that a 12% grade in this case
was preferable to one of 10%.
It was pointed out to Mr. Moore that the Board
would not approve a dead end street of the length
proposed particularly when the portion farthest
from the point of egress was on a steep grade and
on the other side of a hill. Mr. Moore reported
that there was a possibility Mr. Taisey might sell
his home and all his land which abuts on the Bur-
goyne property so that Mr. Moore might obtain a
second means of egress for his subdivision. The
Board suggested that Mr. Moore develop one half of
his proposed subdivision and enter into negotiations
1 ater with Mr. Taisey for a second egress,outl
through the latter's land.
Mr. Moore left the meeting at 11:10 P.M. at '
which time the secretary was dismissed for the
evening. The Board then reviewed two Form A ap-
plications for determinations of Planning Board
FORMS A jurisdictions and endorsed the following plans:
#56-7, submitted on February 6, 1956 by
Harvey Newgent; plan entitled "Plan of Land in
Section Two - Robinson Hill, Lexington, Mass.,
owned by Harvey W. and Jean P. Newgent," Scale:
1" = 4010 dated Jan. 30, 1956.
#56-8, submitted on February 6, 1956 by
Carmelo Galvagna; plan entitled Plan of Land in
Lexington, Mass.," Scale: 1" = 30t, dated Jan. 9,
191.8, Miller and Nylander, C. E.'s & Surveyors,
Lexington, Mass.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M.
rles T. Abbott