HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-14PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 14, 1955 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 14, 1955 at 7:35,P•M• Chairman Adams, Messrs. Abbott, Grindle, Hathaway and Jaquith were present as were Mr. Snow, Planning Director, and the decretary. Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, and Mr. Burns, Superintendent of Public 'Norks, were present from 8:50 to 9:15 P.M. It was moved by Mr. Hathaway, seconded by Mr. MINUTES OF Grindle and unanimously voted that the mint<tes of the OCTOBER 10 meeting of October 10, 1955 be approved. The following bills were presented for payment: Adams Press, for advertising Dianne Estates and Wat- BILLS son Realty Trust subdivision hearings on November 10 - ' $8.75; Allen Benjamin, for consultation on planning - $L0.00. Mr. Grindle moved, Mr. Hathaway seconded the motion and it was voted, Mr. Adams not voting, that the bills be approved as presented. The Board took under consideration the following FORM A application for determination of planning board juris- diction: #55-87s submitted on November 9,'1955 by David A. and Margaret F. Lavender, Paul J. McCormack, attorney; tracing entitled "Plan of_Land in Lexington, Mass.,"' d Scale " = 30t, dated Oct. 15, 1955, Miller and Nylander, C. E.ts & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass, Mr. Jaquith moved, Mr. Grindle seconded the motion and it was unanimously VOTED: that the plan accompanying application #55-87 be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision control law", Detailed specifications for reprinting the Lexington Zoning By -Law were discussed. It was decided to keep REPRINTING ' the present 6" x 9" page size, have the copy typed five ZONING lines to an inch with justified right-hand margin and BY-LAW reduced to 85% original size for offset reproduction, I and to use a cover of 65# stock. The Board antared into a discussion of Worthen WORTREN Road. It was understood that the States present ROAD plans for mkking Route 2 a limited access highway called for interchanges in Lexington only at Water- town and Waltham Streets and Route 128. On the basis that Worthen Road would no longer have any access onto Route 2 it was thought that the whole matter required an intensive study. It was hoped that Mr. Johnson, engineer in charge of location work for the State, would attend soon a meeting with the Board and discuss the problems involved. It was also thought that it might be wise to employ a consultant especially versed in such problems to study the Worthen'Road project in relation to the Route 2 proposal. In view of the fact that the capital outlay for Worthen Road could easily amount to a million dollars, the Board felt that it was proper to invest several hundred dollars in a study to be sure that the project is feasible in all its aspects. Mr. Burns and Mr. Stevens arrived at the meeting at 8:50 P.M. and entered into the discussion. Mr: ' Snow stated that he -was assembling all'pertineht data on the problem — traffic flow, future population den- sity by neighborhoods, proposed trunk line sewer lo- cations, etc. It was decided that as soon as he had obtained further information on original -destination counts and had completed his study for a major street plan, the Board would discuss the Worthen Road pro jeet in detail. Mr. Burns left the meeting at 9315 P.M. and'Mr. Stevens shortly thereafter. HISTORIC The Board -then discussed in detail a partial DISTRICTS draft prepared by Mr. Jaquith of proposed historic LEGISLATION districts legislation for Lexington. The meeting adjourned at 10;20 P.M. Charles T. Abbott Clerk 1