HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-07Planning Board Meeting Monday, ftbruary 7, 1955 Present: Adams, Gri.ndle, Hathaway, Irwin, dagvith, Ripley - Snow, The Board met with the Board of Selectmen and Appropriation Cam- mittee from.7:30 until 8 91clock. DeVries Construction Co., Inc. A public hearing was held at 8:00 ololoc application for ap. proval as a subdivision the property of DeVries Construction Co., known as Section IP, Sun Valley, extension of Fiske Road from Fairlawn Lane to Winchester Drive. Mr. George DeVries was present as petitioner, No objections. On motion of Mr, Hathaway, seconded by Mr. Irwin, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Beard will approve this subdivision as socn a s the bond submitted to the Board by Mr, DtieVries is ap- proved by Mr. Stevens. h Crosby Road Mr. Robert Hunter.,. Chairman of the .Elementary Schools Facili- ties Committee, was present for a discussion relative to the matter of Crosby Road, Mr, Paul:'Palmer was not present, but had previously indi- cated to a member of the P'lau Ang Board that he had been told the two lots could not be built upon because of a water condition and his com- mittee did not feel the expenditure of $6000 would be warranted. Mr, Hunter, however, would like to see the town purchase these two lots in order that it might be protected from future building of houses facing the school. It was the decision of the Planning Board that it would go on record at town meeting as being apposed to.the acceptance of Crosby Road and in favor of the purchase of the two lots. MacNeil Mr. Norman May vas present ]representing John and Doris A. Mae. Neil with a plan showing apiece of land owned by the Boston & Maine Railroad which they wished to purchase, and which adjoined a lot owned by them. The MacNeils wished endorsement of the plan by the Plaming Board with the warding "Approval not required under the subdivisions control law." It is thought that the division of this parcel of land upon which the Railroad station is situated is in violation of Sec. 8 (a), subparagraph 3-d, which requires a 15 ft -side yard on lots hav- ing a frontage of 100 ft. or more, Furthermore, these two lots are in different zones, the original MacNeil lot being in business zone and the new lot in Ra.. Mr, May stated that Mr, !MacNeil wished this lot only as a protection to his business -lot so that if a building were placed close to the lot line there would be a guarantee of light and air, since the new lot would not be large enough to be built upon. Mr. .May further stated that he did not believe it was necessary to have Planning Board approval and that the Boston & Maine could convey the title anyway. The Board did not feel that it wished to sign the plan without further investigation by Mr. Stevens and the matter will be turned over to him. Bills Foto -Beam, paints, $2,17. Adams Press for publishing hearingst Buse, $3.75; Devries, $5.00; Boston Edison, #3.75; total $11.250 Unani- mously voted the bills be paid, Mr. Adams not voting. Form Ae Application #55-33, presented by Lloyd T. Bayliss, "Subdivision of and Coa Lct Pian No. 16660, Land in Lexington, Mass.", scale 1" - 40', Feb. 5, 1955. -fie' & Nylander, C.E.'s. W. Hathaway acted, Mr. Jaquith seconded and -it was unan3a00917 VOTED: that the above plan be endorsed "Lexington Planning'Board approval not required under subdivision control law," Techbuilt, Inc. Farm B, application for tentative approval submitted with plan dated Jan, 290 1955, Miller & Nylander, C.B.ts, land formerly known as Corrigan property and bounded in part by Robdstson Road and Route 128. The plans were turned over to Mr, Snow f6r study.. Colonial Acres - Peacock Farm ' Letters dated February 7, 1955, were received from Mr. Barns rela— tive tp the completion of work to the satisfaction of the -Department of Pub— lic Works in the Colonial Acres and Peacock Farms, Sec. I, subdivisions. These letters were given to Mr. Snow to arrange with Mr. Stevens for the preparation of conveyances of utilities and easements to the Team by the subdividers. Grw#e St. Recreation Request on motion of Mr. Hathaway, seconded by Mr. Ripley, and unanimously voted, the petition signed by John E, Ward and others was turned over to Mr, Snow for further study, Hearing - The boundary of the area deemed affected for notification of public hearing on petition for zoning change of the old Bastian property was set as follows: both sides of flarrett Road from Wilson Road to Massachusetts Avenue, both sides of Massachusetts Avenue from marrett Road to Fairview Avenue, both sides of Fairview Avenge, both sides of Wood Street to Patter- son Road, a straight line from Patterson Road to Ross Road, both sides of Ross Road, both sides of Paul Revere Road from Ross Road to Massachusetts Avenue; both sides of Massachusetts Avenue from Paul Revere Road to School Street, both sides of School Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Roosevelt ' Road, both'sidesof Roosevelt and Wifson Roads to the point of beginning. 2/7/55 - #2 Hear-_Uxtuaton Estates Trust The Board received a petition from Lexington Estates Tract for a rezoning of a portion of the Ryder Estate from an R-1 to an A-1 dis• tract. The Town Clerk having certified that 101 signatures on the peti•. tion were registered voters, the Hoard tentatively set February 28 at 8 p.m* as the time for the hearing. It was further decided that because of the number of abettors to be notified and the length of the petition to be printed that a fee of $30.00 be established to defray the neces- sary costs, any additional expense to be honed the Trost. Mr. Snow was asked to notify Mr, Tropeano of the Hoard's decision and to find out if February 28 is a satisfactory date for him for the hearing. The bovndary of the area deemed affected for notification of the public hearing for zoning change was set as follows: both sides of Win- throp Road from Sherburne Road to Waltham Street, both sides of Waltham Street from Winthrop Road to Grapevine Avenve, both sides of Grapevine Avenue, both sides of Kendall Road from Grapevine Avenue northeasterly to the brook, thence in a straight line to the and of Sherburne Road, thence along westerly side of Sherborne Road to Wintbrop Road. Hearing - Reiss Associates, Inc. ' It was decided to hold on March 3 at 8 poet, a public hearing in Istahrook Hall for the purpose of proposed changes in zoning and in the Lexington Zoning Hy -Saw. At the request of the Selectmen, it was proposed to add an area to the M-1 district on the Bedford street side of the railroad right-of- way so that the new northeasterly boundary of the M-1 district would be a line 500 ft, distant from the sonthnsterly side of Bedford Street and parallel thereto. It was also proposed to place in the warrant for the Totm Mcst- ing an article which would amend Sec. 5 (f) of the Zoning By --law and which would require that any light manufacturing will be allowed in an M-1 zone only upon permission from the Hoard of Appeals. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 pone W %►, Wilbur M. Jaquith, Clerk 1 lab