HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-22' PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 22, 1955 A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held inthe Town Engineer's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, August 222 1955 at 7:50 P -M- Chairman Adams, Messrs- Grindle, Irwin and Jaquith were present as was Mr. Snow, Planning Director, Mr, Stevens, Town Counsel, was present from 9:00 to lOsO5.P-M- . Hearing opened on recision of approval of Blan- chard Road subdivision, formerly owned by Techbuilt, Inc. and recently taken by right of eminent domain by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. No one ap- peared at the hearing which had been duly advertised and Yh ich was held by the Board on its own initiative. The Board had no questions but decided to take the matter under advisement. The hearing was declared closed. ' At 7:55 hearing was opened on the petition of Dianne Estates,, Inc..for approval of a subdivision connecting previously approved sections of Ledge - lawn Avenue, Mr. Gerard P. Friel, President of the corporation, appeared for the petitioner. Mr- and Mrs. Harry F. Clark, Mrs, F. W. Greenough and Mrs. Charles A. Pickett respectively of 59, 60 and 66 Ledgelawn Avenue also were present. It was determined that there were only two new lots to the subdivision, one on each side of the 141 -foot street connecting the other sections of Ledgelawn Avenue. The questions were raised as to whether or not the proposed section would connect the streets pavement and otherwise, and if any com- munications had been received from the west side of Ledgelawn Avenue., It was pointed out that Mr. Friel had purchased portions of lots from abutting prop- erty owners on the west side of his project to make the connection between subdivisions, that the pave- ment of all sections of Ledgelawn Avenue would be connected, and that the, Board had received no com- munication from the western section of Ledgelawn Avenue in regard to the present petition for ap- proval. There being no more questions, the Chairman ' asked if anyone was in favor of the petition, All those present were in favor, Mrs. Clark qualifying her assent with the statement that she was in favor RECISION OF APPROVAL BLANCHARD RI SUBDIVISION LEDGELAWN AVENUE EXTENSION DIANNE ESTATES,INC. only as she was sure that the street would all be I paved. She was assured that this would be done. The Board indicated that it would approve the plans as soon as Mr, Friel brought in his bond for the estimated cost of the work to be done. Mr. Friel stated that he would file a performance bond with the Town Treasurer. The hearing was then de- clared closed at 8:15 P.M. The Board next took under consideration for an MILLBROOK RD, informal opinion a sketch of a proposed plan for ex - EXTENSION tending Millbrook Road and submitted by DiCarlo Bros,, Inc. of Newton. Mr. Snow presented as an alternate proposal, a scheme which would fit into the overall study previously prepared for the entire area bounded by Burlington, North and Adams Streets and Coolidge Avenue, would have an additonal lot and 900 feet less road than the DiCarlo proposal. It was pointed out that Mr. Fogg now owned the abutt- ing Bolter property fronting on North Street and was willing to make property line readjustments so that a desirable street entrances onto North Street could be made northwest of his property instead of south- east of it. The Board decided to recommend Mr. Snow's proposal and requested him to notify DiCarlo Bros., Inc. of the Board's decision, ' At 8::25 the Board examined the Lidberg ap- LIDBERG plication,submitted August i7, 1955 for the tenta- PRELIMINARY tive approval of his revised preliminary subdivision SUBDIVISION plans. Mr. Snow stated that he told Mr.•Lidberg that PLAN the Board m uld•study the plans and have an answer for him on its next meeting which was scheduled for September 6, The Board took the plans under advise- ment and asked Mr. Snow to have a report ready for a action at its next meeting. At 8:30 P.M. the Board took under consideration PI11EFIELD the July 5, 1955 petition of Messrs. Johnson and PATH Small in regard to Pinefield Pathe The Chairman read a draft Mr. Stevens had prepared as a suggested reply which stated that in the opinion of the Planning Board a subdivision plan would be required for a housing development on that path, and that the so-called path is not a town or public way, and that if it is a pri- vate way, then it does not meet the requirements of a "way"under the subdivision control law. The draft further read that the Board had viewed the property, found that the path was not readily passable for vehicles, and thus did not meet the physical require- ' 1 1 D meets of being adequate for access for vehicular traf- fic. Expressing the opinion that this letter was of the proper content and form, the Board requested that a,final copy be typed and, sent to each petitioner in- dividually and authorized the Chairman -to sign it in the name of the Board. At 8:50 the Board examined the final study it requested of Mr. Snow at its previous meeting'showing SUN VALLEY a bonhection between Appletree Lane and Tyler Road as SEC. 8 shown on the '*Section Eight of Sun Valleyw subdivi- sion plan. The Board decided to recommend the con- nection as drawn and requested Mr. Snow to give a copy of the drawing to Mr. DeVries to incorporate in the definitive plan of Section 8. Mr. Stevens came to the meeting at 9:00 P.Me at Min Man, which time he discussed with the Board the matters, � hLln& as they stood, in regard to Mre Carrig's bubdivision "Minute Man Highlands, Section 4 W It was -the con - census of opinion that Mr. Stevens should prepare a cbnditional approval contract wherein Mr, Carrig would be obligated to complete all the streets in- cluding water mains, drains, etc. except Wothen Road and could not sell "any lots in the subdivision until somebody built said road. It was pointed out that without Worthen Road which intersects Pleasant Street there is no access to the rest of the proposed subdivision. Therefore, Mr. Carrig would have to build Worthen Road, if not to finished grade, at least to subgrade. In addition, he would have to install a water line in the road to connect with the Pleasant' Street main in order to have water lines in the remainder of the subdivision. It was further noted that, if the Board agreed that Mre Carrig would only have to construct Wofthen Road to subgrade, it was committing the Town to building the rest of the road. The Board either had to do that or it would have to try to have the developer assume the cost of the whole road, an obligation which was con- sidered extreme. It was also felt that Mr. Carrigle lawyer might advise his client to accept such as first outlined above, never to make a'move toward construct- ing the road, and at a later date - when the filed plan had to be considered - be entitled to damages. At 10;00 P.M. the Board took under eonsideration the following applications for determination of FORM A'S planning board jurisdictions. #55-64, submitted by James A. Carrig on August "' 8, 2955; tracing entitled Subdivision of Land.'GoUrt Case No. 23539, Land in Lexington, Mass."', Scale 1"` = 40t, dated Aug. ho 1955, Miller and Nylander, C. E.ta & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. #55-65, submitted by Jame's A. Carrig on August 89 1955; tracing entitled ~Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 23539, Land in Lexington, Mass.a', Seale 1" 40', dated Aug. 8, 1955, Miller and N,ylander, C. E.la & Surveyors, Lexington, Mass. It was moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Mr. Jaquith and unanimously VOTED: that the plans accompanying appli- cations #55-64 and'#55-65 be signed bearing the endorsement *Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision control law".' #55-66, submitted on August 18, 1955 by Middle - by Realty Trust; tracing entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.,* Scale: l'in. = 50 ft., dated Aug. 1, 1.955, Fred 4. Joyce - Surveyor, Belmont, MoLas. It was pointed out that some lots did not have the required frontage on a street. Accordingly, it was moved by Mr. Jaquith, seconded by Mr. Grindle' ' and unanimously VOTED: that the plan be endorsed '"Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision control law* and thAt a note be added to the plan as follo%vs: "'Lots containin the areas of 16,889, 21,6hl and 15,8}2 square feet,respec- tively, have less than the minimum frontage required under the Lexington Zoning By -Laws". Mr. Stevens left the meeting at 10:05 P.M. BOARD OF The Board of Appeals notices were read for APPEALS hearings to be held on August 30, Il955• It was de - NOTICES tided that the Board would take no action on the petitions to be heard. At 10:10 the Chairman read the following bills BILLS submitted for payment: John F. Murphy, 35 State Street, Boston - $3475*00 for consultation and ap- praisal services in connection with -the proposed municipal parking area; Paul C. Killsm - $65.00 for professional services in: connection with the Boards ' land use studies. It was moved by Mr. Grindley seconded by Air. Irwin and unanimously VOTED; that the bills be paid as.read The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M - Alan G. Adams Chairman C�