HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-06' PLANNING BOARD MEETING
September 6, 1955
A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held
in the Town Engineerts Room, Town Office Building, on
Tuesday, September 6, 1955 at 7:37 P.M. Chairman
Adams, Messrs.Grindle, Irwin, Jaquith and Hathaway
were'present as was also Mr. Snow, Planning Direetorp
Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 8:30 to
9:05 P.M.
Mr. Hathaway moved that Mr. Irwin be elected
clerk pro tem. Mr. Grindle seconded the motion and
it was unanimously voted.
The Board took under consideration the following
applications for determination of planning board juris-
sEc. 8
#55-67, submitted on August 23, IL955 by William
"0& Effie S. Lyon; tracing entitled "Plan of Land in
.Lexington, Mass.", Scale 40 feet to an inch, August 5,
1955# Robert H. Dunning, Surveying & Drafting, 2 Dow
Ave., Arlington, Mass. It was moved by Mr. Irwin,
seconded by Mr. Grindle and unanimously
VOTEDL that the plan be signed bearing the en-
dorsement "Lexington Planning Board ap-
proval not required under subdivision
control law".
#55-689 submitted on September 6, 1955 by Robert
L. and W. H. Lyon; tracing entitled "A Subdivision of
Land Court Case No. 1587h, Land in Lexington, Mass."',
Scale l* = h0f, dated July 27, 1955, Miller & Nylander,
C'. E.ts & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass.
The application stated that the plan submitted
was not -a subdivision because it was drawn only to
correct the last land court plan which did not show
a right of way to the parcel involved. The Board
could not find a plan on file which showed that there
was a right of way in existence to the extent indi-
eated, and did not know whether or not a right of way
was'being created. It was decided to hold the plan for
further investigation, Mr. Snow being asked to tele-
phone Mr. Anderson of the Land Registry Office for in-
formation concerning the right of way.
At 8:15 P.M. Mr. George DeVries appeared before
the Board to discuss the status of the subdivision
sEc. 8
plan entitled "Section Eight of Sun Valley, Lexington, '
Masse Mr. DeVries was shown the Board's plan for a
connection between Appletree Lane and Tyler Road,
agreeing to the inclusion of this addition to the
definitive plan if he did not have to build the road.
He understood that he would lose Lat 152 as a building
lot because it did not have the.required frontage on
Tyler Road.
Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at 8:30 P.M. and
`entered into the discussion concerning the subdivi-
sion plan. He suggested showing the road as a par -
eel, the DeVries Construction Company granting the
Town rights in said parcel. This Mr. DeVries agreed
to do. Then Mr. Hathaway moved, Mr. Irwin seconded
the motion and it was unanimously'
VOTED: "That the definitive subdivision plan
entitled 'Section Eight of Siin Valley,
Lexington, Mass., Owned by DeVries Con-
struction Co., Inc.,' dated June 23, 1955
which was submitted to the Board by DeVries
Construction Co., Inc. on July 25, 1955,
accompanied by an application for approval '
pf definitive plan, Form C, dated July 139
1955, be and hereby is approved subject to
the modification that a parcel with a
width of �O feet be provided for future
use as a way northwesterly between Lots
151 and 152 on said plan from Tyler Road
to land now or formerly of Howard M.
Munroe, the modification having been
accepted by the subdivider as shown on
a sketch plan on file in the office of
the Planning Board, entitled 'Proposed
Connection between Tyler Road and Apple
tree Lane' and dated September 6, 1955.*
Mr. DeVries left the meeting at 9:00 P.M. and Mr.
Stevens shortly thereafter.
Preliminary plans for the proposed Lidberg sub-
LIDBERQ division were then studied, Mr. Snow summarizing the
PRELIMINARY conferences he and Mr., Burns had together with Mr.
SUBDIVISION Jones of Henry F. Bryant and Son, civil engineers.
PLAN It was pointed out to Mr. Jones that, while the plans
satisfied the minimum requirements of the Board, the
overall scheme, had not been studied in enough det4il
by his concern ror it to be sure the drainage and '
sewerage design, as schematically outlined, would
At 9:30, it was moved by Mr. Grindle, seconded
by Mr. Irwin, and voted, Mr. Adams not voting, that
the following bills submitted for payment be approved:
Adams Preas, for advertising subdivision hearings
$7.50; Samuel P. Snow, reimbursement for floor
matting for Planning Board drafting room - $6.09;
Foto Beam, Inc., for white prints of Block Plan ad- BILLS
ditions - $6.22; John C. Litchenberg, for.services
revising Population Map - $43.88; Paul C. Killam,
professional services charged against Master Plan
studies - $130.00; Robert L. Higgins, professional
services charged against Block Plan revision - $150.00.
work. Mr. Jones was shown a number of instances
where street profiles would have to be modified to
provide minimum grades for sewers and drains. He
was also informed that Mr. Burns would not accept
the plans without the following statement written
upon them: *Preliminary plan accepted by Town En-
gineer on the basis that the plan is understood to be
preliminary only and extensive changes will be neces-
sary in street, drainage and sewerage design and lay-
out for acdeptance of final plan." Mr. Jones so in-
formed Mr. Lidberg of this fact in a letter, sending
a copy of the same to Mr. Burns and the Planning
Board. The Chairman read this letter to the Board
whereupon it was moved by Mr. Jaquith, seconded by
Mr. Hathaway and unanimously
VOTED: "That the preliminary subdivision plan
entitled 'Plan of Land on Adams Street,
Lexington, Mass., owned by Chester and
Adella Lidbergl, dated August 122 19559
drawn by Henry F. Bryant & Son, Inc.,
submitted August 17, 3,955 together with
application on Form B dated August 17,
1955 be and hereby is approved subject
to the following modifications and con-
ditionss (a) Street No. 7 be relocated
as drawn in pencil on print of said plan
on file in the Planning Board office,
copy of said modified plan to be sent
to subdivider; (b) Preliminary plan ac-
cepted by Town Engineer on the basis
that the, plan is understood to be pre-
liminary only and extensive changes will
be necessary in street, drainage and
sewerage design and layout for accep-
tance of final plan&*
At 9:30, it was moved by Mr. Grindle, seconded
by Mr. Irwin, and voted, Mr. Adams not voting, that
the following bills submitted for payment be approved:
Adams Preas, for advertising subdivision hearings
$7.50; Samuel P. Snow, reimbursement for floor
matting for Planning Board drafting room - $6.09;
Foto Beam, Inc., for white prints of Block Plan ad- BILLS
ditions - $6.22; John C. Litchenberg, for.services
revising Population Map - $43.88; Paul C. Killam,
professional services charged against Master Plan
studies - $130.00; Robert L. Higgins, professional
services charged against Block Plan revision - $150.00.
At 9:40 P.Mthe Chairman read the Board of
BOARD OF Appeals notices for hearings to be held on Septem-
APPEALS ber 13, 7955• It was decided that the Board would
NOTICES: take no action on the petitions to be heard.
The Board next considered the application of
VINE VALLEY Vine Valley Realty Corp. for recision by the Board of
REALTY CORP. its approval of the subdivision plan to which refer -
RECISION ence°is hereinafter made, a public hearing on said
application having been duly, held on August 8, 1955•,
Upon consideration thereof Mr. Hathaway moved, Mr.
Grindle seconded and the following votes were adopted:
VOTED: "That the -approval by the Planning Board
of a subdivision plan consisting of two
plats entitled respectively ?Title of Sub-
division Grant Street Extension, Plan of
Land in Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in. =
40 ft., July 10, 1953, Fred A. Joyce,
Surveyor, Belmont, Pass.? and ?Title of
Sub -division Grant Street Extension, Plan
and Profile Grant Street, Lexington, Mass.,
Scales Hor, lm = 401, Ver. 1* = b?, June
10, 19541, which plan as approved was re-
corded in Middlesex SoUth District Regis-
try of Deeds as Plan No. 2053 of 11954
in Book 8379 End, be and hereby is res -
VOTED: "That the sub -division agreement entered
into by Vine Valley Realty Corp. with the
Town of Lexington dated October 25, 1954
in reference to the sub -division plan re-
ferred to in the preceding vote be can-
celled and that the surety company bond
securing said agreement executed by said
corporation and the Fidelity and Deposit
Company of Maryland be returned to said
The Board likewise considered the matter of re-
TECHBUILT, cision by the Board of its approval of the sub -division
INC. RECISION plan to which reference is hereinafter made on which
a public hearing was held by the Board on August 22,
1955• Upon consideration thereof, Mr. Jaquith moved,
Mr. Irwin seconded the motion and the following votes
were unanimously adopted;
VOTED: "That the approval by the Planning
Board of a sub -division plan consisting
of two plats entitled respectively,
' 'Plan of Lots in Lexington, Dass.,
owned by James A. Carrig, 1374 Mass.
Avenue, Cambridge, Deed Recorded Mid-
dlesex Bk. ?767, Pg. 1259 Scale 1* =
401, October 30, 31953, Albert A. Miller,
Wilbur C. Nylander, Civil Engrs. & Sur-
veyors, Lexington, Mass.t, and tPlan
and Profile of Blanchard Road, Lexington,
Mass, Scales Hor. 1" = 40t, Vert. 1" - b',
October 30, 1953, Albert A. Miller, Wilbur-.
C. Nylander, -Civil Engrs. & Surveyors,
Lexington, Mass.', which plan as approved
was recorded in Middlesex South District
Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 131 of 1955
in Book 8403, Page 71, be and hereby is
VOTED: *.ghat the sub=division agreement entered
into by Techbuilt, Inc. with the Town of
Lexington dated January 24, 1955 in ref-
erence to the sub -division plan referred
to in the preceding vote be cancelled
and that the surety company bond securing
said agreement executed by said corporation
and the New Amsterdam Casualty Company be
returned to said corporation.
The Chairman next read the following letter which
had been composed for the Board's action. Mr. Hathaway
moved, Mr. Grindle seconded the motion and it was un- LETTER TO
animously voted that the letter be sent to the Board SELECTMEN
of Selectmen. RE TAX TITLE
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building
Lexington 73, Mass,
As part of an overall comprehensive plan for the Town,
this Board now has in preparation a long-range park and
recreation plan in which there will be recommendations
for the acquisition of land for additional recreational
facilities. Some of these recommendations may very well
include tax title and other properties owned by the Town.
If the Board of Selectmen believe such a procedure would
be in the best interests of the Town, the Planning Board
recommends the adoption of the following procedure*. That
' before the Board of Selectmen approve the sale of any
town land, the Planning Board have the opportunity to
make recommendations for the retention of such land '
in town ownership should the Planning Board consider
the property in question adaptable for recreational
Sincerely yours,
by Alan G. Adams, Chairman
PELHAM ROAD As the final item of business the'Chairman suggested
RELOCATION the possibility of relocating the intersection of Pelham
Road with Massachusetts Avenue. The present entrance of
the road onto the avenue is completely blind but could be
relocated several hundred feet toward Marrett Road across
what is now vacant land. The Board asked Ar. Snow to
discuss the matter with Mr. Burns and to make a study
of such a relocation.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Donald K. Irwin
Clerk, Pro tem '